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She wanted to stay with me even without kids, but after the first days I saw her become an empty shell of a person. This was her meaning of life, apparently even more than we both thought. I could leave her, but that felt horrible as well.

Now we have a kid; the first few years were a personal nightmare for me because of mental health issues. Lack of sleep icw depression and what more makes parenting extra intense. I tried with all my might to not let it affect our child, I hope I managed to so far.

It's a lot better now, the kid is great and I'm amazed how much love I feel, but I always feel guilty. For giving life (something that goes against my principles as I did not want to be born myself) and for not being able to 50/50 care because of the mental shit that makes me unable to. Aside from that the usual, missing my freedom, the continuous responsibility.

I would not do it again in a reset of my life, not because of the kid who I genuinely think is great, but due to my lack of mental health, which has the potential each and everyday to ruin it all for them (which is a compulsive intrusive thought in my mind). But I hang on, I try to.

With all the love and respect, I would not recommend anyone in my situation.

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Euthanasia should be available for anyone at any age. You don't choose to be born, life has no inherent value, suffering is strictly personal. Suicide is a terrible option with lots of drama, an extremely high failure rate and lifelong treatments or medication that are seen as the solution by society is a conservative convulsion of keeping people alive under any circumstances.

We could set up three sessions with a therapist, to keep people from losing loved ones too fast. But honestly, to me that would feel patronizing. That other people find it important someone stays alive is their problem. If it hurts them too much they can do the same.

There is joy in life and that's beautiful, but on a scale suffering has the possibility to be more intense. Let people die without drama, let them say goodbye if they want with a ceremony, let them choose.

That's the next step in the mentality of a modern civilization. It will fix the drama of wars, hunger and pain as you always have a simple painless solution if the suffering gets too heavy. Just end it, peacefully, whenever you want.

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I.. might have been that co-worker.

"Me" not allowed.

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Can I select all races?

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Floaters are one thing, but what about the internal electric / static activity you can see, what is that called? I was always way more intrigued by that than some eyeball sludge.

Do you see a reflection of neural activity or something? Just like floaters they're only visible when looking at larger plain things with 1 colour. They seem projected, and less obvious than the floaters but more common in your whole view.

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I'm using a mood app, and apparently 2021 was one of my best years ever. Isolation, taking hikes, cycling a lot and less social obligations.

I'm not your budday, muchacho.

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Interesting, would you still be able to write someone's name down if it's not on the ballot? And could that be anyone's name?

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I'd just be happy that people like me. On a bun nonetheless. But a like is a like.

I'm thinking new interfaces/concepts of interaction might be where we lose touch.

Just like the previous baby boom generation had people with a lot of technical knowledge about for example how punch cards were used to configure computers and how to type with an old typewriter, we might know much about more advanced technical software and touch interfaces, but many might skip the Snapchat/TikTok scene and feel out of place.

Not to mention future upcoming things like a Brain-Computer Interface connected to an AI; perhaps to socialize, to create tools / content. Some of us, and maybe you as well, will join this scene too, but I already see people giving up and staying away from new stuff.

We will have a role in the technical side because of our knowledge, but that core knowledge is not that important any longer in many fields just like most developers don't have to worry about machine code any more.

In no land are babies free

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As a Sync Ultra user, would pay again. The quality of Sync is out of this world, I used Reddit just so I'd be able to enjoy a good UX on my phone.

Good luck with the first version!

It depends on if you trust Meta. Generally speaking there is end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp, which means only you and the person you chat with can decrypt your messages / media (source). I believe there are some weak spots in group chats, mostly caused by users themselves. Not sure about the new Community function but I'd be careful with what I share there.

Some parties like Apple have decided to scan photos from your device for illegal material (edit: after backlash they dropped this for now, my bad). If using an app like WhatsApp I'd personally be aware that something like that might happen in the future as well. I'd not be surprised if some employees might (temporarily) be able to access more data than widely assumed, for debugging reasons in case of bugs.

Personally I take the risk for pragmatic reasons, but it doesn't hurt to be a bit cautious / aware.

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I get what you mean, but that's just us placing a value on the importance of someone staying alive. An emotional habit that we as social creatures that work together and can love one another of course have.

