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ChatGPT had a fever dream again

Because this is probably the best challenge to qualified immunity that’s ever been available.

Complete and utter dereliction of duty.

They even ignored their own department’s procedure on responding to an active shooter, so they can’t argue it wasn’t in their duty to stop the shooter, or they didn’t know how.

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Amazingly generous of Kim to allow all of those soldiers to defect like that.

Blazing saddles was written with the golden rule of offensive comedy: don’t punch down or up, punch in all directions.

Found on road dead

Fix or repair daily

Failure of Research/Development

Fucker only runs downhill


He was coherent in the past?

Plus Culver’s always has ice cream

There’s a shocking number of people who will just go off into the woods with their clothes and a phone.

I went hiking with a date once who expected to be fine walking a ten mile trail with no water bottle. Some people have no real world experience of how much water you need when you’re exerting yourself for hours on end.

No phones, no distractions, just a man living in the moment, getting stalked by a large cat just like his ancestors.

While wearing suicide vests

Yes, because the computer can fix the physical gears in the transmission.

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Be far more cruel to give all blind people eyesight for 3 years.

Just enough time to get used to it, enjoy it, maybe get a drivers license or start a career.

Then one day, it goes away again without explanation.

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Kinda like how Elon promised a mars colony by 3 years ago, and his big rocket exploded on its first flight a few months ago.

Or how full self driving has been ready “next year” for the passed 5 years.

Hyperloop was going to revolutionize transportation, by having a train in a vacuum tunnel, and is currently an abandoned tube in the desert.

The boring company was going to create high speed car tunnels under cities, and it’s test track is a 30mph traffic jam, but now underground.

Solar city was going to put solar tiles in place of your shingles and offset your power usage, but the demo musk showed was an actual fraud, and there were no solar panels.

Last but not least, spaceX promised “rapidly reusable rockets” with a 10x decrease in cost to low earth orbit. The fastest turn around they’ve ever had was a month or so, about as long as the space shuttles’ fastest turn around. The falcon 9 still costs between 50 to 60 million per launch, even if it’s a reused booster or not, and the space shuttle was capable of taking crew and cargo/payload at the same time, while the falcon can only take one or the other.

Musk companies have a long history of promising the moon and delivering playground sand. Don’t buy any of his products and don’t fall for his “saving humanity” bullshit. He’s just a conman who’s defrauding investors for billions.

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The moment my wrenches at work need to be connected to WiFi so some bean counting manager can come lecture me about every nut and bolt I work on, is the moment I wheel my tool cart into the woods and setup a shack.

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One of my friends got hired as a structural welder because his father was friends with a guy who owns a construction company.

My friend also happens to be a kickass welder.

Should I tell the police?

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The carrington event knocked out telegraphs all over the world in the 1800s.

That’s the most powerful geomagnetic storm on record. It induced so much current in the telegraph wires that they literally melted.

In the 1800s that wasn’t a huge deal. But if it happened today, billions of dollars of electrical infrastructure could be rendered useless, and stockpiles of replacements are already non existent. It would take years to recover.

But this is not that strong of a storm, so I doubt it’ll do anything but cause some pretty lights and maybe ground a few flights due to communications issues.

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I think it’s more to due to the radius.

It’s hard to tell the exact size from the picture, but the diameter of that loop seems to be at least several meters.

The one at action park was like 2 wide.

A bigger circle means less G forces while going around the loop, and less injuries. But action park rides were designed and built by the owner, who was not an engineer and apparently did not know any engineers. I’m pretty sure if you mentioned angular velocity to him, he’d just say that’s a sick name for a ride and then run away to get to a hardware store as fast as possible.

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Hilarious to me that trump checks nearly every box for the literal antichrist, and the Christian’s love him.

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Not blow up the homes and businesses of a bunch of random civilians who had nothing to do with that?

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Did you forget to take some meds or something? This is incomprehensible.

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I think you forgot the active war part.

In the US, groceries are expensive and we may never be able to buy a home.

