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Australian here. We had one really bad mass shooting and then our government (who was also one of the most conservative governments in the last 50 years) banned guns. Haven't had one since. Guns just aren't a thing here and we kind of think you're a weird country for being so obsessed with guns. I also personally think it's weird that guns are like the symbol of your freedom, yet you don't have universal healthcare. Universal healthcare offers so much more freedom than guns do.

In saying that a lot of countries have guns and don't have the same problem with mass shootings. What the US has is a cultural problem in terms of your relationship with guns and violence. Unfortunately, doing a mass shooting is now a normalised way to deal with your problems. Not all of you, obviously. But enough of you that it's gotten completely out of control. In Australia I don't think it was just the banning of guns that has reduced mass shootings. We have a culture in Australia of 'don't be a dickhead'. I think when we had our mass shooting we all collectively just said yeah nah mass shootings are next level dickhead behaviour.

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In Australia it's not just knowing how to swim but where to swim and when. A lot of tourists drown in the ocean here because they don't know how to read the waves / don't have an understanding of the local area.

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Yeahhhhh this is a nazi dog whistle in a nutshell. I mean Trump is pretty much one big nazi dog whistle. My heart goes out to all the Jewish communities who have to deal with this nazi bullshit yet again.

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HAARP is an old school conspiracy theory. I haven't heard someone bring this one up in years. It's your classic government control the weather theory.

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Holy shit what the actual fuck is your health care system America. This thread is nightmare fuel.

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From what I've seen gender diverse people generally seem to understand the difference between someone's who's just made a mistake and someone who refuses to use the correct pronoun despite being corrected numerous times.

Not an American but Trump was far more embarrassing to your international reputation than Bush. They're both 2 of the worst presidents you've ever had but Trump is a whole different level of shitty. He's like fascist shitty, whereas Bush was neo-con shitty.

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Cause 1% of people own 99% of everything. That's never going to not be a shitty situation.

But also shit has been bad for marginalised groups since like forever. Now we're all just getting a taste of that as our masters pull the ladder up from under them.

We will likely have hit 1.5 + degrees of warming in 10 years time so our society may look quite different. It's likely that our supply chains will be disrupted by this and become more localised as rising temperatures / intensifying weather events impact our capacity to grow / distribute as much food as we do now. There may potentially be Pacific Nations that no longer exist due to sea level rise. We will likely also see the beginning of a significant climate refugee crisis that nations in the global north will struggle to respond to.

As someone who just submitted an article for review I am gobsmacked by how brazenly the authors have done this. The absolute disregard for integrity and the knowledge production process is astounding. But also the balls to just submit a paper like this without fear of the consequences says something more profound about the state of academia.

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I initially read this as him saying world war 3 and then realised he actually said world war 2 and I can't stop sad laughing at just how fucking stupid this.

I'm 30 and don't feel like a have a future in the way that other generations before me had. Can't even imagine how those younger than me must be feeling. I at least got to fuck around a bit in my early youth as you could still afford to then. I grew up knowing climate change was coming, but it wasn't until my mid 20s when I started to lose hope in our ability to address it. Still got a good 25 years of feeling hopeful though. Kids these days get none of that.

Wish I started this shit earlier. It's sad to think about all the wasted potential and chronic under achievement.

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Politics aside I would say the connotation here is that this person isn't very intelligent. I don't mean that as a statement on their intelligence but instead that Joe Rogan falls into the category of anti-intellectual, low bar entertainment. I'd consider Joe Rogan to be the equivalent of a tabloid paper but for people who listen to podcasts.

At an inspection for a rental property the agent, mid small talk, said "and I'm glad it's people like you (white, cishet couple) checking this place out, the owner is not keen to lease the place to people who aren't white".

There's currently 5 bushfires burning around my state and it's only mid spring in the southern hemisphere. Last year we experienced devastating floods across the country on a scale we've never seen before. A few years before that we had one of the worst bushfire seasons in history.

