
0 Post – 522 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My main thought is "this is a screenshot of a wall of text that's hard to read".

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He's assuming infinite elasticity, which isn't how prices work in real life.

The typical version of this argument is that the people who are being taxed in the first place are the ones increasing rents. In which case taxes can then be increased until the desired equilibrium is achieved.

That's not to say we couldn't also provide a basic safety net like he describes. But that raises the question of why UBI should stop there. If our economy can generate a surplus, then why shouldn't all humans sharing their slice of the Earth get it?

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That means it's a Jewish owned business, but doesn't inform us whether or not the owners put up these signs (rather neatly).

I assume they mean this?

In the past, some critics have criticized 12-step programs as pseudoscientific and "a cult that relies on God as the mechanism of action". Until recently, ethical and operational issues had prevented robust randomized controlled trials from being conducted comparing 12-step programs directly to other approaches. More recent studies employing randomized and blinded trials have shown 12-step programs provide similar benefit compared to motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and were more effective in producing continuous abstinence and remission compared to these approaches.

Source: Wikipedia

Left out "we could just let more people move here"

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Correcting my code is helpful. The machine didn't know what I even meant. Computers are interesting and changing rapidly.

Correcting my grammar is an unsolicited English lesson from someone who already knew what I meant. English is not interesting or changing quickly.

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In typical internet fashion, rather than read these mod logs and decide who was right, I'm just going to say "down with the CCP" a bunch of times there and see if I get banned.

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Cut him some slack. It'd be hard to admit to himself what his father is, let alone bring himself to do it.

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Refunding the sale price is still theft. If it was only worth that much to me (zero surplus), then I wouldn't have bothered with the trade in the first place. The only things worth buying are worth more to you than the sale price.

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Caring about that has been beaten out of them by increasingly absurd password requirements over dozens of systems. They won't memorize it, won't write it down physically, and use the web browser to save it.

"But my system is different, I..."

Nobody cares. The password is just a speed bump in doing the thing they actually want to do.

Sure, you can change literally everything about Firefox if you pay a time cost. The defaults do matter because that's one more thing to fix when installing it. We could say this about any negative feature.

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This is how the ADHD Freedom Fighters are born. One day, we will cast off the shackles of

Because you can't get that much without exploitation and refusing to share.

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"Oh yeah I remember these keyboards! Good times, that was before the

FWIW I'm a shitty coder and still don't work overtime. And I've met brilliant engineers who just put up with everything.

The top priority of any tech professional should be building up a cash reserve so you can afford to play hardball.

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Man, that guy would be so much hotter with a loose toupee.

Having read through these comments, I wonder if we've reached the logical conclusion of copyright itself.

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Price controls cause shortages. The solution is plain old taxes - take money away from the rich. Housing will be cheaper to buy up front when recurring taxes are higher. Your dollar will go farther when other dollars are removed from circulation.

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I had a very similar experience, didn't think my family was racist at all until I got engaged. Northerners just hide it.

I'm glad Reddit won here because it sets a precedent that will protect less well-funded Lemmy instances.

Thank you for your patience. I'm sorry I didn't do the think you asked for, at all. Here's the exact same output though.

I can believe it.

In economics, the Jevons paradox occurs when technological progress increases the efficiency with which a resource is used (reducing the amount necessary for any one use), but the falling cost of use induces increases in demand enough that resource use is increased, rather than reduced.

Don't worry Bethesda, you can try again at next year's game awards after you've fixed the bugs and modders have added the features!

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Same here! It's absolutely bonkers to me that everyone was just OK with that.

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[Looks around nervously]

Aren't we gathering here too? This defederation seems like tankies not taking over.

Anecdotally I was in a bunch of actual leftist subreddits; I only departed because capitalists enshittified the whole website.

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That's the "Embrace" step

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ITT: "My problem with this platform where nobody is in charge is that it has more extremists than the platform where a for-profit corporation is in charge."

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How does that make sense? You're losing your job... so relax? This is why they have a union.

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Why don't you just join communities you like and block the ones you really dislike? Reddit was crawling with propaganda you couldn't escape.

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The kids in back just want mom and dad to stop fighting.

IMHO it's cyclical.

  • Computers started out client server because of limited computing capacity
  • Then everybody got a PC and for a while, physical media were faster than downloads
  • Then we got oodles of bandwidth, so servers seemed practical again
  • Now servers are taking advantage of the trust we've placed in them
  • Next, we'll all enjoy a brief P2P revolution. Hooray!
  • After that, homomorphic encryption will make servers seem appealing again
  • Even farther into the future, the attacks against that encryption will no longer be tolerable

It will be decades more before humanity accepts the teachings of Richard Stallman.

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I wasn't conscious of it until I had stopped, but on Reddit I was censoring myself to avoid my comments getting deleted.

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I would love it even more if they gave me a receipt when I opt out of overdrafts, and then charge the bank an enormous fine when they turn overdrafts back on without my consent. This happened to me repeatedly.

(And every time I mention it, some bootlicker tells me I must have opted out wrong repeatedly. They need to believe the system works and everyone poor deserves it.)

Big data collection of its alt-right users?

"Hey entire internet, get on the same page already!"

I hate it when anyone whatsoever disagrees with anything, no matter how unimportant.

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To be fair, tons of delicious foods do just that.

There should be a scholarship for people with funny sounding names.

Oh yeah that totally explains why they should relax.

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With money he got from a monopoly, meaning the money he took plus the deadweight loss are even worse for humanity. Computers would be even better today if it wasn't for him, and we would've produced better things than we have today.

Monopolists "giving back" is insidious because it's much easier to see what they gave us than what they took away.

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