Purely rationally speaking, there is no need for one to be alive and that person cannot regret such action, as he/she's dead. The regret is an emotion we project on someone who does not exist anymore, while thinking death is something negative. But in my opinion it's neutral.

To be fair, if the refactoring has been done well it should be now easier to fix the bug. Your walls need to be steady before you fix the roof.

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An underpowered one; In Another World With My Smartphone, trying to make a hotel understand that my wallet was stolen, using Google Translate, while they increasingly seem to question my sanity.

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Well, he has a position to uphold; what about future generations growing up with a broke Scrooge.

This one is also pretty cool, couple of years ago. It was the first time I heard they had incorporated touch, but looks awesome.

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Good solution, perhaps two simple options at browser install: Default / Custom. That way you don't have to uninstall all the stuff at the end.

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And moreover, I'm YOUR star? What is this capitalist bullshit, should everyone have their own star now, can't we just share 1 absurdly massive pile of hydrogen? Damnit, wish I was born in the East. Bunch of loonatics here.

Meanwhile in the East - What te fuck mom.. WHO do you say is our frickin' star..?

Interesting hobby for a dev

Well, it depends on your bubble I guess. But personally I'd say it's underrated and overrated at the same time, but mostly underrated.

It depends on your expectations and way of usage in your toolbox I'd say. It keeps surprising me weekly how fast progress is. But we get used to it perhaps.

I agree, we should aim for regular schools if possible, but should watch out in taking our ideology too strictly and clouding our view on reality. If it's not manageable, a special school might be best for all parties.

We can still try, but not against one's better judgement.

Didn't read your part for non USians so was searching on the left side of the chart. Still wanted to say thanks though for adding it :p

Do they.. just breath really fast?

Hasn't it just lost its context and somewhat "forgotten" what the intentions of the prompt were?

I'm afraid I sometimes am that guy, but with my glass of cold water. I instinctively say 'aah' after my first sip.

Thank god I'm working at home half of the time.

Usually the moment after greeting a passerby with a faked smile, my face goes straight to depressed sour-lemon mode, which I then quickly straighten up to a less worrying expression. Just in case other people pass by. Don't want to ruin anyone's day.

We say the same in the Netherlands, and sometimes we also say the equivalent for "cheers", not sure why though.

They wouldn't kill, or even raise the pig if they didn't count on the money down the chain. We indirectly but surely pay for pigs to be created / killed, for our consumption.

It's fine if you don't care about that or accept it as your standards, that's your choice and fair in our current social context. Just realize the economics behind it.

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Memorize your code while tripping on shrooms, try to access it accidentally on 'aha' moments when consuming again later.

Nutsack and CaptainVaqina calling each other pussy.

It's just like any other significant dopamine snowball; perhaps a friendly notice might be in place or some healthy advice in education. Have a healthy wank, but don't lose yourself in it.

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I think I understand your viewpoint, but personally have a different opinion. I'm not going to a restaurant to socialize with the waiter; although some of those interactions can be pleasant it's still just a functional transaction to me that can go wrong and could be be optimized. My main focus is the people I'm going to the restaurant with and the food/drinks.

QR for the win for me, but I agree fully that most of those apps kinda suck. I hope time will fix that.

But the image states the environment right, not specifically the climate.

Yes, but they only pay those people if they expect to make a profit by selling the end product to you. You are one of the people who make it worthwhile to set up a chain of payments like that.

If they do not expect you (or other people) to buy the meat, they won't pay those people to raise / kill the pigs.

Whether it's you this time or someone else doesn't matter. As long as there is a demand by end consumers they will continue. If no-one buys it they stop, it's that simple.

You're part of the group that enables this dynamic and your money goes to paying those people. It's fine if you like meat, just don't deny this basic logic.

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To be fair, in my experience AI chatbots currently provide me with more usable results in 15 minutes than some junior employees in a day. With less interaction and less conversational struggles (like taking your junior's emotional state into account while still striving for perfection ;)).

And that's not meant as disrespect to these juniors.

This is more disturbing to me than the Garfield.

Might I ask if you were using Chat-GPT 3 or 4? I had this as well, got send into circles for hours, with 3. Then I used 4.

Only two bloody messages back and forth and I got my solution.

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