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Joined 1 years ago

Let's be honest this is how it actually usually plays out:

  1. Be a huge company

  2. Make your employees sign an NDA

  3. Make your code closed source

  4. Use GPL code and not give a shit because you're a huge company with a legal team bigger than your Dev team

how we never got proper authorization

Why do I feel like this is a domestic abuse situation. Husband broke her laptop in order to reduce her attempts to communicate with others? She goes to get it repaired, he finds out.

I think it's the belief that the wife can't authorise the repair..

I'd hate to live in a world where just because something isn't immediately useful it shouldn't be researched.

Being able to demonstrate the ability to suppress a sonic boom would be huge.

Yeah it's the one thing putting me off the platform. Like I'd describe myself as pretty hard left, and a pacifist. But Russia is a fascist state performing an unprovoked attack on a neighbouring nation. Just because many NATO nations have right wing problems (and tbh I feel a lot of people on the left haven't heard the expression "don't make the good the enemy of the perfect" - shit is bad in the West but it's nothing compared to life in Russia) doesn't undo that fact and Ukraine has the right to defend itself and it's right that we support that.

The fact that some may consider NATO's support to be hypocritical given the middle East doesn't mean it's wrong.

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At this point being a Republican should be considered synonymous to being part of a conspiracy to commit treason and be treated as such.

And the command prompt uses the directory terminology anyway with the dir command.

I think we can blame the education system. At some point it became solely about passing some arbitrary threshold of students with high exam scores rather than about teaching students how to get by in life.

End result was an education system that simply teaches kids how to pass exams rather than basic life skills like critical thinking.

Yeah at the end of the day the fact the Fediverse is decentralised doesn't grant some magic immunity to local laws. I'm surprised there are people who think this?

Yeah I was going to say the reason there hasn't been significant progress on a HIV virus isn't because it isn't possible but because for the longest time the bodies that could provide funding for the research thought HIV killing 'the gays' was a desirable outcome....

Though there is an extra exception on the weighing people thing. If it's a scientific or medical setting then the measurement is in kg (because official organisations are meant to use metric (though some of the weirder elements of our current government are trying to undo that for reasons)).

For those confused on the outside as to why we do this to ourselves there is sound reasoning. We switched to metric quite late having mostly done it to align with the EU. This means our largest demographic (boomers because of course) were brought up on an imperial measurement education. That means colloquially people use imperial as that's what they know. Officially most things are done in metric now but imperial measurements are included with items on sale to help the metric challenged generation. Metric is what is taught in schools with imperial only taught as a "if you encounter an imperial measurement this is what it is in metric". Though obviously there is a bit of a drag effect because when everyone else is using Imperial for measuring a particular thing, of course the kids are going to use that measure as well.

Road and speed signs stuck with imperial as the cost of replacing literally everything is greater than the value it would bring (especially given the demographic knowledge issue). And alcohol is measured in pints as the concept of a British pint is a cultural heritage (plus the extra 68ml compared to our European brethren is a bonus).

The aim was the eventually phase out imperial entirely as the people who weren't educated in metric gradually die out, though there as I said there are a bunch of government who decided for some reason to try and push officially switching back to Imperial for the sole reason of "let's diverge from the EU for the sole reason of being able to say brexit actually had a point to our boomer voters".

Proton is revolutionary but it still isn't a solution for every game. And that's not even getting into the lack of support Nvidia gives to anything Linux.

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And not just the instance admins would be at risk as well. Any time you view an image your device is making a local copy of it. Meaning every person who viewed the image even accidentally is at risk as well.

... I can think of one possibility - an instance known that recently defederated from.

I would presume because their work insisted?

American plugs terrify me.

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Yeah I was going to say VC throwing money at the newest fad isn't anything new, in fact startups strive exploit the fuck out of it. No need to actually implement the fad tech, you just need to technobabble the magic words and a VC is like "here have 2 million dollars".

In our own company we half joked about calling a relatively simple decision flow in our back end an "AI system".

They meant in the sense that crypto/nft was the last fad that VCs were throwing money at.

