Dr. Dabbles

@Dr. Dabbles@lemmy.world
0 Post – 468 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Too little, Too late. John Kelly is culpable for everything trump said and did, and pretending to be outraged about it after the fact makes him a slimy piece of shit too. And the same goes for all the scumbags willing to look the other way for personal gain and political power. I hope your disgrace follows you for the rest of your lives.

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No part of this is surprising except that it hasn't come to light a decade ago.

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Do it. Go on, do it. A real man would do it.

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Couldn't be happening to a more deserving guy. Between the racism lawsuits, his ex-girlfriend lawsuit, investor lawsuits, former executive suing him, and now the SEC? I hope this is the year we take all of Elon's money.

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I could understand suspending deliveries to keep drivers out of those situations as it's investigated. But what the actual fuck is going on where they suspended the family devices? What an actual joke. First off, Alexa is dogshit, and now you advertise that you'll just cut users off on every platform at a moment's notice? Why would anybody use it going forward?

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The instant they enter discovery, he's going to have to drop the suit like usual or hand over an awful lot of evidence of interacting with some extremely shitty racist ass hats. I'm excited for either outcome.

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Great, then we should stop funding their government and military spending. If they won't stop, we can. Of course we won't, but we could and should.

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Big bang theory. It was absolute garbage.

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He will NOT be appointing officials for an organization that kills people until the government stops allowing abortions. Just let the logic sink in for a while. The guy's a POS, and nobody should be surprised that a single issue candidate is only interested in a single issue.

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It's not an awkward spot, it's a spot where you now know your bargaining power and you're going to make them pay literally for what they've put you through. They need the employees, so the employees can dictate their demands if they negotiate wisely. If these companies are willing to screw you over, then you should be willing to drill them for oil when you get the chance. Screw them. Hard.

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There is a second way, legend has it. The ancient ones tell a tale of the one that does not use the service, and does not train someone else's shitty models for free.

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Early on, Starlink support posted a recommendation to customers- Reopen old support tickets, because they'll get the highest priority. That and the insane variability of service quality made me instantly cancel the service I got from them FOR FREE. Unless you live where you can't get any other service, DO NOT pay Starlink. It's a standard Musk venture where customers are treated like they're scumbags for expecting the bare minimum, and they change the prices and rules on a whim.

Right, nearing mass production is what we call it when their PR department announced just a couple weeks ago that they're delaying the project until 2025, and they've been working on it for a decade.

These posts need to stop. Their only purpose is to lead gullible people on while the company desperately wishes for a magical fix to all their problems.

Only the most gullible rubes have alarms raised. Every sensible person has already moved on and is ignoring the clown show. Stop using that shit.

Just this once,. I actually believe in his abilities. He can bring that 47% down to 0%. I just know he can. Come on, Elon. We're all counting on you now.

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Morris Chang said it decades ago, but the US will need to import a lot of talented engineers and workers if we plan on actually having some amount of self sufficiency in chip design on the leading edge of the industry. IMO, there was zero chance they were ever going to have that fab running by 2024, just given the amount of time other fabs have taken from tool-in to production runs. But this sort of announcement means things are significantly worse than previously imagined.

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It’s unclear if the issue is a glitch with X’s advertising platform or a deliberate change intended to deceive consumers into believing some ads are regular posts from accounts they follow.

Is it? Is it unclear? To whom is it unclear? They've lost almost all their ad revenue by reputable companies, leaving the worst of the worst paying Twitter's bills. It seems highly likely they'd exert pressure for those few precious dollars, get ads to be more scammy, get fewer content checks on ads, maybe get some injectable JavaScript to exploit end devices. None of that would surprise me even a little given how many ad networks we see doing exactly that.

Key word here is "Simulations". Of a phenomenon nobody has reproduced yet, and nobody has a complete understanding of how it might work assuming it actually does.

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Going to run a turbofan in a vacuum chamber for propulsion and use air bearings to float on the surface. Like any of it ever made sense from day one. Fever dreams of an idiot.

What I find most interesting about her is that my MAGA family loved her character on Rosanne the TV show. Then HATED her when she sang the national anthem and scratched herself like a baseball player. Now they love her again.

None of this is supposed to make sense, it's just supposed to make them feel good to have someone "rejected by Hollywood" saying the same idiotic shit they say. The fact they are responsible for her being "rejected by Hollywood" doesn't even cross their minds.

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Outside of Florida, nobody cares. Enjoy the "find out" phase. Maybe don't vote for complete pieces of garbage and you won't have insiders "worrying".

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In the US, close to half of the winnings do go to the lottery, plus a portion of each lottery ticket usually goes to fund some government agency. Schools, programs for the impoverished and disenfranchised, etc.

The real question, in my opinion, is if you are willing to spend that much money on a ticket, why aren't you willing to spend that much money on just outright funding government programs? Imagine if 100% of what someone paid for a ticket went to programs for the disenfranchised? That could make real difference.