My PhD thesis

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The person who was instrumental in the development of modern advertising was also involved in the notorious little Albert experiment. That really says a lot about how unethical modern advertising is on a psychological level. As a psych major myself I am constantly disgusted by how manipulative and toxic advertising is. It actually troubles me how we've essentially just accepted this as part of our society now.

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Smart enough to get into a phd program but dumb enough to think doing a phd was a good idea.

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Those guys sound like assholes and many would consider their behaviour to be sexual harassment/ assault.

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All my fellow Aussies we're going to be in for a rough summer

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Everyone should try and reduce the amount of meat they eat as much as they can. Same goes for flying and driving.

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Part of me liked being love bombed. Through therapy I've been able to understand that this part of me is the traumatized child who desperately needed love.

Look if you're not disabled or special needs you really don't have any right to reclaim this word in any sense. This is the equivalent of trying to reclaim the n word as a white person. It's just incredibly inappropriate and insensitive. Also, can I just say, your definition of repurposing this word is incredibly problematic because you're actually still just using it to mean the same thing it was originally intended to mean. And it's incredibly offensive, just so you know. So please don't use this word.

And frankly as a person with a cognitive disability, our community really isn't keen on repurposing the r word in any way so please don't think you can just jump in and do this without consulting the people it impacts. Even if we had repurposed this word, it's still offensive for non-disabled people to use it in the same way it's offensive for white people to use the n word.

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Don't you dare fucking touch Wikipedia

Young workers in India need to unionise not work 70 hour weeks.

As an autistic person I love interacting with people like you.

Red dead redemption 2 for sure. It's hard to pick because there are a lot of profound experiences in that game. The part where Arthur is riding back after Guarma when d'angelo starts playing definitely stands out. It just made me think about how some people just get trapped in these shitty situations that are just tragic. It's easy to say what you would / wouldn't do in that situation but the gang were Arthur's family and it's not that easy to just walk away from the only community you have and the only life you've ever known.

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What do you feel like you're unable to say?

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I'm not even from the US and honestly it was a sobering moment for me as well. I realised how people like Hitler get into power. Before 2016 I knew it was possible like cognitively but Trump being elected made it feel real in a way it never had before.

This Macron guy is really trying to make people hate him isn't he. At this point it feels like he actually wants the French to burn shit.

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Fucking hell the right are really doing a speed run in fascism.

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100 years too late.

It not being conscious or self aware. It's just putting words together that don't necessarily have any meaning. It can simulate language but meaning is a lot more complex than putting the right words in the right places.

I'd also be VERY surprised if it isn't harvesting people's data in the exact way you've described.

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Isn't Israel quite wealthy? Why do they even need this funding?

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In Australia we recently had a considerable shift towards progressive politics after a long ass run of conservative government. The centre right (moderate conservatives) were absolutely demolished in our last election in favour of progressive minor party candidates. Our centre 'left' party has certainly moved further to the right (this has been happening for a while now though) but they are having their asses handed to them by our progressive left party who is growing in popularity, especially with younger voters.

We are historically a very conservative country and I have no doubt we'll eventually trend back towards this tradition. But for now I'm enjoying being the exception to the rest of the world.

As a severely mentally ill disabled person I don't think suicide should be the solution to a neoliberal society that refuses to adequately support the vulnerable. But honestly my support needs are not met and I'm so exhausted from trying to fight for them that I wish this was an option in my country. Support our needs or let us have the dignity to leave a world that doesn't want us.

Covid made me realise just how much we live in different versions of reality and how harmful that is during a crisis that requires everyone to be on the same page. At the beginning of the lockdowns I joked about how some people would rather die than comply with basic public health practices....and then it actually fucking happened in real life. Not only that but they took down other people with them. Not such a funny joke anymore.

As an autistic person this technology could actually allow me to access the community without being overwhelmed. This is revolutionary and would change my life.

A ubi funded by a hefty carbon tax on big polluters.

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