
1 Post – 382 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What exactly do you like about X11?

That it works just fine for my purposes. When it does not I will switch to Wayland but I have no reason to at the moment.

But what does it sound like?

How will it avoid my defensive drone?

If it crashes on my property are it and its contents mine?

Mint is an awesome distro. LMDE is my goto because it is simple and works. What makes you think otherwise?

They were there and they were superior to the alternatives almost out of the gate. I was working for a video game company at the time and me and the rest of the IT dept made the switch almost immediately because the results were clearly superior. Made me an advocate for them for years, probably far beyond where I should have given up. I am not sure which product cancellation finally changed my mind on them. Probably it was around the mess of Google Talk/Chat/Hangouts mess of apps.

Why so many unhelpful comments here? I get it, you are not into sports, but some people are and want to enjoy them. No need to take a superior stance and tell us we are wasting our time by doing so.

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This was a predicted outcome, at least for the larger subreddits. Expect to hear much more of this in the coming couple of days.

Gods of the Internet, with this offering I ask you to summon Cerf, Torvalds, and Stallman so that they may witness this curse. By the spirits of my ancestors I curse Reddit. Let its profits wither. Let its networks crack. Let it see its legions of users disperse. Gods of the Inferno, I offer to you its networks, its mouthpiece, its servers, its "free" speech, its hands, its liver, its black heart, its stomach. Gods of the Inferno, let me see Reddit suffer deeply, and I will rejoice and sacrifice to you.

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I think more likely answer is that most businesses are cheap and a mediocre image generated by AI is good enough vs paying a human to make a really good one.

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Indeed. Retraining and the extra time using a new tool is a short term loss for what should be a long term gain. The transition will always suck.

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learned the hard way

He learned nothing, he is dead. Hopefully others will learn from that.

"Safety regulations are written in blood"

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make it illegal to transport anyone to get an abortion on roads within the city or county limits

Solution : Drive on the sidewalks

(these religious zealots are nuts)

From NBC News interview :

“If you’re a politician or a business owner, you are accountable to your constituents. So a politician needs to be elected, and a business owner can be fired by its shareholders,” he said. “And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.”

Eat sand /u/spez.

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Trump as SoH would be the dumbest possible outcome, so I assume it is the one the GQP will pursue.

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Consistently awful

“I don’t think it was particularly funny, I think it’s puerile,” Truss told Irish broadcaster RTÉ

It can be both.

Dont worry about it, neither do the people who accuse you of it.

Your comment is blocked in 5 states now.


Sorry. I am at a loss for words.

people would just storm onto the Discord or the sub absolutely fuming and accusing us of all these things…but within two sentences, you can tell they hadn’t read a single post about the issue! Not one sentence or article

This reminds me of when I used to take the time to discuss/argue climate science online. I kind of quit after too many instances with aggressive people who had not bothered to educate themselves on even the most basic science.

Winamp still whips the Llamas ass.

Before I quit Reddit (when Bacon Reader died) I had already curtailed my commenting because of this. It seemed that any time I tried to make a thoughtful comment on a even slightly contentions subject I ended up in a pointless argument with someone who had poor reading comprehension. It was disheartening to realize that while I was agonizing over every word I put into my comment in an attempt to clearly explain my thought, the same courtesy would not be extended by the people mis-reading it. I started to think people were just scanning comments for keywords to get angry about then telling me that I was ignorant of a subject I knew a great deal about or a reactionary child when I am 50 IRL. Commenting became a burden and it lead to a decline in the quality of conversation as more and more thoughtful commenters found that burden too great.

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Because they dont have to.

the DNC is going to cause it

It is not the fault of the DNC that the Republicans are full fascist. I wish there were a more compelling candidate that Biden but put the blame where it belongs. Squarely on the shoulders of the GOP and their voters.

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Some people have difficulty accepting that 2 things can be bad at the same time. There is no Good Guy in the Hamas v IDF fight, only varying levels of wrong.

The GOP sets itself on fire and you are trying to lay blame on the Dems?

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The most expensive 8GB DDR5 stick I can find on Amazon is about us$35. There are 64GB sets that are under us$200!

Apple should be ashamed.

Will he turn to Homeopathy or one of the other crank medical remedies he has promoted in the past?

I almost wish I believed in a Hell for Kissinger to go to. Hopefully his grave will have a urinal installed.

LLMs will replace the programmers right before they replace the satarists.

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When that song came out it hit 19yr old me HARD. I am now 51 and it still does.

Such optimism that it wont be extended again.

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Mint dumped Snaps in favour of Flatpack. Even then they are clearly labeled as such in the Software Manager. If both Flatpack and Deb are available for the package you can choose which to install.

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What a pity. Notepad and Wordpad are my favorite MS tools. They did their one job and did it well.

Are you saying it was The Best of Both Worlds?

acknowledge that our relationship has been tested?

This “would upend the regulatory regime for mifepristone, with damaging consequences for women seeking lawful abortions and a health care system that relies on the availability of the drug under the current conditions of use,” Prelogar said.

I think that is the entire point of the original challenge to the approval. Sure mifepristone has been safely used for 20 years, but it is dangerous to women! It is absurd and the argument is not in good faith.

ah. Miserable people usually want to make everyone else miserable too. From now on I will just wish them all a good day. :)

Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality

That was mainly religions influence. Observations that did not conform with what they "knew" from the bible had to have another explanation.

I am sure you can, but you will likely get better performance from a mini PC for roughly the same price.

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Also, water causes wetness.
