1 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

By “cold one,” you mean ice cream cone, right?

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Here’s the current list of categories we’re using: animals, arts, autos, business, career, education, fashion, finance, food, government, health, hobbies, home, inconclusive, news, real estate, society, sports, tech and travel.

No pr0n?

Aww, did the “fuck your feelings” crowd get their little feelings hurt? Who are the snowflakes again?

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No explanation other than Elon is a thin-skinned little bitch baby who’s carrying water for fascists.

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But Biden’s brain is the one we should be worried about. 🙄

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The stock market isn’t the economy, at least as most Americans experience it, though it is the same metric that Trump and his followers used to show how “strong” the economy was during his term.

If I had a nickel for every time some Trump apologist said “sure, Trump’s a jerk, but how’s your 401(k)?” during 2017-2021, I’d have… a lot of nickels.

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Someone is trying really hard to hurt Lemmy by continually attacking the most popular instance. Is this all coming from right-wingers upset that their nazi instances were defederated across basically the whole fediverse?

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Polling shows that “MAGA” has a far more negative perception in the mind of the average person than “Republican.” Explicitly tying the two together is a solid political strategy.

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She thinks she’s going to get the VP nod from Trump. As usual, she’s fucking delusional.

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Republicans: All Trump is guilty of is a few mean tweets.

Also Republicans: If somebody tweets something mean about me, I will fucking kill them.

💁‍♂️ 🦋

Is this the Art of the Deal?

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My man just wants to creampie his wife, and republicans are all upset about it.

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I’ve heard it said that Americans purchase based on the maximal use case as opposed to the typical use case. As an American, that description makes so much sense. As an example, I live in an area where there are a lot of hills and it snows rarely, but just about everyone who can afford a 4WD SUV has one. Heaven forbid they can’t drive around on those 1-2 days a year that it snows! Meanwhile, they get shitty gas mileage driving to work the other 300-odd days of the year.

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Don’t threaten me with a good time.

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Shut the fuck up, Lonny. You’re out of your element.

The bail bondsman who gave him that loan is the biggest sucker in the whole MAGA kingdom. That $180,000 will never be seen again.

Edit: Nevermind, I didn’t understand how bail works.

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what the fuck is going on over there

Brownsville is 94% Hispanic or Latino. This is Texas doing Texas shit.

Trump’s holdings are “Mona Lisa properties” that can command top dollar, attorney Alina Habba said.

“That is not fraud. That is real estate,” she said, accusing the attorney general’s office of “setting a very dangerous precedent for all business owners in the state of New York.”

Oh no! Are you saying that NY landowners might have to [checks notes] pay the taxes that they owe and not defraud their lenders? How will they ever survive?

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Google has been doing this kind of thing for a while. If you try to use Google Meet in Firefox, you can’t use things like background blurring. Spoofing Chrome works in that situation as well.

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Adult diapers and their contents.

I hate Iowa nazis.

That’s completely unfair.

They’re happy to indiscriminately arrest brown people too.

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New Pope diss track just dropped.

Framing No Limits as a “centrist group” would be hilarious if they weren’t such a danger to America. No Limits exists to be a spoiler candidate to get Trump elected. After all, Harlan Crow—Clarence Thomas’ billionaire BFF and massive Republican donor—is a major contributor to No Limits.

Also, Joe Manchin can suck an egg.

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Ron Johnson should be thankful that Tommy Tuberville won his election, because now he’s no longer the dumbest person in the Senate.

Everything enrages these fucking snowflakes. They can go suck an egg.

Gaslighting? Did you read the article? It doesn’t say that the economy is fine. It’s about how social media makes people feel shitty about how much money they (don’t) have, because they see so many people living glamorous lives online.

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Government officials in areas where 100 Mbps internet isn’t already available are too busy making sure trans people can’t use the toilet or play high school sports.

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You’re way overthinking it, my friend. The meaning of it is “‘Murica, fuck yeah!” They want everyone to know what a tough, Trump-loving big boy they are.

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As someone who voted for Biden in 2020, and will do so again in 2024, this is a good thing. Elevating this Hunter business to the level of a special counsel investigation takes away the R’s nonsense “weaponization of government” argument. I’m confident that the investigation will show this whole thing is a nothingburger.

Edit: It’s only a matter of time…

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Elect clowns, get a fucking circus.

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The quotes in this article were some of the weirdest fucking things I’ve ever read. Is there something in the water in SF?

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I’d bet my left kidney that Trump is in jail within 12 months.

I hope you have a functional right kidney. This slippery fucker has been getting away with crimes his whole life, and he’s basically a coin flip away from being president again. If he wins in ‘24, he’s going to dismiss every Federal case against him and go on a revenge tour. It’ll get real ugly.

I should add that I believe he deserves to die in prison, just in case that’s not clear.

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I don’t get Gaetz’s constitutional argument. The Constitution only has this to say about the Speaker role:

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and Officers

It hardly seems like a “desecration” to let the House choose a temporary speaker.

I know, I know, it’s shocking that Gaetz is not a serious person.

People are saying that he shat his adult diaper. The best people. 🖐️👌

Eric is Beavis, Don Jr. is Butt-Head.

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It’s supposedly the most shorted stock on the market, which I think means it’s going to be damn difficult to turn any sort of profit on it.

Just add DJT to the stock tracker app on your phone and pay yourself in schadenfreude as it rapidly and inevitably approaches zero.

“Think about it,” he said. “Why is China stalling so bad economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia?”

“Because they’re xenophobic,” he said. “They don’t want immigrants.”

Show me what he said that was incorrect.

Japan has never welcomed immigrants, and they’ve been hovering on the brink of recession since 1990. Of the three countries he mentioned, Japan is probably suffering the most economically because of their lack of immigrant labor (while China and Russia are suffering for other reasons in addition to their lack of immigrants).

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Tucker Carlson set to interview his boss


Would not be surprised if he was a spy.

Nah, the article says he was wandering around the plane trying to steal food and chat with strangers. That’s a lot of interactions over the course of an eight-hour flight. A spy would surely keep a much lower profile than that… Or maybe that’s how he throws people off his trail!

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