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Just anecdotally from my own life, they become more like thinking back to a dream you had last night. There is a knowledge of, or a familiarity with the emotions, but a lack of definite certainty about the content. You know it's yours, you know what it meant, you know what you experienced, but without reality to guide you and only through memory. When you do experience the guidance of reality, through songs, words, sights, smells, then the clarity/intensity can also come back. And that doesn't fade or I wouldn't use that word, you can get so familiar to it that it isn't carrying the weight it once did. Loss feels like loss, shame like shame, love like love... It's not that it fades into nothing, or that the quality of it diminishes. It's more that you bought a summer coat but it's winter now, it's not needed anymore. Still beautiful, still wearable, still looking good on you, just that it isn't the right thing to wear right now.

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This is already the defacto situation for palestine. It is already recognized by many countries. Treaties have been signed. We've been close to a two state solution in 2007 when PLO was in power. Hamas however is not about being at peace with the situation and aims at the dismantling of Israel. It wants an Islamic state from the east to the west. At multiple occasions has it sabotaged a two state solution through violence. Hamas is everything but stable, it is an Islamic extremist faction. The threat of hamas/isis has put religious extremist nationalist factions into power in Israel also fueled by people with a religious conviction. Just that the land of the palestinians belongs to the jews. They are not particularly interested in peaceful coexistence as seperate countries either.

I think most people have given up hope of a two state solution. It looks further away than ever.

I've been seeing this headline for more than twenty years.

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There is nothing wrong with protecting your sanity. Why would you want to be exposed to vile nonsense, you're not going to read breitbart forums in your spare time are you? Like... You're the only one looking out for you online. The platforms are just trying to turn your participation into profit.

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There was no real indication for the scope and intensity of the hamas attacks. Based on US and Israeli Intel. There were some kind of warning signs, but nothing pointing to this ferocity. I think fighters got far further than they could dream of, and the severity of the response is a direct reaction to the failure of the isreali army to see and stop the attack. It's difficult to believe that the kremlin had more and better information to know that an attack would lead to war on the scale we see today. And I'm willing to believe that Russia sees benefits in arming hamas through the lens of geopolitics, they aren't controlling the actions of hamas in any meaningful way, I certainly don't believe that.

Putin is just taking advantage and is absolutely never harmed by being seen as some kind of geopolitical mastermind. He isn't.

Inaction. Like everywhere else, a lot of things go wrong but aren't acted upon for too long because of political impotence or incompetence. Which paves the way for populist sentiment. Netherlands now has a housing crisis, a nitrogen crisis, employment shortage and then there is global warming, inflation and war in Europe.

Things we knew were coming and the sole reason the government didn't do anything was because of the neoliberal idea that the market will solve all problems through the magic of capitalism. This has been true for the past 3 decennia now.

Our saving grace is the EU and many policies and money coming in has been touted as solutions offered by a lot of populist in the east of the EU. Giving them an air of legitimacy. But of course the EU is also the entity that has been spreading the neoliberal ideals and open markets, a single coin. So easy to paint the EU with negative side effects as a boogeyman. Just don't mention the positive and don't offer solutions.

The problem is that far-right populist never have solutions because they see most of the problems coming from within a corruption of culture. So they often ignore fundamental systemic solutions because they are themselves functioning because of the system they are in. Fixing things is directly undermining their right of existence. So a feedback loop is inherently present.

Once you're in it's extremely difficult to get out.

"Sell it to who Ben? Fucking aquaman?"

It's a reference to an attitude that is prevalent in conspiracy fantasy circles. It's a deflection of ownership of ideas to lend them more credibility, it's not actually about researching anything. There is no discussion about research conclusions or facts. there is discussion, but it's the exact opposite of research, it looks like, what questions give the right answers and how to connect the conclusions to the data. What they mean by saying 'research' isn't what it actually means. Conspiracy fantasy wants you to stumble upon coincidences to lure you into their worldview.

It's considered a positional stalemate, and that is politically advantageous for Russia. Both parties have been able to set up considerable defensive positions, making progress extremely costly. Both parties are still fighting for progress nonetheless, where Russia has the most trouble achieving it and Ukrainian forces are making small gains (field by field) on a consistent basis. But knowing that the frontlinie is many miles deep and there is intense trench warfare to make a few yards progress... There will be no swift or decisive victory on either side.

