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Joined 1 years ago

I tell my trans and PoC friends as often as I can (without being obnoxious), now is the time. Arm yourself, get a gun or two (a long one and a short one), learn how to use them. Start networking with like-minded people in your community. Get some basic first aid training (medics really just need to know how to stabilize someone). The police will not protect us, that much has been shown; they would sooner club an old man to the ground than render aid to someone upsetting the status quo. When this country begins to fracture and fall apart, ourselves and our communities are the only things that can truly protect us.

24 more...

Yeah this might be a green flag. Person is being upfront about their needs, they're trying to fuck. It's fine if that's not what you're looking for but if you are, it's fine (imo) to be completely upfront about it.

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Yep, rapist and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.

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This is what patriotism looks like. These are the heros fighting for freedom.

Of course, do you think people just go on the internet and tell lies?

That wasn't even the first time. Nixon tried to sabotage Vietnamese peace talks in 1968 to hurt LBJ. It worked then too, the only thing that matters when you want power is winning.

4 more...

Yeah fuck that, they got caught and now just want to "withdraw" the search warrant that should've never been issued?

Nah we're gonna need to look into this a bit more. Why was the warrant issued? Who signed off on it? Who was the supervisor in charge when the raid happened? I'm concerned that there's more corruption and other invalid warrants.

Dig up all the dirt on these corrupt good ol'boy fucks. I guarantee this isn't the first time.

I almost mentioned the Mulford Act.

Sounds like a win/win tbh, we protect ourselves or we get stronger gun laws (to protect everyone).

10 more...

Some of yall will do any gymnastics you need to shoehorn in "Dems too!"

Nah bro this is on the GOP, these are their followers, they're the stochastic terrorists.

Shit take.

Imagine if your kneejerk reaction to a post about a far right Dutch nationalist group is "Wikipedia is librul!!!1" truly braindead shit.

You should google around and find some things about them that you like or think are being mischaracterized and report back, that'd actually contribute something and we could all learn.

Indeed, I suspect we'd see some movement on gun control if minorities and marginalized people would begin exercising their 2A rights. We all know the story of Reagan and the Black Panthers and how that played out, I suspect the same thing would happen again.

At any rate, I recommend all my LGBTQ/PoC friends arm yourself now, spend some time at a range, maybe get some basic first-aid training, and most importantly start meeting and networking with like-minded people in your area, start building networks of people who're on your side. Law enforcement will not protect us; if the rightwing has their way we'll be living A Handmaids Tale and a lot of us will be dead or forced into some form of slavery. Fuck that, this is America, we're not a Christian nation no matter how much a bunch of fundamentalists want us to be, we're the land of the free, and when they decide to fuck around they need to find out.

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Brother you haven't said anything except "both sides are the same" which makes your intentions real clear.

Nope, it says "unofficial" in the article.

This fuck was an Oath Keeper himself.

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But if we give billionaires one more tax cut the money really will trickle down this time!

Yeah I'm with you, 2oz is nice big drink, if they're saying it's 24oz it needs to be at least 24oz.

These fucks have somewhat successfully high jacked our democracy.

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"If I just buy more cheap junk I don't need from Amazon it'll hurt them!"

The protesters should try being rightwingers. They could beat the cops with fire extinguishers and flagpoles and just get a slap on the wrist.

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Your opinion has been noted, I stand by my first statement.

MAGAts vs. Swifties 2024, I'd pay to watch that.

14hr days still leaves him 8hrs for sleep and 2hrs for eating/excreting/hygiene what's the problem.

He's a wonderful value for the shareholders.

It's why the GOP keeps insisting there's cheating during elections, because they do it.

It's also why they insist any leftist with any platform is "funded by Soros" because they're all funded by shady billionaires.

Put him and all his little cultists against a wall.

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Yeah this shouldn't be surprising at all. Democrats fall in love (or don't vote), Republicans fall in line (and vote every time).

You can see the in-fighting here in the fediverse already. The hardcore leftists saying they "can't support genocide" and getting mad at progressives for not being left enough. The right wing machine has been pushing the country to the right since 1970 and the "left" (what exists of it) was caught completely unaware and is only waking up now.

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Made up? Yes.

Embraced by actual racists? Also yes.

That was my "favorite" part as well, it shows that it's all propaganda and they're knowingly lying to people. They're misleading the American public, fomenting dissonance and fueling conspiracies for a paycheck.

The J6 insurrection wouldn't have happened if not for these people. A million dead from a respiratory virus thanks in-part to their anti-mask, anti-science rhetoric wouldn't have happened if not for these people. They're propagandists, grifters and confidence artists, nothing more; they're bad people who are a net-negative to society. Frankly they're dangerous and there should be consequences for knowingly lying and pretending to be a news source.

What's the over/under? How long until he breaks the gag order?

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The time is now.

Buy a gun or two (a short one and a long one) and learn how to use them; learn some first aid, field medics really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Meet others in your area who are like you and share your beliefs, start building networks who can help each other because the police will not. This is real, the right is marching towards a blend of Christofascism/Corporatocracy that I'm not sure the world has seen and just winning a presidential race in 2024 isn't going to cut it.

We need long term solutions, consistent, focused work so actual progress can be made again. Organization is so incredibly important and is why the rightwing has been so successful over the last half-century. We don't have shady PACs funded by billionaires behind us, we'll have to organize and DIY.

Ah yes the Presbyterian minister who devoted his life to teaching kids we should Love Thy Neighbor and it's ok to have feelings.

Of course the fake ass Christians hate him. They'd call Jesus a longhaired communist if he came back today.

They clearly didn't accidentally spill soup so I'm sure their guilt isn't really in question.

No worries, if that's the ruling Biden can just stay in office and jail his political opponents. These idiots have absolutely no self-awareness and will say whatever they need to in the moment.

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We're so far off the rails that Johnson is considered a moderate.

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Rules for thee.

Yeah let's rely on parents and "other institutions" to educate kids, that'll work out great I'm sure.

It was never about mustard or suits but I think we all know that.

I'll let the multiple women who've abused me know it's a man problem and they're good to go.

Reconstruction was a mistake. Land should've been seized and given to newly freed people; 40 acres and a mule, etc. That they were allowed to keep any honor or dignity has led to a romanticized and mythologized past that didn't exist.

These people are traitors to America.

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They sure as fuck consider priors when dealing with normal people.

Can you not opt out of seeing NSFW magazines? I see your acct is on kbin, pretty sure that's an option.