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Joined 11 months ago

It's worse. They're not even apologizing for their actions but the "confusion and angst".

It's kind of like saying "we're sorry you feel that way" and are somehow misunderstanding what they're trying to do. They might as well have said, sorry dumbasses but it's going to happen regardless. Perhaps in some watered down form, perhaps not this/next year, but it will happen.

The record and movie industry must be paying out of their asses to have this shit taught in schools.

Let's teach our kids the importance of making billionaires richer and not actual important stuff like checking facts or making a well informed decision when voting.

Absolute dystopian bullshit.

I know too little about radioactive water and what the acceptable amount is for a person to eat through a fish that has been swimming in it

But holy shit can these stupid politicians who also don't know shit about it stop insulting everyone's intelligence with Simpsons (was literally an episode) like ways of convincing people.

I only trust well regarded scientists and experts, not some slimy politician. Literally kindergarten tier persuasion tactics.

Rome. I was so sad when they cancelled it.

For real. Even though there is shitposting here too, there is much better conversation going and not the typical "no u" bullshit Reddit is infested with.

I feel like most quality posters left Reddit and it shows in many of the larger subs. Unfortunately not all topics are discussed here yet so I still sometimes have to go to Reddit (don't have an account anymore). But when I do, holy shit the comment section is a dumpster fire.

Yeah I don't get it either. I see people moving back to Reddit because of this shit. Lemmy is already much less user friendly. Defederating over dumb shit just makes people move away again since they can't find the content they want without having ar least a couple accounts.

A platform is as good as it's users. I left Reddit because it turned into a shithole. I'll do the same with Lemmy if that happens.

I actually like the multiple smaller communities here, it's part of the charm. If you think an instance is becoming too big just go to another one.

You can't really do that on Reddit since everyone is on the same big instance.

Also leaving Reddit is the best thing for my mental health I've done in a while

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Did you try some of the smaller instances? Big instances will inevitably face the same problems that Reddit has/had. A platform is as good as it's users, and you can only moderate up to a certain point untill it becomes straight up censorship. Sadly more people also means more trolls and shitposters.

But yeah it's still annoying and I fully agree with what you said.

Imagine being dumb enough to vote for someone like that.

We call those people wappies where I live. There's no reasoning with them. No one takes them seriously.

It's not a brag, period. Not having a buttload of bugs should be the bare minimum every game should strive for. It's like saying "we sell the least rotten food in town".

Its pretty sad that we've gone from "most epic adventure" and "largest open world you've seen" to "least buggiest game"

Nonetheless, I've enjoyed most Bethesda games and I have gamepass on pc and will definitely try the game.

At this point I feel like Google wants to Intentionally kill off YouTube so they don't have to bear the cost anymore. Just another one for the Google graveyard.

The main problem with stadia was Google. I knew it was doomed from the start and that's why I never bothered with it. I actually know a lot of people that didn't bother with it because it was from Google. It's basically a self fulfilling prophecy at this point that most of their shit ends up on the Google graveyard.

A lot of people actually don't trust Google anymore since they've already been screwed over many times by them.

Why does the packaging need plastic though? It's absurd to me that coffe cups and stuff have to be degradable and made out of wood/carton (which is a good thing). And yet for a product where it shouldn't matter "hey let's use as much plastic as we can for this packaging".

I've been keeping SD cards in a drawer unprotected for years and I have yet to see one break.

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Download Firefox. Look up "ublock origin firefox" in search engine of choice. Click install. Done!

It's that easy....

And this isn't something he considered in advance?