1 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's a total lack of the concept of scale. I've moved servers like this, but when decommissioning them. Things are different when running a corporate data center than when moving a home lab. He doesn't grasp the difference, because he doesn't understand the scale.

Running and moving one computer is different from 150k of them. Hooking them back up the the network without a plan or documentation must have been a challenge.

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I have found this to be true. The current pope is doing a lot of work to bring Catholicism into the modern age. Starting with acknowledging and addressing in material ways the history of abuse.

There is going to be , or should be , a full on schism in the US church. The parishioners I practice with are more for the Republican Party than for the pope. They basically are waiting for him to die and ignoring doctrine that does not match ‘how it used to be’ Ya know with all of the sexual abuse and bigotry.

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Everyone will live long enough to regret this. Matt Gates will show up in a thong and a gas mask to protest something and the votes won't be there to bring things back the old rules.

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Looks like someone found the secret to Coors light

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So this is exactly what the article is about and up to -4 f heat pumps are more efficient.

If your the son of an hvac guy maybe your information is based on older installed units. I had a heat pump installed in my fathers home in the northeast ( non coastal) and I was shocked it ran well all year. I had heard the some rumor that you had.

Technology advanced and facts change.

This is going to absolutely devastate Florida. They need as many people as possible to do work, simply not enough workers live in Florida to rebuild it after a massive weather event. Anything that prevent workers from entering Florida means anyone working in Florida can charge more.

This may actually sink Desantas as a presidential candidate. There are more storms on the way. a slightly damaged house can become unlivable if subsequent events.

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The worst part is specifically so the 30 year old doesn't go to jail. This is a legal loophole for adults to have sex with children.

No. But enough came that Lemmy is now a vibrant place.

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I remember how the Muller investigation and report was fully dodged. I'd give him good odds on getting out of this fully or with a punishment that means nothing to him. I hold no hope for accountability for the rich in the US.

If he gets off that will gives leeway for everyone else to get off as well, This is an all or nothing case.

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The link is to a virus scam. Use for a temp email and down vote this post.

unfortunately all of the work this team has done made this a big enough draw to justify paid professional mods. Anything that draws millions of views and engagement can be taken over by reddit. I doubt a single tear is being shed over full control being handed over to a paid reddit employee

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That’s cold. He’s not even around to claim a share and they are pretending like he’s Jack Kirby.

This could be the start of something good. The 40% number isn't out of thin air. It is the amount the CEO got his pay raised to . Unions can tie exec raises to worker pay in a way that boards aren't doing.

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Oops he did a racism!

It is baffling . I can't think of a single other profession where people won't take any steps to make sure they won't get killed by a co-worker.

This creates an incentive to let high earners:wealthy people :off the hook for jail time since they will have to earn money to pay for the support. This of course won’t apply to lower earners which will go to jail.

That's not very much money at all to relocate people. This is maybe enough for 25 households.

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If you Mace someone you had better take them down. Without distance the mace may be a danger to you as much or more than the attacker.

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The crime was heinous, but the police are supposed to apprehend the suspect. With qualified immunity and unchecked police violence it's getting a bit Judge Dredd in some places.

Hopefully there is some evidence the armed person who was killed was infact the person who committed this crime.

Morbius It wasn't bad enough to finish or good enough to enjoy. Never said it was Morbin time. It had Dr. Who so there was that.

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That’s the threat of North Korea they are so close to Seoul that limited mobility artillery would wreak havoc.

No one on the other end of the rocket cares if it was launched from a tractor and a million dollar mobility platform.

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no and it's ALL googles fault. It's not a walled garden problem, It's a google problem. I'm searching for specific items to buy and look for small shops with online presences. Google will NOT give me results for shops that don't advertise with them. I can even type the name of the shop into the search. Sometimes Bing, sometimes duck duck go will give the results.

I can have the site open in one window and use another to type the description of an item I am looking at AND the name of the site I am searching on google and it's like 'Nope' never heard of them. i have to type the url in to the search bar then it will return a link.

Now sponsored links pop up a plenty.

We are the product being sold to advertisers. Search is working as intended.

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Depending on where you are from. No. If you live in a place where gangs can roam the street challenging the police, unemployment is 15+% and corruption is rampant. The USA will be better.

Yes. If you come from a place with moderate laws, healthcare and representative government the USA could be worse to much worse.

