Margot Robbie

41 Post – 1503 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

On the internet, nobody knows you are Australian.


To tell you the truth, I don't know who I am either. Somebody sincere, perhaps.

But if you ever read this one day, I hope that you are as proud of me, as I am of the person I imagined you to be.

One thing I've noticed over the years is that in terms of marketing, reddit has a disproportionately high level of return in interaction relative to its size, while Twitter has traditionally had a low level of return relative to its size.

For some reason, comments on reddit has always been viewed as more trustworthy relative to other social media platform, despite reddit or's general reputation for being confidently incorrect on many subjects.

There are certain people whose entire career was made by their reddit posts, yet, it was always odd to me that reddit never managed to effectively capitalize on this other than making their platform worse with every update.

Testing out this theory has been interesting.

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It's not like we wear makeup as some devious plot to trick men and hide our real faces instead of you know, to look good for ourselves. Besides, I don't think I look that different without makeup, sometimes people just ask if I didn't sleep well last night if I don't.

Anyway, if people really cared that much to see their favorite actress (me) without makeup, would you be interested in getting a copy of "Barbie", now available on Blu-ray and select streaming services?

(and there's "The Wolf of Wall Street" for the naked part.)

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The Joker.

I really don't get the obsession with overusing the Joker when most of Barman's other rogue gallery members are much more interesting. The worst of it is during "The Batman Who Laughs", because now you have both the regular Joker and "what if Batman became Joker" running around. And then, as if it couldn't get any more ridiculous,

::: spoiler spoiler The Batman who Laughs gets Dr. Manhattan's powers in a groan-worthy way which is like, not how Dr. Manhattan works at all just so they can fit more Joker into the story.


And I think most people will agree by now that Harley Quinn is a lot better of a character after she's done being Joker's sidekick.

You probably never heard of it, but I shitpost on this obscure technology forum called Lemonworld or something on things I would never admit to in public.

It's great, I'm something of a celebrity over there.

You're welcome, Agent641.

Also, that's esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

Like I always say, it's not astroturfing if you don't get caught!

Pour one out for the OG.

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It's made by Ben Zhao? You mean the "anti AI plagerism" UChicago professor who illegally stole GPLv3 code from an open source program called DiffusionBee for his proprietary Glaze software (reddit link), and when pressed, only released the code for the "front end" while still being in violation of GPL?

The Glaze tool that promised to be invisible to the naked eyes, but contained obvious AI generated artifacts? The same Glaze that reddit defeated in like a day after release?

Don't take anything this grifter says seriously, I'm surprised he hasn't been suspended for academic integrity violation yet.

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What this shows us is that more people are joining lemmy, but even more people are either leaving or going into lurker mode, as Lemmy only counts people who have commented or posted in that time period as active users, whereas most social media counts any activity while logged in as active. You have to realize that people who use reddit as Google search results don't usually interact with the content there and most won't even make an account.

On the upside, with fewer people, it's easy to get noticed here just by contributing good content since you don't really get drowned out here because of the democratic upvote based sorting instead of black box personalized recommendation algorithms. So with relatively low amount of effort, you can make sure your content is being seen instead of relying on analytics and metrics.

The last thing to in mind that Lemmy is only one aspect of ActivityPub, and Mastodon's growth is currently the highest right now because of the ecosystem created by the whale fall of Twitter, which indirectly grows Lemmy as Mastodon users can post directly to federated Lemmy communities.

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You mean women are people who knows how to navigate to a website, sign up for accounts, and express our own points of view on different topics? How could this be possible?

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Organic advertisements that look similar to user posts on reddit? How could they do such a thing?

Anyway, fellow lemmings, for no apparent reason, Today I Learned that Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated movie, "Barbie", is now available on Blu-ray and select streaming services.

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It's pretty clear to me many people here have never either had general anesthesia or talked to anyone who had, you can't really time funny one-liners right before you pass out.

Here's how it works:

They'll put a mask with a rubber tube in your mouth for oxygen, and tell you to relax and count back from 10, so you start counting impatiently(it's boring, and there is nothing else to do), wondering when the surgery is going to start.




Now the anesthesiologist is in front of you, checking on you to see if you're OK. "But I haven't finish counting down yet, when is the surgery going to start?" You ask them.

"It's already over", they explain.

Then you realize you are in a completely different room, the tube is no longer in your mouth, but you feel so weak you can hardly move, and the stitches/staples around your new surgery wound is starting to itch.

It's like a segment of your life was cut out and erased into nothingness.

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Might? It already has.

