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Joined 12 months ago

Chiropracty isn't "scientific".

7 more...

It's currently the Ameican right, not the American left, defending Israel. And only Americans think "libtard" is a word.

Do you have experience in Arizona, specifically? These allegations about weaponizing CPS to go after poor people for being poor are state-specific.

There is no SUV in this picture.

So far it seems like Reddit but with a lot less content. I'm assuming that's primarily a popularity problem.

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"Libertarian conservative" makes exactly as much sense as "authoritarian liberal" and has the same energy as "lawful chaotic" or "evil good".

They do, in fact, have a legal leg to stand in. As shareholders, they can sue their board of directors for mismanagement.

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Banning specific guns is pure theater, even if it passes. There's zero real safety in it.

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Names are meaningless. The allies were fighting the "National Socialists", who weren't Socialists. Likewise, "Defund the Police" movement members need not actually support defunding the police - supporting lowering their funding without lowering it to zero still qualifies.

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Well, the poster is mostly linguistic prescriptivism (defining what words mean). That small caveat at the bottom that words can mean whatever you want them to can't really defeat the entire rest of the poster.

You're describing criminal cases, OP asked about civil. A civil case has no prosecution, no "charges" per se, and no "sentence" per se (in a civil case you have awarded damages instead).

Speaking as someone who knows the definition (or more accurately, that there isn't one), it is not a first amendment issue.

I think you mean false premise or argument from false premises. "A, therefore B", even though A is false.

No. The Libertarian party is the least coherent of the four, and you can't count on any consistency in their platform. They seem to do zero policing of their candidates' attitudes.

Doing that doesn't teach children to share - it teaches them to avoid getting caught because both the abuser and the victim will be punished, so even as the victim it's best to keep your abuse private.

The jury convicts, the judge sentences.

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Equating Israelis with Jews is, itself, anti-Semitic.

Connect lets you subscribe, but right now I am using a mix of Connect, Liftoff, and Jerboa. I think I like Jerboa best so far.

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It's not about being correct, it's about how the mathematics of voting works. American Presidential elections are fundamentally designed to force you into a binary choice. This is fixable ans so of course Congress refuses to fix it, but the problem is real, not a delusion.

No, it's Newnew.

Or... well, on the ship itself it's spelled New New, which is a lot saner and funnier than Newnew.

Gerrymandering is legal, as is mentioned in the article. What's not legal is racial gerrymandering. If all a court does is find a map to be gerrymandered, it won't send it to anyone to be redrawn.

Completely non-functional solution. The (starving) people of Gaza aren't allowed to vote in any kind of election.

What, even the ones predating locomotives?

Does it count as a tell when it's irrelevant? Everything Trump says is a lie. You can tell he's lying because his lips are moving. The addition of the word "Sir" doesn't change anything.

Well, of course not. What you'll do is come to America illegally because the legal method won't work.

It's just like how the GOP tries as hard as it can to maximize abortions by limiting access to contraceptives: this is an attempt to maximize illegal immigration by making legal immigration less and less of a real prospect. The GOP would much rather any immigrant be illegal than legal - e.g. because they can then pretend this problem is caused by Biden and use it in their rhetoric.

Working out is pain and suffering, but you can get so used to it you don't notice/mind the pain.

A thing which dies for your meal. What they grow in the lab is living tissue, a mass of living cells.

That's not true. You don't have to ask someone to stop committing defamation before suing them for defamation.

Regardless of how you're defining capitalism and socialism, you haven't changed systems if all you do is change which private entity owns the company.

I'm fairly certain only Congress can resechedule Marijuana - it was explicitly listed as Schedule 1 in the Controlled Substances Act. A President could try ordering the DEA to reschedule it, but it would end up before SCOTUS.

I don't think larceny is a capital offense in most countries, but certainly not the USA.

I've never seen "dufus" spelled that way before, it's immediately enticing.- like you hybridized the word with "Rufus".

Also, clearly the clients are still new. I'm trying out Connect and Liftoff. Connect didn't indicate anywhere obvious that I had a reply and has no button I can find to reply to replies. Liftoff handled both of those better, but it also hid your reply at one point and I had to use Connect to make sure it still existed. Neither client has a button for seeing reply parents, so to be honest I do not remember the comment you replied to and have no easy way to find and read it.

I have no idea what motivated any of the court's decisions; all I'm talking about is what the decision stated.

But you're also voting for evil. An abstaining vote is still a vote. What you're doing is voting for whichever candidate is more popular while deluding yourself into thinking you didn't so you can pretend other people voted for evil but you're miraculously absolved of responsibility for your actions.

Here's a whole song about it. https://youtu.be/thMm9GELnck

Topical information often gets buried/harder to find because the algorithms that handle old, highly-upvoted comments are wildly different from the ones handling old, highly-upvoted posts.

I don't think I've ever seen someone support megathreads, only oppose them or be neutral on them (like you).

And webbed toes.

We could always embrace capitalism by getting rid of corporations, like as a concept. They're a fundamentally anti-capitalist idea.

I don't think you're gonna have an easy time finding people on Lemmy to defend Russia's actions in this war.

What amendment is that? Because the 16A doesn't say that - and neither does the core document, which is why we needed the 16A.