3 Post – 386 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

no cost

I think the head of a CEO somewhere just exploded.

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Oh I'm so grateful they are expending resources to catch this non-lethal drug before it hits the hands of groovy people. Meanwhile opioids have killed how many this year alone?

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I remember going to the first fast n furious at the theater. Ice storm during the movie so everything was covered in ice after, had to chisel around the door just to open it. But that didn't kill the racing spirit in some of them. They got in their cars and tore out of the parking lot. 2 slammed into trees on their way out. Another didn't get far, jackknifed himself on a light pole. I just sat in my car watching it, way better than the movie.

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"But not Biden so probably Trump but I will have my fingers crossed when I be a hypocrite and Jebus will forgive me." - Rich white guy

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We really need a functioning IRS, FTC and SEC. Just won't happen if repugs are constantly elected.

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You know 20 years ago I lived there and everyone was so kind, hopeful, and excited for the future. They saw their lives improving and their freedoms growing. When Obama was elected people would stop me in the street, give me a thumbs up. They knew enough that it was a big deal for Americans. They felt a part of the world and hopeful for the future.

Then Xi comes to power, locks down everything, youth get fucked, 24/7 propaganda against the west. Last time I was there for work before the pandemic and people were stopping me in the street to tell me how much more powerful China was over America. Shout nasty things to me in Chinese randomly. He really is a dictator and fucked those people over. My friends are extremely cautious on what we discuss over the phone or by email now. We don't need our own Xi rising to power again here.

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More Republican death panels

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I mean, the government could tackle homelessness, or end child hunger, many appropriate subjects. But instead they want to regulate jerk-off material. Sad.

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Man these people forget the days when a month of Spotify would afford you 1 CD. I remember cause I would spend half my paycheck on music. I'm just sitting here happy for services like Spotify and YouTube in my life. I remember a time when music and information was much harder to obtain (even illegally).

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I think Joe was out of things to say 10 years ago. You could replace him with AI and never know the difference.

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So that's how girls transfer knowledge? Its not how guys do it, Google docking for more info

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Yeah but I don't remove my shoes first, that's just weird.

Stick it in the fridge yourself the day before. Stop asking your stupid children to do stuff and getting mad when they screw up. Remember how dumb you were at their age.

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There was an explosion of Chinese punk/alt bands late 90s/ early 2000s but they gave way to hip hop/pop. Still a decent scene in Beijing. One of my favorite bands from that era is called Wood pushing melon (木推瓜).\_dq-tQuNrA?si=3tEzKqRpgVUlm2yn

The lead singer left that band and started an incredible tribal folk group called Dawanggang next\_4hMw?si=1XQP0yKpz3rsGTD0

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You should try it my way:
Me - Sleep mask on, headphones over ears, hoodie over head, wrapped up in a blanket.
Flight Attendant - SIR! SIR! *Shakes me violently SIR! Do you want anything to drink! Answer Me!

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Bot farms are always early adopters

Take his fucking guns away!

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People are broke and broken. They don't care anymore and settle for sugar frosted cardboard for dinner. This guy is up there smiling and thinking "all this misery is great for business!"

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Don't arrest him. Make this guy speaker of the house!

Legalize doctor assisted suicide. Let people end their lives with dignity.

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I would dump Netflix before cancelling YT Premium. Everything on Netflix I can stream for free from pirate sites to my TV. YouTube actually has tons of informational and educational content and a premium subscription lets me support it without the ads. I probably watch YouTube twice as much as all my other vid subs combined.

That second screen was incorrect. It was supposed to say "Lonely" not "Alone". Thank you for bringing it to our attention, we have now corrected it. Enjoy your trip you lonely middle-aged person.

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Justice. These people deserve a lengthy prison time. The pain they caused so many is indescribable.

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My favorite is GIF cause we all agree how it's pronounced, no confusion there. If you think it's said the other way you are wrong and very stupid.

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cause i'm f@cking polite you a$$hole!

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I asked AI to make an image of me as a woman but all it showed was a giraffe. At least I was a good looking giraffe 🦒

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They are brainwashed. I got a cold for the 2nd time this season. My dad: well you shouldn't have gotten the flu shot. My response in front of the whole family: I thought you didn't go to college let alone medical school. How did you have the time with all the television you watch?

First you have to be stupid, like really dumb. Second, you need a fetish for authoritarian regimes. Third, bring up some irrelevant figure from the 50s to confuse everyone.

Capitalists are only loyal to a big pile of money.

If you manufacturer a product and sell it on Amazon and your website, but give your site a lower price, Amazon will push lower your listing ranking and crush your sales. My business has gotten warning messages telling us to consider fixing our prices when we've done that in the past. They are violating anti-trust laws left and right and should be penalized and broken up. It's ridiculous they can argue that since they don't have more than 50% of the market they can't be a monopoly. They sure can destroy your business like one.

This is America
Don't catch you slippin' now

  • no fucking swearing
  • no paying for content if it can be pirated
  • cats are our overlords
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My professional medical advice as a medicinal professional is to hey hey hey hey smoke weed every day

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Gray's Sports Almanac 1950-2000.

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I'm so glad we all use 315/23 for the date. Much easier if you just leave out the month.

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they forgot the saudi king sitting on a throne of dead migrant bodies

He's been so focused on destroying their supreme court and fighting his own people he forgot about the enemy at his gates

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What a tragedy. I thought Israel wanted to save these people but the hospital bombings prove they just wanted a war. To them no one is worth protecting in Gaza, not even their own people.

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Packing a gun and taking it to China is not an honest mistake. Its beyond stupid. This person should have to deal with the local punishments which are severe. The excuse "I forgot" when it comes to dangerous weapons should be inadmissible.

As a resident of Metro Detroit I am excited about the decrease here. The rate per 100k residents is now below Cleveland, OH; Columbia, SC; Milwaukee, WI; even Richmond, VA. I am very proud of the current Mayor and all the organizations thru the city that have worked tirelessly for decades because they believed we could change. This place is night and day compared to any other time in my life. With our amazing architecture and low cost of living I can finally see a revival happening. Just got to keep the violence on a downward trend.