
10 Post – 664 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I think it would be possible to hide if you where given a map of where fourth dimensional curvature exists around you but you wouldn’t being able to observe anything different.

Same with autism, neurodivergency in general.

We have strong roots to the early lgbt movement for a reason. Something with not fitting in with societal expectations.

This is a mutual experience that many people can relate to but its mechanics is also core Adhd where this scenario is more extrme and frequent. (Possibly even with important life choices and not just hobbies)

Normalize acknowledging the smaller neurodivergent features that exists in most people as it can help them understand major ones. but do keep it distinct from “everyone has a bit of adhd/autism/anxiety” which is tonedeaf

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I have a really nice set of whittling knives from the time i was passionately experimenting with a borrowed knife.

Guess how much time i have whittled since acquiring that set?

In my defense apparently i missed out on a free tiny whetstone because i bought on a local farmers market rather the amazon page. From this i have convinced myself i need to master knife sharpening and maintenance skills first so i don't abuse my set.

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Imagine being a autistic human support worker and every customer starts trying this on you.

In fairness though, the more I understand llms the more comparison i find with some parts of my own mind

I thought this was wholesome memes and mom did not conform to society by wearing the crown made for her by the her kid.

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Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

  • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

  • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

  • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren't prey, stop baiting.

Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn't based on literal brainwashing.

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The black pieces become the white pieces and vice versa.

If after 12 monty they actually comply then thats still a positive.

However i fear they may “fix” it with malicious compliance at 11 months and then the cycle repeats.

Instead what i think should happen is they should need to obtain “verified compliance” within a year. (Minus the time europe takes to check) and if the term expires the penalty goes up to eventually forced splitting up.

“Trump spent only about 20 minutes at the jail before heading back to his New Jersey golf club. Before boarding his private plane at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport, he repeated his claim that the…”

Fuck that, abolish the social classes, equal standards of justice for all.

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Fools as i carry with me all of human knowledge, right here in this fragile tiny black slab. I can tell you all once you tell me what your wifi password is.

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So what actually happened seems to be this.

  • a user was exposed to another users conversation.

thats a big ooof and really shouldn’t happen

  • the conversations that where exposed contained sensitive userinformation

unresponsible user error, everyone and their mom should know better by now

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Exactly what i was thinking. This is the flipperzero working as intended.

Why wouldn’t we?

They don’t even need to. Retirement age exists because we acknowledge that passed some point people are to old to function properly on the job. So what the fuck are they doing in politics?

When offered 2 bad choices i’ll stick with the lesser evil though, which is the one not literally quoting Hitler and campaign promising a dictatorship.

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The current 3d perspective is replaced with a 2d overview of the track and ongoing race.

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It was his intention to do this last time.

I understand the irony. But can we not pretend they blindly used an output or even generated a full page. It was a specific section to provide a technical definition of “what is a deepfake”.

“I was really struggling with the technical aspects of how to define what a deepfake was. So I thought to myself, ‘Well, why not ask the subject matter expert (i do not agree with that wording, lol) , ChatGPT?’” Kolodin said. 

The legislator from Maricopa County said he “uploaded the draft of the bill that I was working on and said, you know, please, please put a subparagraph in with that definition, and it spit out a subparagraph of that definition.”

“There’s also a robust process in the Legislature,” Kolodin continued. “If ChatGPT had effed up some of the language or did something that would have been harmful, I would have spotted it, one of the 10 stakeholder groups that worked on or looked at this bill, the ACLU would have spotted, the broadcasters association would have spotted it, it would have got brought out in committee testimony.”

But Kolodin said that portion of the bill fared better than other parts that were written by humans. “In fact, the portion of the bill that ChatGPT wrote was probably one of the least amended portions,” he said.

I do not agree on his statement that any mistakes made by ai could also be made by humans. The reasoning and errors in reasoning is quite different in my experience but the way chatgpt was used is absolutely fair.

