Real Love to Lemmy – 658 points –

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A pig didn't say they would die for you. It was murdered against its will and then you paid the killer to kill more.

Unlike you, I am familiar with the pig government and we actually have an agreement that we eat their death row inmates. Crime has never been so delicious.

Okay but actually they grow up in cages and never see daylight. Their tails cut off without anaesthetic.

So yeh.

You're buying from the wrong farmer. Family farmers care a lot more about their animals than factory farms. Just another reason to buy local.

It is a strange way to care about someone by sending them to death. I wouldn't leave this people rise children. Or pigs. Or any other individual.

No pigs go "oink" silly or when they're scared they go "SSSSSSQQQQQQQEEEEEEEE-SSSSSSQQQQEEEEE-SSSSQQQQEEEEEE"

If a pig had the chance he'd eat you and everyone you care about.


Are you telling me that you eatpork as some sort of... preemptive revenge? Because even in a hypothetical universe where pigs are top of the food chain, it would still be wrong to imprison and kill them. Which is why doing this to tiger/lion/bear would also be wrong in our universe.

Weird comeback.

You must be great at parties(unless they're serving pigs in a blanket, obvs)

  1. I truly AM great at parties. I'm loud, funny, cute and get REAL drunk. What's not to love?

  2. lol personal insults means you know your argument sucks

  3. Seitan pigs in a blanket are flippin' great. I literally serve that at parties. šŸ˜‚

Iā€™d kill it myself for the goddamn delicious goodness

almost no one has paid for a pig to be killed

It's called 'buying pork'. They don't kill them for fun and just happen to sell them afterwards.

when you buy pork, the person who killed the pig has already been paid.

That's just useless semantics, neither funny nor clever. The pig you bought may be dead, but the money you pay will be used to raise and kill other pigs.

it's not semantics

It absolutely is. If you eat pork, you indirectly pay for pigs to be slaughtered. Full stop.

the pig was slaughtered in the past, before I walked into the store or decided what I'm eating this week. everyone involved was paid before all that, too.

They wouldn't kill, or even raise the pig if they didn't count on the money down the chain. We indirectly but surely pay for pigs to be created / killed, for our consumption.

It's fine if you don't care about that or accept it as your standards, that's your choice and fair in our current social context. Just realize the economics behind it.

all those people are paid before I even decide whether I'm going to buy bacon.

Yes, but they only pay those people if they expect to make a profit by selling the end product to you. You are one of the people who make it worthwhile to set up a chain of payments like that.

If they do not expect you (or other people) to buy the meat, they won't pay those people to raise / kill the pigs.

Whether it's you this time or someone else doesn't matter. As long as there is a demand by end consumers they will continue. If no-one buys it they stop, it's that simple.

You're part of the group that enables this dynamic and your money goes to paying those people. It's fine if you like meat, just don't deny this basic logic.

If no-one buys it they stop, it's that simple.

I'm confident that pigs were slaughtered before the invention of money.

They would stop doing it commercially. You are free to kill a pig and eat it, so are other people. Or trade it, but that's again economics.

Mass production of meat is a luxury that would never have this scale if people had to find, raise and slaughter pigs themselves.

You supporting mass production of meat is paying to raise, kill and consume pigs. Which is still fine in our society, just see it as it is.

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If they do not expect you (or other people) to buy the meat, they won't pay those people to raise / kill the pigs.

I'm not responsible for managing other people's expectations.

No you're not, but to dismiss that your actions still have influence on other people/systems is short-sighted.

Once more, it's fine if you eat meat. You don't have to consciously manage other people's expectations. But just know that you automatically do. Buying meat is supporting the future production of meat, that's all.

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And with wat money? Your money and everyone else's that buys meat. Not that it matters though, I'll keep eating my meat.

money can't travel back in time.

No it doesn't. But money does allow them to keep going...

they are paid before the bacon enters the store

Yeah, by everyone that buys meat. It's simple. If we all stop buying it now they're gonna run out and stop producing meat. The meat you buy today pays the meat that enters the store later.

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It's actually irrelevant whether or not you buy a product made from slave labour, the product is already made! How much product is made is completely independent of how much gets purchased, because that's how markets work!

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Assuming what I think you're assuming, now I want to hear this story of pig assassination.

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