It's actually hilariously transparent how dumb VCs are and how much tech companies exploit that. Every now and then they randomly get hyped by some big tech company over some 'new' Y idea, then suddenly they throw money at any company suggesting they are doing Y thinking they will be the next Google or Meta. Then they inevitably doesn't materialise and they move onto the next fad.

Through the years I've been in the industry we've had Big Data, followed by AI, followed by Cloud, followed by blockchain, followed by nfts, followed by metaverse and now back to AI again. And the tech companies don't even need to implement any of this they just have to find a way to spin what they are doing to make it sound like the fad is what they're doing.

The depressing thing for me is that in my country access to COVID vaccines is now limited - you can only get a booster if you're part of the "clinically vulnerable" group. And whilst I kinda get it that the logic is the same as the flu vaccine that it's about reducing hospitalisations, at least with flu we have the option to get the vaccine privately... Which we don't with COVID.

Fuck no, we're not taking him in.

See I get that but I also feel like Lemmy in some ways has more hostile discourse. Too many people with incredibly entrenched opinions about something incredibly niche who then proceed to shout down anyone who doesn't partake in that niche.

Like at least on Reddit the aggressive circlejerks tend to align with mainstream thought. Like you don't have to point out things like Linux isn't actually perfect and there are reasons Windows may be better in some circumstances or that invading a foreign country because of something they might hypothetically do is not a nice thing to do.

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coffee cups

You want to know the ridiculous thing about that - the coffee cup thing is a complete con. They can't be recycled as paper/cardboard because they have a polymer coating to allow them to maintain their structure.

It's basically "he's retiring but keeps getting paid by Nintendo".

I believe this is part of the "don't make the good the enemy of the perfect" thing. Because we're not good in all ways it is assumed that everything we do is for evil. You see it even some of the responses to my post - that we're only providing support because it fuels our military industry profits. And to be honest, that is probably true. But like it's still doing the right thing, even if it's for the wrong reasons.

Nah Essex is our Florida.

I think the issue with the Twitter->Mastodon conversion is that this style of social media is about following people and therefore people will stay where the people they want to follow are. So it becomes a bit of a difficult situation where people won't move as a person they want to keep in touch with won't move which means more people won't move.

Reddit->Lemmy likely won't have the same problem as this style is about following content rather than people.

Yeah I'm one of those who wouldn't go back in time and kill Hitler as I'm not entirely sure it would have led to a better outcome. For starters Hitler didn't build the concept of fascism, he was just the first to take it to its end state. Kill Hitler and you could just end up with a situation where WW2 was a fight against Himmler.

The main issue comes when the game is using proprietary stuff. Like I found getting Kingdom Hearts to run at all was a pain in the arse because of it using a proprietary codec for it's cutscenes.

I also found Hand of Fate 2 had some weird rendering issues with certain graphics settings.

And if you want to do Ray tracing or HDR you're currently out of luck.

Also let's not forget the Hexbear "Russia is good actually" posts.

Actually thinking about it, my one anecdote is that my interviewer for a job application was Swiss. Didn't offer any pleasantries to make me feel less nervous just dove straight into the technical task straight away. I didn't get the job

Also we have to question whether it can be considered waste if it's actually necessary.

Firefox mobile used to have mobile add-ons but it was separate and naturally therefore more limited.

I suspect it's a case of they thought they were getting a good deal out of this when they signed the contract but didn't realise how much Taylor was going to take the piss until it was too late. Likely when the contract expires it probably won't be renewed.

Yeah if anything when you're over 30 it's even worse, as then you have to dedicate some brain power in dealing with all the body ailments you suddenly start developing.

Would have been nice to have amended the headline to reflect the actual story.

Whilst I don't follow US law, quick Google suggests one of the conditions is "the injury is not readily avoidable by consumers". In other words the business isn't liable for the customer not reading the documents they signed up to.

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I'm currently doing it mainly because I haven't worked out what I want to subscribe to yet.



Yeah but compared to British plugs that have a bajillion safety features.

Hmm I might need to try that with the front-page. I had noticed it seemed to just be the same topics daily.

Case in point