In Ukraine, your house for the next year or two is going to be either a cheap barracks or a literal hole in the ground. You’re expected to fire live rounds at Russian conscripts. You have to see the dead bodies of your friends and enemies alike, and you’ll have to deal with either killing someone, or not having killed someone who went on to kill a friend.

I’ll take the expensive food, thank you. War is hell

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Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Massachusetts, New York, And Washington are the states you can use this in, since the site in the OP just gives you a link to the IRS website that lists the states.

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There’s plenty of cases where they don’t look for cars either.

Or the cops themselves just straight up steal the car themselves.

My wife’s car was ordered to be towed by, according to the impound lot, the police.

Neat thing was that there was no ticket with the car, no police station within 3 miles had a record of a ticket for her or the car, and the area she had parked had no signs that suggested it was illegal to park where she did, nor does the city have any ordinance about overnight parking.

Best we can figure, is a cop or the tow company that works with the city, just decided to tow a car for funsies and the 500 bucks it took to get it out of impound.

The police and every organization associated with them are corrupt to the core.

You want to know a better system?

What if each person had some kind of physical passkey that linked them to their money, and they used that to pay for food?

We could even have a bunch of security put around this passkey that makes it’s really easy to disable it if it gets lost or stolen.

As for shoplifting, what if we had some kind of societal system that levied punishments against people by providing a place where the victim and accused can show evidence for and against the infraction, and an impartial pool of people decides if they need to be punished or not.

Imagine regularly losing naval assets to a country that does not possess a navy.

Space travel is very expensive and NASA has a very small budget these days.

Back during the space race, NASA could afford to launch multiple missions per year. Now they can barely afford to maintain existing missions and are lucky to launch a major missions every few years. Which is why they’ve moved to buying space on commercial missions, as it’s cheaper to only pay for a spot on a rocket/craft than to pay for the whole thing.

NASA also has to justify its missions to congress. Sending rovers to mars and probes to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn have actual scientific interest and can answer questions about the formation of the solar system, and the viability of life off of earth.

Slingshotting something really fast sounds cool as fuck, but there’s not much data to be gathered there. We’ve also recently beaten the “fastest man made object” record with the Parker Solar Probe, as it’s currently whipping around the sun at ludicrous speeds while it collects data about the solar atmosphere and magnetic fields. It’s moving a lot faster than voyager ever did, as it needs an insane amount of speed to orbit so low to the sun. It’s actually much cheaper, fuel wise, to travel to Pluto than the sun.

So why waste billions of dollars to fling something out into deep space? We have barely even seen all Of the celestial bodies in our own star system, and there’s not much to be learned about the empty vacuum beyond the sun. The only justifiable reason would be to send a probe to another star system entirely. But that probe alone would have to be the largest, most expensive space craft humanity has ever built. It would need to be able to power itself for centuries, have a communication system capable of sending data over interstellar distances, and likely need a way to autonomously harvest its own fuel, as there’s very little point in sending a probe screaming past Proxima Centauri and taking a few hazy pictures of planets as it goes. We’d want the probe to be able to stay in and explore the new star system, and the only way to do that is to have enough fuel to move around an entire system, or create more fuel as it goes. Something like that has never even been tried before, and the risk is high when you won’t know if it worked or not for a few hundred years.

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Implying they ever stopped.

You can’t think all of those private military contractors get all of their money from Uncle Sam.

Corporations have been using mercenaries for hundreds of years, they’ve just refined their PR departments lately.

If I got millions of dollars every time a company went down in flames around me, I’d carry around a can of gas and matches.

He was CEO, he could have implemented policies to alleviate these issues. Instead he kept the status quo.

He belongs in jail, not another board room.

Where can someone find these horseshoe crabs?

And are they able to be bred in captivity?

Pls respond fast, I’m already driving to home depot to buy the largest above ground pool they have.

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As someone who never needed to take loans because of academic scholarships, you can go fuck your self.