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Start getting into self hosting, you dont need all that expensive hardware. An old laptop can get you started.

Heres some stuff you can do.

Fix youtube:

A script (with yt-dl) on a schedule checks a list of channels to download x amount latests videos from their channel.

Fix Television Streaming:

Jellyfin allows you to stream your own content regardless where you sourced it. I output the youtube videos from above in it

Fix Music Stream

Ive setup Navidrone to stream my music library. Previously i only ever played locally stored music but storage space limits forced me to look beyond and its been working well

Fix Cloud computing

Get full control and ownership of your data so it cant be exploited behind your back. Nextcloud is well documented on how to setup your own cloud system including office apps, calendars.

Fix personal online communication.

Signal appears to be one of the only ones competent to so it right.

In general on the web:

  • Always ublock origin, I've yet to see a better one and i flat-out wont use the desktop web without.

  • Use bookmarks for sites you visit regularly rather then giving search engine the extra traffic every time. This sounds super mild but its actually a focus lifehack. You dont need 90% of the shit your being distracted with.

Most people only need a handful of urls for a few functions. For me half of those are selfhosted and those that arent are in someway selected and configured for personal least hassle least shit experience. Ever since I bookmarked Wikipedia and wolfram i’ve used them more to get answers than conventional search engines.

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At bare minimum its to show that there are still groups willing to oppose mass polluters in the hopes that at some point someone with power will make the right call and save the planet.

Is it naive? Quite a bit, but sad complacency isn’t helping much either. As many of these groups are quite young many including Greta may also go into actual politics later in life, then these past incidents serve as proof of authenticity, similar to the pic of Bernie Sanders getting carried away.

This time they where right because it was indeed a drugsdealer but just look at what it took to get this data

“in this case it was used to examine the driving patterns of anyone passing one of Westchester County’s 480 cameras over a two-year period.”

“the AI determined that Zayas’ car was on a journey typical of a drug trafficker. According to a Department of Justice prosecutor filing, it made nine trips from Massachusetts to different parts of New York between October 2020 and August 2021 following routes known to be used by narcotics pushers and for conspicuously short stays.”

So apparently making long trips with short stays is now enough proof to be searched by police. And if they can extrapolate that into “this guys a dealer” how much other data and possible extrapolations got caught in the crossfire off all those cameras. How long till someone in power decides selling some of that info to corporations is a good way to line state/government/own pockets?

Maybe we should place cameras in everyones house and listening bugs in every single phone? Criminality solved? Or hear me out, the real criminals will adept, find new and novel ways while the common citizen is kept in line with fines for even the smallest offense.

Then the police state will want to escalate the tools again, even more suppressing technology. Good thing were spend so much resources continuing to bully normal citizens into generating cash flow from fines. Money and resources well spend?

Or maybe the world needs some actually intelligent people that can find the root causes of criminal behavior and restructure society to improve well being and chances so people want to belong and maintain it rather then feeling like the system of opportunities is rigged against them so they should cheat to survive.

Unintentional Strawman misses the point.

A economy is but a subsystem to serve an organized society.

Not every society requires a economy, there are many ways to organize, the original foundational ideas go back to ancient greece. Read up about them.

The people with wealth and power have all the insensitive to keep things as they are. They own the planets resources, the means of productions. They loby or laws.

To think were waiting on one person to have “a better idea” for things to change is incredibly naive.

I don't know how the system will change how the next one will look but the current one is mathematically not sustainable for another century.

Literally yesterday i pitched to my wife that i cant wait till i have some personal drone that ca evaporate and deflect raindrops before they fall on me. Essentially creating a flying rain shield.

Did not expect to be a step closer today already.

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I see the “drugs are bad” comment jn your history..

Oppression of drugs is bad and makes the problem worse while criminals get rich.

This is quite literally the way if we want a healthier society with less drug related problems and crime. Asks scientist and people who work gave experience working with addicts.

