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Joined 12 months ago

My recommendation is Wintermoor Tactics Club

Its a really cute and funny tactics game where you control the Tactics Club in a series of snowball fights to determine the future of the school. Each club is full of silly little jokes and the tactics got me well enough for me to replay multiple stages for a better score.

Whelp, that's awful

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So many things, too many to count. Been revisiting things pretty regularly with my partner and the ones that don't make me cringe are really rare. Things I adore are unwatchably sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or creepy.

Very strange article. It starts by saying more than his stance on Israel put him under water, but then proceeds to quote nothing but Israel supporters to defend that point.

He could also have not lied in the report that would have legally mandated stopping shipments

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I wouldn't dismiss this just yet. Mozilla has already been doing some open source AI work, specifically their speech offerings. If they invest in these and they get better I think we all stand to gain from having good text to speech and speech recognition available outside of Apple/Amazon/Microsoft/Google

"My white friends and I used a racist term for each other that implicitly compares their cars to Asian ones perjoratively" is not necessarily the win you think it is.

When I was in seventh grade a classmate offered me a pull off a cigarette which I took. He then told me I had N***** lipped it. Does that magically become not racist as shit because we were both white and he used it to make fun of me?

Personally I'd rather they banned the real ones and left the toys

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Its a term invented to make fun of specifically Asian men customizing their cars. The implicit connotation is "your car is bad because it is customized for looks and not racing, like an Asian person would." It shares the same roots as incels calling Asian incels ricecels.

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Once watched a non-technical manager destroy two flexible OLED prototypes in a row. At the time they were combined worth more than my yearly income.

Oh no, you got me. I solo wrote the Wikipedia page describing the origins of the term and its racist roots and all the citations linked from there, especially the ones written before I was born. I'm also personally sock puppetting the dozen or so accounts telling you you're wrong.

Or, and I know this will be a big stretch, you could change your wordview a single iota in response to new information and put forth the negligible effort to not use it anymore.

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No, there are just a metric shit ton of English words and terms that hail from our very much more racist past, and we would like our speech to reflect our values and not the values of our KKK grandparents.

You're missing the point of what he is saying. The anti-cheat itself runs in a level with extreme access to anything on your computer. The anti-cheat is like almost all software almost certainly exploitable. You are trusting that no one will ever crack Vanguard in a way that exposes your user data, and that Riot will never change it to collect more than you think they are.

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Its unbelievably funny how little you read


Travelling less than 1000 miles and driving instead of walking... The Proclaimers would be disappointed

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I hope that her defense also makes the argument that there is no damages because online reviews have zero value when the majority of them are fake paid reviews.

The article is about how Republican politicians are just openly doing absolutely nothing for their constituents and that this act is more insulting than political speech about them can possibly be. The article is arguing the opposite of what you seem to think. It argues that we are paying too much attention to the what conservatives say and how we talk about them and not enough to the actions of their politicians and how brazenly they disregard their voters' needs.

Absurdist gang represent

And trying to conflate a percentage of protests with a percentage of people at one particular protest. The two are not comparable.

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Maybe not funny all the time, but if you go on YouTube the daily show channel used to post between the scenes cuts of Trevor. I also used to dislike his delivery, but I found him way more interesting and engrossing in the more off-the-cuff style. I am convinced it was the writers or producers who were dropping the ball.

Having been a linux user around the time of both rollouts I've had a way better time with pipewire. We've come a long way since OG pulseaudio

As millenials I think the best thing we can do for the later generations is to just take a back seat. Thanks to boomers our generation has never held political power, and if we accept that and immediately pass to the younger gens instead of trying to make up for lost time I think we will leave them in a better spot.

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I posted this in another thread but I think this topic is closer to what I was thinking. Every day that Biden doesn't end support for Israel we are building up more and more records of communication with Israel on this matter. Considering Biden repeated out loud the decapitated babies lies and other propaganda there is virtually no chance those communications don't look absolutely awful for Biden.

There is another 8 months to the election, how much do you want to bet on those communications staying private? Do you want to bet your democracy on it? Thats what we are currently doing.

I hope immigrants sneak in and move your house a few inches further from your work every day

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Without the smoke stack I'm used to seeing this looks almost restrained for an American truck

Personally I found the time I saved from not having any control over my system has more than made up for tinkering that I have to do to get things running. My laptop would regularly become unusable for 20+ minutes on windows because of disk performance issues, and I as the user had no means to prevent windows from running the service that locked everything up. That along with other times windows just decides your use case is less important have added up to far more time then having to debug a game here and there

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To give the appearance of caring while not actually trying to improve the situation

This is so funny because counterspell would still just be the best in the game

Closed source software has the exact same bullying issue, the difference is instead of the bullies being random people on the internet, they are managers with power over you. They are at least as likely to make you do something dangerous as the randoms, but they don't have to try as hard to hide it.

Thats called a vice presidential debate

Something about Gaza and the election I think people need to consider is that eventually the government documents and intelligence on this is going to become public. With how much of what the IDF has said has already been shown to be outright fabrications, I can't escape the conclusion that the U.S. Government communications on this are going to be incredibly damning. Every time a US official uncritically accepts IDF propoganda we are adding explosives to the ticking bomb that is the public exposure.

Not pressuring Biden on Gaza is gambling that this all remains sealed until after the election, or that there isn't anything in there that will destroy his chances in November. Supporting the genocide is both unconscionable AND an extreme electoral risk.

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As a fan of total war warhammer this is so sad but also so cathartic. Its sad that this is how CA and Sega executives treated their employees and their IPs, but cathartic because it proves that the community was right and we were being gaslit. Pour one out for the community managers who the execs used as disposable flak vests for all their shitty decisions.

I've done a little work on this professionally, and while I can't discuss our solution, here are some links that I turned up doing research that might be what you're looking for.

My partner and I have been really enjoying Spy X Family. Its a nice little found family/comedy series with very wholesome content.

The premise is that the titular Spy has an assignment to make contact with a total shut-in who only appears in public for events at his son's school. So the Spy adopts a child from a shady orphanage and meets a woman who is willing to fake being his wife to get his child into the elite school. Of course, the child he adopted can read minds and the woman he fake married is secretly an assassin. No one but the child knows the truth about everyone and they're each so focused on hiding their own secrets they don't catch on to the others. The series isn't complete yet, but so far the major theme is them coming to genuinely value their little family as more than a convenient facade.

Its just such a cute show, and I go back and forth between cackling and tearing up at how cute they all are. The only thing I think is particularly off about the show is the assassins brother. He's a secret police officer and also incestuously obsessed with his sister. Its a weird inclusion, but he is made fun of by the narrative for his behavior and that is enough for me to still enjoy how good the rest of the show is

A percentage is a ratio of two numbers, in this case you are trying to compare

^People who engaged in violence and were convicted at one protest^/~People who were at that protest~


^Number of protest events that became violent^/~Number of protest events for this cause~

To compare that you will have to wait a few years for all of the court cases to wind down. Hope that helps.

EDIT: Format

We can be two consenting adults.

Two consenting adults, eh? 😏 I feel like that phrasing is almost always used before the words in the privacy of their own bedroom. If Markwayne wanted to get topped that bad he should have just asked; why are bottoms like this?


In a funnier but still depressing timeline we might have gotten the first congressional actual dick measuring contest 😆

Ah yes, the great city of New Jersey