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My heart aches for all of the suffering they are about to go though. Attacking fortified, mined positions without air power is terrible. Each centimeter is paid for in blood.

That is part of why Rico laws exist. It is to show that there are numerous people carrying out the criminal conspiracy for the boss even if the boss never directly says so.

I have a feeling the current lawyer was never told ‘ make the it guy lie to cover me’ but did so anyway.

If you can see the film print in the opening week. Christopher Nolan makes his movies in an analog way. So it is a film process all the way though except for VFX. This is one of the only opportunities to see film that was not digitally modified. Only one place in the world can make these imax 70mm film prints and they are all basically hand made. EDIT: link changed to piped link.

2k digital projection is typically used in smaller theaters where the screen size is not large enough for anyone to actually see a difference.

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The rest of the defendants are rich. The it guy was a regular dude. Regular dudes go to prison and rich people don’t. He and the valet were the ONLY ones with a real chance of prison.

Having lived though it in the 1990’s there was a marked turn in the politicizing of Christianity. There was a rise of mega churches and politicians who worked to make churches align to the Republican Party for government assistance. The money for what was welfare was shuffled to churches to take up services that once were secular.

The whole tenor of conversion changed. It just got mean and only got worse from there.

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It's very inline with the church's teaching to pay taxes.

Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” The men were amazed at what Jesus said.

There is no religious conflict at all with taxing churches.

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For the justice league there was a different director. Why the hell wouldn't this movie, where he was the director, be the directors cut. Was there some kind of public split with netflix?

You should just watch it. It's fun to watch. It's not really deep, but there is lots of action and it looks great. There are 15 characters but only 3 are developed hero and 2 villians. Most of the characters have no effect on the film and could have been 100% cut out with no loss of plot.

I liked the worlds and the development of the main conflict. The action was on point and the main character was well acted.

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Isn't that just a missile? Is the difference that it doesn't need a launcher?

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A president fomented a rebellion in the capitol of the United States to hold power. In the current landscape that statement alone makes me a leftist.

The words them selves have been so changed and loaded that it's nearly impossible to even write a post about what I want to say. The political discourse around the 'right' has driven conservative politics right out of the conversation.

What passes for conservative politics is literally insane to me. There used to be some kind of agreement that there were problems and what the problems were. The main discourse was on how to solve the problems facing the America people.

The main effort of the 'conservative' discourse is no longer around solving shared issues. It seems to be centered around the idea of legislating 'solutions.' The idea seems to be to weaken all of the government checks and balances so that this can be achieved.

For an 'classic' conservative this is when I walk to keep checks , balances, voting rights, governmental oversight and freedom of religion. No conservative leaders are standing for this.

The voices in the Gop that had that kind of sanity focus have been sidelined and are all of the much older generations. That last semi-effective voice I heard from the right was Arnold Schwarzenegger speaking out against Trump,nazis and anti-antisemitism.

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Your life, physical and then professional were both threatened. The things you mentioned aren't little oopsies. These are well beyond normal. You describe being assaulted and abused. Those aren't suck it up and learn situations. That isn't a regular kind of problem. You should seek trauma counseling.

There is strong gerrymandering going on there. That form of vitoing ensures the most extreme rise to the top since the other views never have enough votes to tip an election.

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This is legit impressive. It seems there should be a gardening place for something this epic.

where are you getting a home for less than 170k?

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It’s completely possible for Trump to lose this case and have it thrown out or negated. This is a real and vital test for the rule of law. I am not confident the grand experiment in law and liberty will survive.

Everything you are saying makes perfect sense. Many of the tasks we do are simply because they are necessary. You get a boost from the schedule when it is 'new' but as time goes on that fades. Habit is a powerful tool. Keep to the same things at the same time making things automatic.

It sounds like you may not just have adhd, but your mention of feeling 'nothing' sounds a bit like a depressive symptom. You may want to talk with a doctor. If it is depression there are medications that start to get you on the right track.

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Bless you for not knowing. It’s the more accurate description of what was called child porn. It stands for child sexual abuse material.

This is beyond stupid. The cost it would take to create and model enough data to properly recreate an deep learning extra is WELL beyond what it would be to just use an off the shelf VFX created one. They have been using them since the matrix and the technology was well advanced since then.