'Stand your butt up': Fistfight nearly breaks out during Senate hearing until Bernie Sanders steps in

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 615 points –
'Stand your butt up': Fistfight nearly breaks out during Senate hearing until Bernie Sanders steps in

Sen. Markwayne Mullin, a former MMA fighter, had challenged the president of the Teamsters union, Sean O'Brien, but Sanders shut them both down.


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"Sir, this is a time; this is a place. You want to run your mouth? We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here."

  • Sen. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stopped the altercation from happening, yelling at Mullin: “Stop it! No, no, sit down! You know, you’re a United States senator."

Markwayne was upset about a fuckin tweet. Shame on Oklahoma for voting him in. This is what you get from a MMA fighter, he tries to fight people. 😂

Republicans: All Trump is guilty of is a few mean tweets.

Also Republicans: If somebody tweets something mean about me, I will fucking kill them.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stopped the altercation from happening, yelling at Mullin: “Stop it! No, no, sit down! You know, you’re a United States senator."

Bernie is a treasure.

It was all bluster anyway. But good on Bernie for stopping that nonsense.

Ever been to Oklahoma? They don't know the word shame

I hear they're OK with everything

Isn't this "OK sign means white supremacy" thing made up by 4chan?

Made up? Yes.

Embraced by actual racists? Also yes.

The symbol that actual white nationalists still do at their rallys? Origins don't matter in terms of how it's actively used by groups, Whinnie the Pooh is either a loveable bear or a critique of the Chinese goverment. Mac Tonight is an McDonald's mascot or a racist. A swastika is either Nazis or good luck to Hindus.

All sorts of groups latch on to cultural touchstones.

I remember hearing that in middle school about a decade prior to 4chan (similar to 'the Band 311 means 3 of the 11th letter, KKK'). So my head canon is that it was a school kid joke/meme that carried over to 4chan.

Oooh, ooh, I hope Gym Jordan, Fivehead Gaetz, Jimbob Squarehead Comer, and Margarine Traitor Greene will offer to fight me for the very mean tweets I've sent them!!!

Ted Cruz offered Gym Jordan to fight Ron Perlman. Ted is such a pansy he has to have a rape apologist fight his fights.

We can be two consenting adults.

Two consenting adults, eh? 😏 I feel like that phrasing is almost always used before the words in the privacy of their own bedroom. If Markwayne wanted to get topped that bad he should have just asked; why are bottoms like this?


In a funnier but still depressing timeline we might have gotten the first congressional actual dick measuring contest 😆

The entire episode devolved, with Mullin and O'Brien calling each other names not normally heard in committee hearings, but they did not get physical.

Sanders yelling at him was then followed by him sitting down while they just kept insulting each other. It's like when your dog wants to fight another dog, and it obeys your order to sit, but still won't stop barking aggressively,

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