If shorts were simply a separate section of YouTube with all of its functionality, then that's understandable. But as they stand, shorts are just YouTube with both reduced functionality (forced vertical aspect ratio, no seek bar, time limit) AND all of the existing flaws (bad recommendation algorithm, reposted content, etc. )

Unless you are some kind of tech contrarian hipster, I don't think there is one thing that YouTube shorts does better than TikTok, or heck, Instagram Reels.

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Lemmy is still going to be here because it's not a Google product.

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Actors are people who exists outside of their work with their own hobbies and interests. Paul Rudd is getting paid to dress up and play Ant-Man only at his job, so he can dress up and play whomever he wants on his own time. (especially Weird Al)

Besides, if he actually dressed up as Ant-Man, everyone is just going to think he is a Paul Rudd impersonator anyways.

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He's always been desperate for attention, but now the public sentiment has finally turned against him everything he does just looks sad.

Oh and his memes were always stale AF.

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The precedent in this case already exists in Midler v. Ford Motor Co., in which when Academy Award nominated actress and singer Bette Midler sued Ford after Ford hired musical impersonators to sing famous songs for their commercials.

The court ultimately ruled in favor of Midler, because it was found that Ford gave clear instructions to the impersonating actress to sound as much like Midler as possible, and the ruling was voices, although not copyrightable, still constitutes their distinct identity and is protected against unauthorized use without permission. (Outside of satire, of course, since I doubt someone like Trump would be above suing people for making fun of him.)

I think Scarlett Johansson has a case here, but it really hinges on whether or not OpenAI actively gave the instruction specifically to impersonate Scarlett's voice in "Her", or if they used her voice inside the training data at all, since there is a difference in the "Sky" voice and the voice of Scarlett Johansson.

But then again, what do I know, I'm just here to shitpost and promote "Barbie".

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If these scabs really need something to do to kill time during the strike, might I suggest moderating an online forum?

It's fun.

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That's kind of how stage names work.

I've insisted people call me "esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie" for months and only like 2 people here ever did that. Breaks my heart.💔

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Wearing a baggy t-shirt like everyone else on the strike is news now?

Also, have I not been vocal enough about my support of the strike here?

Where is my front page post on Lemmy about being "the opposite of a scab"?

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It's becoming harder and harder to be a Harry Potter fan nowaday.

I don't really understand what it is about X Formerly Known as Twitter that turns previously respectable people into, well, this.

Everybody should take a break from social media once in a while, it's better for your health.

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Even though this is an obviously AI generated picture (which makes it funnier BTW), this seems like a fun shenanigan to pull on the weekends.

The best part is that nobody will recognize you with the velociraptor masks on.

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I'm using my real name because I was here to virally promote a movie, just like all the other celebrities on reddit before.

It was a very successful promotion.

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Not everyone who left Digg went to reddit, and not everyone who left Myspace went to Facebook. "Replacing" reddit should never be the goal, it should be "be better than reddit".

If this is ever to go mainstream, what we should be concerned about is making good, high quality original content. If people see us having fun and being nice here, they'll want to join in too.

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But in practical use, people found out that even a 50/50 chance of plugging the connector in the right way is annoying enough to warrant the additional complexity of reversability, hence the development of USB Type C.

The USB-C design turned out to be much more durable and versatile (signal and power wise) in addition to reversability compared to the previous USB designs, and it is developed specifically to address the problems people found with USB-A/B/MicroUSB.

Sometimes problems only reveal themselves through real life usage, and iterative improvement through a scientific trial and error process to address these problem is how you get development progress.

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I've got all the awards we need right here.

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Fellow lemmings, I, for one, am glad that there are no corporate trolls trying to manipulate public opinions on Lemmy, it is the same warm, fuzzy feeling I get when I was watching multiple time Golden Globe nominated summer blockbuster, Barbie, now available on Blu-Ray and select streaming services.

I don't know about you, but I sure hope Barbie sweeps the Golden Globes next month (and then the Oscars next year.)

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If you want to avoid me, Lemmy is like the last place you would want to be...

I'm like, everywhere here.

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It should be pretty simple: the user generated content are volunteered by the users for free on reddit, therefore the content should belong to the users.

Same thing as with AI, if an AI model is trained with everyone's data, then the AI model should be open and available to everyone.

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At this point, I fully expect reddit to ask the mods to pay a subscription to maintain their mod status in the future.

Once the floodgate of bad decisions has started, it's not really possible to stop it.

