packets of ketchup are super wasteful to – 272 points –

The grams of waste per teaspoon of ketchup seems high.

What else has a super high packaging waste per consumable volume?


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Why does the packaging need plastic though? It's absurd to me that coffe cups and stuff have to be degradable and made out of wood/carton (which is a good thing). And yet for a product where it shouldn't matter "hey let's use as much plastic as we can for this packaging".

I've been keeping SD cards in a drawer unprotected for years and I have yet to see one break.

coffee cups

You want to know the ridiculous thing about that - the coffee cup thing is a complete con. They can't be recycled as paper/cardboard because they have a polymer coating to allow them to maintain their structure.

Mostly it's cardboard with a small amount of plastic around the card itself so you can see what you're buying (and presumably so you can also see that somebody hasn't discretely opens the packet and nicked the card).