
3 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am.

They said that cause it's John Cena....

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Man she'd be really hot if her eyelashes were longer.

There. I just said it. Now this post is a LIE

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Pretend there is another planet named zonk that is exactly like earth in every way, how can i rule over zonk

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Installed pirated versions of Windows on all employee and customer computers. We charged the customer for an os install and just used a cracker to activate it.

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Meh I don't care. We bought a couple years ago when rates were super lower but prices were high. Our mortgage is less than rent would be and we're not going anywhere for a long time. I think of the house as a place to live, not an investment really. Like a car. It serves a purpose and I'll use it until I can't anymore.

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I bet someone who needs it likes that it's on by default.

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These guys saved their seed phrases to LastPass, not just account passwords. You can't just change your seeds without moving funds to a new wallet.

The main lesson here is never store your seeds in digital form, ever. Write it down by hand on paper at creation and then take additional efforts to safeguard it.

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So did NASA not track the asteroid for the last year? Like they just crash a rocket into it and call it good right away? No follow up or deeper analysis? You'd think they would want to monitor it for any weird or unexpected behavior but instead they find out from a high school teacher?

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Is this an ad?

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I mean if it tripled the weight then one could assume it made it heavier...

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While rolling around on the ground screaming "I'm hit!"

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Correct horse battery staple!

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Bruh.. That voice was most definitely a magic ghost alien..

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Wow they sure move fast on the important issues!

Haha for real, survival of the fits. Same thing with my plants, if you don't survive winter outside, sucks to be you.

Love those banging 8bit tracks. But the cynic in me thinks it's all some distraction so you leave the app running longer so it can install its malicious payload or something.

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These prices are crazy. Lemonade costs as much as a beer. Drip coffee for $5. One cookie for $4. Over $15 for a kid's plate. Geeze.

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Damn that shit fell from like 16000 feet and is pretty much undamaged, pretty wild. Even more surprised they actually found it.

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Can I go back to the time before I read this?

This better but awaken anything in me....

There's no hate like Christian love.

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Ugh get these dinosaurs out of office. I do not feel represented by someone who is a millionaire and over twice my age, they have no understanding of what my life is like or what I need.

It's now an external combustion engine.

What a fucking age we live in where an opera house is turned into a chain pharmacy. Fantastic.

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Balance a checkbook?! Who even uses checks anymore... I bought a box once and have used maybe 3 over the last 10 years or so and definitely haven't used any in the last few years.

I balance my checking account by logging into the mobile app and looking at the balance lol

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Haha yeah right. That's just what big silica wants you to think.

Nope. I don't like this. No thank you.

They're upping the price of ramen to $9 per pack to make up for lost profits.

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That's like the opposite of the intent of a protest.

The article goes into that and states password sharing is against the Eula so technically they can kick you off the service if they find out..... IF they find out wink wink

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Interesting article for sure, but it seems to kinda just end abruptly... I wanted to keep reading more!

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No that's Hummers. Hamas are tools used to pound nails.

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Boo don't even login to Reddit, don't even visit without logging in. There is no Reddit, only Lemmy

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She's the worst.

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Yeah but did the yeast consent to that?

Umm wtf? What kind of Rosemary's Baby shit is this?

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Not my flat setting. That shit could peel paint I'm sure of it