Predatory education loans have placed a huge burden on the middle and lower classes in this country. Just because you made the poor financial decision to take a private loan, doesn’t mean other people should also have to suffer.

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Supposedly they have one of the most effective intelligence services in the world.

Maybe utilize them to find out where the enemy and hostages actually are, and use smaller, more surgical strikes to extract the hostages and eliminate hostile leadership.

You know, instead of indiscriminately bombing civilians.

What would you do? You seem to be defending the murder of random civilians, or at least defensive of the fact that I don’t approve of it, so do you find the current strategy to be acceptable?

Are you unaware of what intelligence services and special forces units are supposed to do? Because if you are aware, then you seem kinda supportive of massive and clearly intentional civilian casualties.

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This thing does math really really fast.

Cause it does math fast, we can use math to have it draw pictures like how you plot a graph.

These picture drawing math machines also talk to each other like a really fast phone call, all the time. So we can transfer pictures and words between them.

Also it makes phone calls but it doesn’t need a cable.

Also the pictures it can send are slowly eroding the foundations of our society like tides against a cliff, and we all feel the ground getting thinner beneath our feet, but if we turn off the water, like 5 people will be marginally less rich. And having 5 slightly less obscenely rich people is deemed unacceptable in our increasingly surreal society.

I think that’s a pretty good explanation for a person from the 50s

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Because the secret service accidentally shot the president in the back of the head, and it’s really embarrassing to admit that.

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What I don’t understand is why no politician who’s against this has proposed an education act under the guise of national security.

What republicans are doing with education is very dangerous. Stupid voters are easy to manipulate, which seems to be the goal, but they have to do more than vote for the other 364 days a year. Having a poorly educated population means you have less engineers designing infrastructure, less trades people building that infrastructure, less doctors to treat injured and ill people, and less skilled professionals overall. The US is largely in the economic and geopolitical position that is in due to the manufacturing and research capacity we had after WW2. For decades, the US was where people went if they wanted to be at the bleeding edge of design/research, because we had very good higher education and the skilled manufacturing to bring those designs to life. Attacking education only hastens the decline of that legacy. A few decades like this means the US will no longer be able to make the advanced military equipment used to project power across the world, or US companies not being able to find people who can maintain, improve, and innovate on products without hiring foreign contractors. If Desantis’ attacks become a national thing, they’ll be putting the US on a fast track to rapid decline and economic collapse.

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Even if Webb were to basically spot earth 2 5 light years away, I’d caution about getting excited for a radio chat.

Remember that life has existed on earth for something like 3 billion years, but multicellular life has only been around for 500 million or so years, humans in various forms have been around for about a million years, and we’ve only had radio for about a hundred years.

The vast majority of life that has ever existed on our planet has been single called organisms. Finding evidence of any life on another planet is huge news, but we should temper our expectations.

It’s way, way more likely for alien planets to have oceans full of plankton analogues as the dominant life. Considering the rest of this planet’s atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen, even their plankton would be weird by our standards.

Where are you buying flash drives for 3 bucks?

Where is your cousin getting burgers for 3 dollars?

What decade is it?

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A virus scan can only scan for something it knows. If you have something new or esoteric on your device, the scanner may not pick it up.

If you’re not using a reputable antivirus, also consider that the database is wildly out of date at best, or the “antivirus” is malicious on its own.

On the scale of wealth inequality we’re dealing with, a multimillionaire might as well be penniless.

There’s a few hundred people in this country that control more money than most countries. A couple of them have private fucking space agencies, and those are the ones that advertise their wealth.

Billionaires are a cancer on our economy.

Marques is actually very balanced even in his critical reviews.

Even with the Humane AI pin, he did commend them on their physical build quality, even if the rest of the device was practically useless, he never outright said that, just points out the flaws.

Although I do wonder sometimes how much he tries to hard to be balanced, as some products, especially cars due to the price, don’t deserve kind treatment for noticeable faults.

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Tumblr tried to do that.


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