The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it. to politics – 277 points –
The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it.

A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.

And internally, aides and advisers concede there is no comprehensive plan for countering a movement that’s steadily expanded its influence on the president’s watch.

The rising appeal of anti-vaccine activism has been underscored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s insurgent presidential campaign and fueled by prominent factions of the GOP. The mainstreaming of a once-fringe movement has horrified federal health officials, who blame it for seeding dangerous conspiracy theories and bolstering a Covid-era backlash to the nation’s broader public health practices.

But as President Joe Biden ramps up a reelection campaign centered on his vision for a post-pandemic America, there’s little interest among his aides in courting a high-profile vaccine fight — and even less certainty of how to win.

“There’s a real challenge here,” said one senior official who’s worked on the Covid response and was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “But they keep just hoping it’ll go away.”

The White House’s reticence is compounded by legal and practical concerns that have cut off key avenues for repelling the anti-vaccine movement, according to interviews with eight current and former administration officials and others close to the process.


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The media keeps using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means. These people aren't questioning, they're not doubtful; they're convinced. They are certain that their position is the correct one and no amount of new information will change their minds.

Stop calling this "skepticism"

It should be called "vaccine cynicism"

Get your flu and COVID shots this winter, please. Don't get yourself sick, and don't get other people sick.

Similarly, I hate the term 'conspiracy theorist.' They're not coming up with theories, they're making up bullshit. I prefer 'conspiracy monger.'

That's a very good point I had never though before

We call those people wappies where I live. There's no reasoning with them. No one takes them seriously.

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