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please stop with the "Just Leave." we can't all just leave and i tire of hearing it. what limitations and obligations keep you where you are?

and if you genuinely can Just Leave wherever you are, reflect for awhile on your privilege, then try to recognize how many people do not have that option for any number of reasons.

sometimes i think this sentiment is only a little less tone-deaf than "just have a baby."

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wow, that headline is a whole journey

the biology of sleep is more complicated than "just go to bed earlier."

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the fucking lack of empathy is appalling. as if people going about their lives exist to give him the reaction he's looking for.


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wow! i'm sure the neuroscientist-sleep expert never thought of that! he should have checked with you.

makes me feel bad for kids who can't afford out of state tuition, tho

also, my $15.99 plan went up to $18.99 in the last year or so anyway

miraculously disappeared??? wtf

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the only problem i had when i was driving a small car (i drive a mid-size car now) was my sense of vulnerability when surrounded by stupid massive lifted trucks bearing down on me. it felt really unsafe. and i live in stupid-giant-truck land, they're not an anomaly here.

eta - plus giant truck owners seem to get off on being scary aggressive drivers.

as a white person, i'm not gonna claim expertise on black hair, but i can see you don't know much about black hair or the historic and current relevant politics.

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or paint, that's been a thing.

really pisses me off, environmentalists attacking art, of all things. random art didn't cause environmental issues, and they're undermining their own message with the sheer absurdity of it.

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somewhere online is a copy of a pamphlet that was made available to resistance folks during ww2, full of similar fun facts.

edit - the simple sabotage field manual

two masc people smooching edit - only just noticed the ladies having a nice time as well! 😃

i suppose it's that his intent was to train (essentially to control) something apart from himself, but he likely trained himself in the process (created something within himself that he did not control, at least for as long as the response was conditioned).

is the insurance good enough to cover the cost of a knee and a hip for me? because that's what i'm gonna need if they want me to take up running. at minimum.

this is not a bonus available to employees who can't take up running, for whatever reason.

i just stopped wearing any makeup except lipstick and sunscreen when covid happened. i really thought about wearing it when i got my current job and decided that, if i started, i would be creating an "expectation." i didn't want to deal with "you look tired" on days i didn't bother, or feel like i had to whether i wanted to mess with it or not.

now i wear makeup for fancy dress and that's it.

but respect for people who do wear it often! i admire how nice it looks on my coworker who clearly puts time and effort into a really beautiful makeup.

never did link my account to an email address. so that's an email i never got. 🙂

friend, just reading the headline - this isn't organized religion at work, this is psychosis. she could have said the Care Bears told her to do it - same thing.

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i'm not sure how this could really work. good therapy requires the person of the therapist, and it additionally takes place within the context of a client's living. are there therapists willing to give up subjective years over and over and over? how does the client try new things, gain understanding without the feedback of their life between sessions? also - therapists seek information and process their work with clients between sessions.

on top of all this, i'm not yet convinced this would be psychologically healthy for either.

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unfortunately, this is often true in big cities as well.

things are a lot better in that regard than they used to be. dv is no longer by default regarded as a "private matter," laws and resources have improved.

on the flip side, dv can be hard to prove, especially to a busy cop or judge. and policing is also not a profession averse to abusers.

edit typo

i mean... i would like to go to europe, but where on earth do i find the time off work and the money to do it?

that americans are not better traveled is not entirely the fault of their attitudes. it's easier for your average european to travel internationally for a number if reasons, both practical and systemic.

edit - for many americans, international travel is a privilege.

edit - so it looks like it was less about being wealthy, and more about being white.

i mean, he may very well not have paid. this is the guy who refused to pay rent on headquarters, and two different people quit/were fired because they wouldn't just... not pay rent on his orders.

has he paid rent since? as far as i can tell, he just gets away with this shit. edit - looks like an eviction notice was issued this summer, so i'm guess he still hasn't paid.

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the evangelical christians think this war means the second coming of jesus is imminent. so they are a little horrified but mostly all excited about it.

edit - and in case anyone thinks i'm making this shit up, i'm surrounded by these people and have been my whole life. i talk to them and i see their media and social media. their eyes light up.

... you're claiming your mom's expertise?

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i feel like i tend to have a decently high level ability to understand and empathize with people, but i just can't summon it for that man.

i'm sorry he was abused, but at some point, a person can just be a worthless pos.

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they asked me and others to leave the house when i called (active suicidality and psychosis). i told them we would not, that i was sitting next to him on the floor and two minors were in their rooms nearby. i hoped they would be less likely to do something stupid when they knew there were three other people here and one actively witnessing and close to him.

i think it ensured they were more thoughtful entering my home, and he was calmer when they entered because i remained.

fortunately, i had calmed him enough and taken the weapon that this was even a possibility. i suspect it doesn't hurt that we're white.

people can be disinterested in dating each other for any reason they want, it's not like you have to reach some level of hatefulness before they can say "i don't care for your politics and i'm not interested."

i figure, if you dig far enough into most any creator, you are more likely to find an asshole than not. the effect increases with increasing remove (ie they lived a long time ago).

i don't say this to excuse what's problematic, but i believe bad people can make good art, and also that most people aren't angels.

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A V E R A G E takes a heck of a lot of poor folks to balance the billionaires.

on reddit, i learned about asexuality.

i find myself using "friend" a lot lately. dunno if that's a great replacement.

you know, educators and mental health workers are expected to manage situations like this without shooting students/patients/clients.

there's no "applicable life experience" that justifies genocide.

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nobody is paying my bills but me. i'm just getting tired of the argument i have been seeing around lemmy lately that wanting to stay in the city (where many of us have JOBS) is "entitled." i think real estate and rental markets are fucking bonkers when they are pricing out most americans. i have a middle class professional job and i can barely afford it - what about those who work in the service industry who make even less? rent is even harder to cover, and small towns don't have job markets that can accommodate many.

guess what? people go where the jobs are. this isn't about being "too good" to live somewhere, it's about being in a catch-22 of choosing between employment/healthcare/family and rent.

quit putting your words in my mouth ("too good," where the fuck did i say that?) and try talking to actual people.

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MAGAs. because american conservatives are often also american evangelists, and they've got some weird ideas about israel. those conservatives who don't necessarily personally believe weird stuff about israel (ie the jews having a homeland means the second coming of jesus and everything will be great for evangelical christians) are being brought along by the right-wing propaganda on this issue.

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helping professional. i won't be more specific here.

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btw, some of the federal funding that public schools receive is tied to attendance. so in addition to whatever cultural pressures are in operation in schools, they REALLY want students there every day for financial reasons as well.

i guess you could get the flu (if it's not too bad - once had it for about two weeks several years ago).

but then you better NOT need anything else, all year. hopefully you don't have kids either.