The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center to – 1029 points –

Back on Christmas Eve of last year there were some reports that Elon Musk was in the process of shutting down Twitter’s Sacramento data center. In that article, a number of ex-Twitter employees wer…


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It's a total lack of the concept of scale. I've moved servers like this, but when decommissioning them. Things are different when running a corporate data center than when moving a home lab. He doesn't grasp the difference, because he doesn't understand the scale.

Running and moving one computer is different from 150k of them. Hooking them back up the the network without a plan or documentation must have been a challenge.

I love how a data center is not considered reliable unless it has something like 99.9% uptime. It was costing him so much for a damn good reason.

And yet this idiot decided to start unplugging servers by himself at 2 in the morning.

Did he not realize that he’d have to pay the DC company for at least the quarter, regardless of if the servers are physically there or not? It’s not like you pay these places by the hour. They’re payed for by months or years, and there’s contracts involved.

He still had to pay the bill, I guarantee it. He also just wasted thousands of dollars paying random people from the street to move multi-million dollar servers, and opened himself up to millions of dollars in liability if any sensitive information was lost or stolen during this stunt.

Why do people give this man money again?

i mean, he may very well not have paid. this is the guy who refused to pay rent on headquarters, and two different people quit/were fired because they wouldn't just... not pay rent on his orders.

has he paid rent since? as far as i can tell, he just gets away with this shit. edit - looks like an eviction notice was issued this summer, so i'm guess he still hasn't paid.

If I miss my rent, it would take days for me to be fucked. How do the wealthy assholes of the world get away with this?

Shit, if I missed my rent by a day, my old landlord would have an eviction notice on my door by 6AM the next morning.

They have been evicted out of several offices for nonpayment.

Whelp, this is just one of the reasons why Twitter employees sleep in their office.

You never know when your coked up employer might barge through the door.

Elon seems like the type of guy that would barge into someone's office when they're working unpaid overtime, offer them a line of coke, and then fire them for using drugs on the job if they accept (and take the cost of the line out of their last paycheck).

And if they don't accept... "You think you're better than me?!? You're not better than me! You're fired!"

Then snort the line after they walk out, followed by a short exclamation like “what an asshole that guy is.”