Putin has most of his followers convinced that he is fighting nato backed nazis. So even when Russian war tactics are brutally inefficient and the losses in personell and equipment are enormous, there is little internal political backlash. Internationally the conflict is seen as a regional dispute. Since Ukraine isn't a part of a large international alliance. Western sanctions on Russia aren't as impact full as they could have been.

It's looking likely that the war in Ukraine is going to last a very long time. With guerilla attacks on Russian territory becoming more likely and higher in frequency. Russia doesn't have the equipment left for large scale invasions, doesn't have the money to create meaningful reserves. And the kremlin needs defensive power in other places along its border.

European and western sentiment is that Putin will not stop until the old ussr borders are back under his control. And being securely and unquestionably positioned as world superpower.

Get fatigue mask.

Work out until completely destroyed

Put on mask

Wake up refreshed

Rinse repeat until I can crush stones between fingers

Dig a lithium mine by hand

Dominate the battery market and develop affordable electric vehicles

Use money to build large tubes

Use personal strength to javalin throw that shit into space

Get obscenely rich

Buy facebook actually make it better

Change name legally to: Fuck you Elon Musk

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That's just you, with intelligence, trying to explain what he, without intelligence, is doing. You're projecting intelligence on him because he won capitalism, and Capitalism wants you to think it's because of merit. It isn't, he's an idiot. Look at the name of his child.... Do you think this is a person with foresight?

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And we're the pawns

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This isn't an airfield. You do not have to announce your departure.

You're missing the fact that an electric car is just electric motors and a battery in a car as well. Those are exceedingly simple to install in other cars and many conversions are happening with tesla motors for example.

There is no difference. The software is what controls the cars nowadays. Single massive screens are in virtually every car now. There is nothing about being electric that makes cars more or less hackable.

That's why we call it a condition though, not a disease. People have a right to make mistakes, right? We can call the consequences of mistakes, conditions. Lung cancer from smoking, a broken arm from mountainbiking, tennis arm from leisure activities. Life choices can lead to conditions, regardless of their perceived healtiness.

It's the only way I can listen to music in my car. I could upgrade, but I don't need to because I have the jack.

Fuck you. Use a reputable source.

Trump was going to be the last one you could laugh at. Now he's only paid lipservice, the void will be filled. From now on forward things are going to get serious.

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It's not "just slung"... The battery fulfills multiple functions as it is part of the chassis. And nobody is "trying" to make it watertight, it is literally engineered that way. We have made things weatersealed since forever, hell even cars just standing outside in wet cold climates won't get wet inside even after decades. Yet we can't make a rigid part of a chassis watertight? You're grasping at straws brother. You have to crash before water gets in.

There is less light during braking instead of more, or brighter.

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This is dumb enlightened centrist bullshit. Leftist socialist never stopped being at war with the bourgeois. We've been telling the maga crowd ten million times that they are voting against their interests, but we can't work together because they are literally fascists and are incapable, literally incapable of doing anything in good faith. In practice what it boils down to is that fighting the bourgeois and fighting conservatives is the same thing. It's not as if fighting maga crowd is keeping the bourgeois out of shot. No, it's all the same, maga is fascism. Fighting maga is what class war looks like.

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No fuck that bullshit. The largest leftist majority is aligned with non-revolutionary socialist democracy... Tankies are actively undermining the largest leftist group by refusing to partake in democracy. And now WE need to stop complaining and work together and not be so pure. Fuck off with this absolute disgrace of a discourse. The group that controls the purity of its members by refusal to partake in progress through democratic means are tankies. They want it all to go down in flames. Their idea of progress is revolutionary uprising.

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Artificial walls? You're literally implying that if you're pro democracy you aren't leftist. You yourself are putting up a wall.

When we ask tankies, in lieu of a communist state, to vote as left as possible, they start foaming at the mouth how cringe lefties voting are... I mean that's a pretty fucking high wall.. How else are we, the general non-revolutionary left, ever going to fucking 'work together'.

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American culture, and I'm generalising, there are a million sub cultures obviously... Emphasises the individual. The American dream of you working hard to get some payoff, is an example. As such there is a lot of cultural pressure to not correct people when you are in conversation, it's more polite and acceptable to play along. Their stupid ideas, their problem.

And that's where Americans (again I'm generalising) are weakest here. Because stupid ideas are everybody's problem. Because once people go off-the-deep-end there is no easy way of getting them back. And a large amount of people involved in conspiracy fantasy is legitimising it.