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But what if your home was the battery?

But what if your walls could talk.

The cement devices are a kind of simplified battery called supercapacitors.

Yeah, cement as a supercap is a terrible idea on every conceivable level. First off, cement CO2 emissions are astounding. Second, what happens when this porous material gets wet and a short to ground happens? Your cement pad suddenly vaporizes you if you turn on the sink.

If carbon black cement was used to make a 45-cubic-meter volume of concrete—roughly the amount used in the foundation of a standard home—it could store 10 kilowatt-hours of energy

So, 65 metric tons of cement to store the energy equivalent of less than 700 cylindrical cells, or two Tesla modules from an old Model S. This is purely idiotic. Oh, and it's never serviceable or upgradeable without tearing up and relaying all that concrete. A battery pack you could hide in your closet is capable of vastly outpowering this 45 cubic meter pipe dream.

It's too bad "science" doesn't filter out obvious junk, because it would be a much better site.

Aside from tobacco, all of those things were known to be dangerous but used commercially anyway because they were cheaper than alternatives. Today's equivalents are PFAS, plastics, and sweeteners of every kind. You will die with all of them in your body.

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ToiletPaper USA has a well earned reputation, and fox thought they could get some of the crazies on their side for a while. Nope. Crazies used Fox for all they were worth and left them with the bill. 😆

Imagine getting outdone by these dweebs and not hiding your shame in a hole forever.

Demand is way down, so they raise prices. This is the cycle that keeps repeating, and nobody should be surprised.

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Cops and pretending to OD on fent by simply touching a container.

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I'll try. Two alleged junk boxes were talking to the cops. Fent was discovered, but where and when it was found isn't discussed. One of the suspects said her dog was ODing, which is hilariously unlikely given how dogs respond to fent. The cops aren't getting their egos stroked like they used to, so they heroically gave the dog naloxone it almost certainly didn't need.

The only way this story makes sense is if these people intentionally fed their dog fent trying to get rid of evidence. But given the fact that many precincts aren't really charging drug offences like they used to, it's not really clear how much trouble the couple would have been in. And frankly, it seems more likely a fent user would try to hide it so they don't waste their money and a high.

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The software sucks, it always has sucked, and it's always going to suck. The cameras are in the wrong place, there isn't enough compute available, and the jitter in distance/size measurement because of non-existent stereoscopic cameras means there's no hope for real depth measurement.

People got ripped off for $15k for this crap.

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Once a cop, always a cop. Anyway, good luck to him on his federal investigation. No doubt he'll find some way to skate on that too.

Mostly assembled. Teslas are mostly assembled. 😆

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Good. This needs to end. And when they're done with the racism lawsuits, they should get started on the sexual harassment and assault cases.

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This isn't really an "emerging" battery tech, and there have been all kinds of hyped "breakthroughs" about hydrogen batteries for a long time. The issue here, like always, is that it does not scale, the cost is absurd, the tech is improving slower than Lithium batteries, and this essentially takes the working parts of a fuel cell but makes the storage foolishly low.

There are also no end-of-life environmental challenges with a proton battery, since all components and materials can be rejuvenated, reused or recycled.”

The same is true of Lithium cells, but the problem historically has been that recycling is more expensive because the volume of cells being recycled is vanishingly small. The ability to recycle a product doesn't determine whether or not it is recycled, which is a really unfortunate truth we have to face.

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The title should be "NYC wastes money on software that doesn't work rather than reducing fares or eliminating them entirely".

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You're missing a TON of history here. Like udev being a dependency to all those projects AND systemd, which led to systemd adding it to their project. Really it could be said that udev is the critical component here.

As you mentioned networkmanager, you clearly know that many popular distros use that rather than systemd-networkd.

Grub2 is by far the most popular boot loader, so far ahead that it's not even worth considering others. Grub has had several major issues, every distro uses it, why not pick on grub as the risk?

Did you have these same concerns about sysvinit? About the various distro network scripts? What about libc? Good god if there's a problem with libc we're all in deep trouble.

Yes, code has bugs. But New code has new bugs (ironically an argument previously used against systemd). Whatever you replace these components with will be just as likely to have a critical vulnerability, but far fewer maintainers and resources to fix it. Systemd has simplified and improved features of so many parts of Linux that it's funny to see how vehemently people argued against it. Feel free to disable any parts you don't need, but I think you're missing 20 years of painful history that led us here.

All scams come to an end when they run out of marks to steal from.

What, you don't do RAID-6 and carry around 5 external USB drives to move your data between locations? It's just so convenient. 🤣

Seriously, I don't get the raid comments at all.

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The guy gets his life force from being talked about. If we ignore him completely and show his daughter the support he never gave her, it will ruin him.

It's exactly how this works, and during a quarterly review with Samsung, they literally told me they were doing this. Nobody in the industry is surprised by this.

Not sure why you'd deny what you literally see happening.

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When selling out goes mainstream...