The End of Trump Inc.

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 308 points –
The End of Trump Inc.

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Makes you wonder how many people are quietly getting away with it now.

Quite a lot. David Cay Johnston has a couple of good books on the subject:

Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else

Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)

The Fine Print: How Big Companies Use "Plain English" to Rob You Blind

There's a reason Republicans are hell bent on defending the IRS and the only other option isn't putting up much of a fight...

Democrats just increased funding for the IRS. So, yeah they are.

Not going to look up the actual numbers, but...

Dems said we need X billions dollars to fund the IRS.

Dems asked for billions less, got even less passed. Then went back and took billions more from that after it was passed as a "show of good faith" in negations with Republicans. I'm pretty fucking sure that was to get a budget passed, which Surprise! Republicans still didn't pass one.

That's why I said "the only other option isn’t putting up much of a fight…".

By Dems own admission we're not giving them enough, even before it was reduced multiple times.

They already increased it last year and are asking for more:

last year

I.... I just explained all that to you...

That's from this month, notice how my link says 60 billion, and yours says 80 billion?

We'll simplify, just ignore the billion part, and the zero as well:

Which number is bigger, 6 or 8?

Don't want to go over your head, but we can reduce by a factor of two as well, 3 and 4. That's a 25% decrease in funding since your article...