So no Americans are not more prone to conspiracy fantasy, but American culture does permit fast growth of ideas. MLMs are another example of this. You can use cultural taboos and cultural elements to sell bullshit.

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In teresting

Leftist who want to fix this are by far the largest group of leftist. And there have been multiple successful leftist political victories. You can not get these victories without a considerable amount of leftist and left leaning voting. And it's your discourse that just wants to pretend that nothing can be done, it's too late, Democracy isn't real... That is undermining leftist progress in our current society. And this is the problem, tankies aren't interested in protecting, fixings or saving current society. They want everybody to suffer the breakdown of society in order to hopefully get a revolutionary uprising that magically turns everything into a communist utopia. It's poison and you're injecting it.

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Animals died to get eggs and cheese. Also the animals that are giving milk and eggs will die when they reach a certain age. Also I wouldn't consider being in a cage 24/7, never seeing the sun, a "life" exactly.

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Typical tankie.

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Skirting awfully close to a nazi boycott! Luckily the nazis will probably understand it was freeze peach. They know as no other what it means to disavow.

Musk is playing 3d checkers and saves free speech once again.


I hardly ever play on my mobile, the market of games I enjoy is saturated with 'free games' that you can buy to get rid of the ads. Which however are completely designed around the ads. 'Watch this ad for 30 more gold' , or shit like that. In other words completely and utterly pay to win, because instead of ads you can just pay for the gold with ingame currency that is ridiculously overpriced in relation to what the ad money would have been. And in order to compensate: more ads.

Guess what, I lost joy. We live in a capitalist hellscape. Nowhere is that more clear than in Google play store.

Adhd is not 'loss of control over attention'. It's an executive function disorder.

Meditation isn't 'getting control over attention' it's paying attention to your inner self in order to create a distance between you and your thoughts. It's more about the realisation that you aren't your thoughts, feelings, emotions, but that the real you is having them.

You don't need to be meditating to control your attention.

In order to make the break light visibly stand out from the light bar that goes across the back of the car, they turn off two sections of the bar on the left and right of the centre, leaving a portion of the light bar lighted in the centre.

Normally car manufacturers treat the light bar as a running light, and they add a seperate 'third' brakelight. Clearly at Tesla they didn't want to alter the design, and this weird solution fits the wording of the government mandate. It doesn't fit the spirit, but they got away with it.

And it's ironic because in every other bit of safety, like crash protection, rollover protection. Tesla is a leader in the market, their cars are incredibly safe. Tesla really cares about you when you bought a car, they don't really care about safety in general. Sums up Musks attitude.

I hope you're right. But the ideas of ancaps are going to do the exact opposite of preventing corruption and budget misuse. In fact it's going to make it much easier. Since the amount of money that the government receives through taxation is not going to go down much, while many programs are being dismantled and privatised. Just textbook neoliberal stuff, the government is going to have to spend more money on privatised infrastructure while social programs, healthcare and education are squeezed. Or worse, privatised and only available when profitable.

Privatisation doesn't get rid of corruption or budget misuse. It does place it outside of democratic control. If its the rules that need to be changed, there is absolutely no need for ancap ideology. If the rules aren't helping now, dismantling the government isn't going to change anything. They either need to be changed or enforced.

Anyway, I think it's very predictable what policies he will steer towards and since there is an economical crisis, finding support for big austerity measures, isn't going to be difficult, I assume.

Shooting at kabinets, chairs and vending machines to create impenetrable forts with unlimited ammo only to get zombified by another dude in the same room at the start. Wwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhh

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You think you're not?

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6k euro for an education that I could enjoy, find employment in and be happy. 12k for the education I really want, it's some obscure hyper specialist training on a European level (hence the cost)... I was close to finding an employer who was willing to help fund it. But I couldn't get enough money together to make it work. Anyway, hoping to start next year with a new job in the field and work my way up, until I can afford it. Money would mean a significant shortcut in my career.

Dissociation and distraction by you inner conversation can look the same from the outside. I always thought that I was dissociating, because the descriptions fiit very nicely. Dissociated state is however a trauma response and the onset somewhat predictable, I lack the trauma part. (unless you subscribe to the theory of complex ptsd and adhd, but the same distinction applies nevertheless. The distracted state remains unpredictable)

The problem here is that this research works from a Capitalist understanding of responsibility. That is to say that Besos is responsible for the emissions of Amazon, musk for space x, etc. Which means absolutely nothing. It's a bullshit number.

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I fully engage the toilet in handstand to overcome this problem