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No, it didn't get crushed. The goal was never to move everyone off reddit, it is to trigger the death spiral by having the people who cared about and actively contributes to abandon reddit and being redditors.

If this trend continues, reddit will get Facebook'd as their algorithms will make contents there get louder and dumber and angrier than ever before and cause more people to leave.

Remember, reddit is cynicism and despair, and despair is the enemy of progress.

Replacing the buttons with a tablet has always been a cost saving measure on Tesla's part that was marketed as "futuristic", physical switches and dials made of plastic and metal as well as the underlying components will never be as cheap or as easy to wire as a simple touchscreen control. Other car companies followed suit, because Tesla made a method of reducing their own manufacturing costs hip, so many of them jumped on it.

But, Tesla tablets were designed with the belief that this cost saving is possible because of the delusion that full autonomous self driving is possible with existing hardware through software updates. When self driving didn't happen after a decade of trying, people realized how inconvenient and dangerous it is that the only way to adjust the AC, stereo volume, and sideview mirrors while driving is through a tablet with no tactile feedback. So now, we are finally seeing that trend reversing.

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Good thing we don't have anyone infiltrating our favorite communities on Lemmy to market a movie, like the Golden Globe winning, Oscar nominated sensation of summer 2023, "Barbie", now available on Blu-ray and select streaming services!

(Watch the Oscars on Sunday please.)

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After a decade and an astronomical amount of money spent, this thing is still in pre-alpha. People have left school, got married, have kids, played and forgotten No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, and now Starfield, and there is still no Star Citizen.

It's time to accept that Star Citizen will NEVER be released, because what Chris Roberts is selling is "dream as a service" which can be anything you want it to be, and one that never has to end for as long as the "game" is still in development.

The moment an actual product is released is the moment the flow of money will stop.

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I don't think Linus Sebastian is worth watching during the NCIX days because he always seem like someone who would spend the least amount of effort and say whatever is popular to get the most amount of views. As you can see in this video, a lot of the criticism he made on the Fairphone are really nitpicking and isn't fair (heh) at all.

For example, the phone thickness, which he measured with a caliper as a point, is not a metric most people outside of reviewers would care about, especially since most people puts a beefy case on their phone immediately anyways, and size is usually the main tradeoff with modularity.

Or their point about using a Qualcomm industrial chip instead of a Snapdragon chip as a point against Fairphone, when they have previously stated that it is to get a longer time of support.

That being said, having a long, uncut and unfiltered reaction video towards criticism by having the co-founder improv on the spot was not the smartest thing to do on Fairphone's part. He came off as defensive and completely unprepared in the video and failed to address the criticism effectively (with some easy rebuttals if he was given even a little time to prepare) effectively, which is not great for PR.

The video could be much more effective if they cut it down to half the length with an actual script. It's a YouTube video, there's no reason to do it completely live and unscripted.

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Here is what you can do: make a bet with her on things that she think is going to happen in a certain timeframe, tell her if she's right, then it should be easy money. I don't like gambling, I just find it easier to convince people they might be wrong when they have to put something at stake.

A lot of these crazy YouTube cult channels have gotten fairly insidious, because they will at first lure you in with cooking, travel, and credit card tips, then they will direct you to their affiliated Qanon style channels. You have to watch out for those too.

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I scrolled a bit more, and saw another AI-generated nude of someone who looked like Margot Robbie.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to become an anatomically deformed eldritch horror haunting the collective nightmare of humanity. And also, look pretty.

Dreams do come true.

This is the reason why I recommend a submission statement and de-clickbaiting the title before submission.

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As a famous celebrity who has to deal with this a lot, here is an easy guide to tell real celebrities accounts from fake celebrities accounts on the Internet: Ask yourself, would it make sense for the real celebrity to promote these product on social media?

  • Does it make sense for Academy Award winning character actor Tom Hanks to promote a random dental service? No, therefore, that is a fake account.

  • Does it make sense for pop superstar Taylor Swift to promote her latest re-recorded albums on her social media? Yes, therefore, that's a real account.

  • Does it make sense for Academy Award nominated actress Margot Robbie to promote her latest movie on her first personal social media account in years? Yes, therefore, that's a real account.

  • Does it make sense for Matt Damon, Tom Brady, or Kim Kardashian to promote cryptocurrency on their social media despite never showing any interest in technology before? No, therefore, these are fake accounts.

  • Does it make sense for Elon Musk, the richest man in the world in his 50s, to act like an immature middle schooler and post bad memes on the Internet to sell a cryptocurrency based on a dead meme? No, therefore, that's a fake account.

This method works every time.

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