Criminalization creates taboo, which means people hide from help and lie that they don’t have a problem instead of looking for a way out. They are paranoid to tell their medical professionals the truth because they fear the state and police.

The glorification of some aspects of drug culture is a side effect of this. So yes drugs might get more visible in society but the toxicity in the drugs will be less, the damage they do will be contained, social safety will be more prevalent as people stop hiding their use and help to recognize their problem and quit will be open and accessible.

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More like standard capitalism. The usb c connectors are not slower then the lightning connectors so its not like they made it worse. They simply refused to make it better.

A bit like Nvidia continuing to maken better gpu chips but refusing to have them release with a more VRAM.

If course in a way, all for profit-companies are malicious. Extracting surplus value from workers and such.

Why cant scientific progress not be a group effort with everyone doing their part according to their means?

Why does it have to be the greed addicts with the power to initiate human greatness and ingenuity?

Don't we all want essentially the same things?

  • sustainable production of (luxury) goods

  • sustainable power production

  • sustainable homes in a sustainable climate

  • to evolve as a species and explore more of the unknowns in the cosmos

The short version is the ending. Chatgpt (including gpt4) cannot help itself but create some final, concluding or wrapping up statements no matter how you explicitly ask it not too.

Also what Jordan said.

Back when i was though concept art as a subject at college my teacher had a name for this.

“Incest” cause every generation of art that references other art becomes more and more strange looking and detached from reality.

If you thought Skyrim weapons look ridiculous you should have seen my classmates Skyrim inspired weapons.

I am gonna be real with you guys

  • get 10% more sleep per sleep


  • both nostrils always work

Is this what getting older does to me?

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I know but i

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Except that that is slowly no longer being the case.

Millennials where promised we get more conservative over time and for many the opposite appears true. Even gen x is in many ways already more left wing then the boomers.

To me it appears as the boomer generation was fed so much propaganda after the war it became ingrained in society, it took a few generations to finally get it out our system but it is starting to happen. The kids will be alright.

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He used to be a leaderships coach for manager so can kinda see where hes coming from.

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Normalize mandatory open source when a product is no longer supported. Either we pay for a service and they Replace it free of charge or we own it properly

  • stop e-waste/ longevity
  • Breed innovation
  • Foster community engagement
  • Boost educational value
  • Improve compatibility and interoperability
  • Empower user customization and flexibility

I once hopped cryptocurrency was going to end capitalism, democratize the financial system and help redistributing wealth. Instead it became yet another stock to gamble on.

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Honestly the way the internet is going do you need access to the majority of the internet? I feel like its pretty dead as it is now already.

Lemmy will still work because we mostly use Firefox, and i bet the same will hold true for many others.

Basically the moment mainstream internet becomes google only you will see nerds build new websites specifiably to cater to the non google crowd and i trust random internet nerds a hack of a lot more than a monopoly corporation.

BRING IT ON GOOGLE!, YOU CAN INITIATE THE PUSH TO CREATE A NEW BETTER INTERNET. ^Create demand for freedom trough your suppressive enforments^

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They made it sound like he assaulted someone ar first but it does seem to have been just a (offensive) gesture after repeatedly requesting they leave him alone.

Disproportionate is an understatement especially considering the already tense climate.

Song would have gotten good points for sure aswell.

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Or its a representation of what the future looks like if we keep fighting the people who fight for all of us.

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Italian parma ham and such is quite famous and Italians seem to take their authentic cuisine very seriously. Supposedly there afraid that low quality fake meat will overrun the current market. I imagine the meet industry there is quite powerful though so assume lobbying was part of this.

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I bet that before the end of this year this tool will be one of the things that helped improve the performance and quality of AI.

All good and well till someone takes a screenshot.

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Is it really that hard for twitch to create an option to mark a stream as mature only Allowing 16+ accounts? (Should be mature enough for erotic non porn)

Kids who lie about their age know what there doing and require more parental oversight when signing up to a platform.

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