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Joined 11 months ago

As someone who has been using sync for reddit for years, the app has come a long way and learned a lot over that time, and pretty much all of that is transferred over to the Sync for Lemmy app. The sync for Lemmy app really has a huge head start thanks to the Sync for Reddit app.

I remember when Reddit was releasing their app, they appeared to base it on Sync, and you can still see a lot of that influence today. I remember the Sync dev thinking it was all over for his app, since Reddit is copying his design and surely has a team that can develop a good app, but obviously Reddit stole a good design and ruined it.

Police choose to be police, aren't many of the Russian soldiers drafted or forced to serve at this point?

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As a Sync user myself, why should I switch? I've been using Sync for years on Reddit, I love the interface, and I don't mind if the dev makes a bit of money from it with the occasional and minimally intrusive ads or paid ad removal.

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It's ok, it's in beta, so some features may not be complete just yet, but hey, let's just release this to the public anyways.

A lot of the problem with Tesla is Musk though, especially when it comes to the whole FSD and Autopilot thing. Tesla is spreading misleading data and releasing software to the public that they really shouldn't be, and it's Musk that is pushing for that to happen.

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Lucky until we get actual quantum computing, it's not worth the years on a supercomputer to crack a single stolen set of encrypted passwords.

I could have sworn the original had better than 240p quality...

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I think calling Atheism a religion does degrade its value. It brings atheism into the same category as religion, it promotes the idea that atheists need just as much faith as religious people, it basically turns science into a religion.

Just to be clear, I define Atheism as "without belief in a God", that would include anyone saying they are agnostic.

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This could be true of basically any Android phone on specific carriers, at least in the US.

Wait, your job required root access to your personal cell phone phone at all times? So if you were at home off the clock you were still restricted on your personal phone as to what websites you could view?

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I feel like not many people actually use the data port on their phones anymore, I know I haven't used my android USB port for anything other than fast charging for I feel like 10 years. Do you even use the data connector on your phone?

I've been buying the galaxy line of phones for a while now, currently have an S21U. I've never seen ads on the lock screen before. It doesn't completely surprise me though, my Samsung TV does have some movie and TV ads on the home screen, just like my Roku and most streaming apps now.

Some service providers lock that feature, because it's tied to much heavier than normal data usage. I have Verizon, and while they don't lock mobile hotspot, they do give me a different hotspot data restriction than my phone.

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You have eyes that are way more amazing than any cameras that are used in self driving, with stereoscopic vision, on a movable platform, and most importantly, controlled via a biological brain with millions of years of evolution behind it.

I'm sorry, you can't attach a couple cameras to a processor, add some neural nets, and think it's anything close to your brain and eyes.

I agree that Tesla has done a lot to push us towards a more sustainable future with cars, and unfortunately I have to give Musk some credit for that also. The thing is, I don't think you can separate Musk and Tesla like you are trying to.

Without Musk there really isn't a Tesla. Even now they are very tied to him and his way of thinking. Nobody but Musk would ask someone to design the Cyber truck, and nobody but Musk would even call it that, or name the other vehicles so they spell S3XY, or release beta driver assist /self driving software to the public.

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Looks like she might have targeted higher risk babies so it's harder to catch, and of course many murders seem to be really good at faking feelings and appearing innocent. One part in the article makes me think all the victims were premature births, and that some of them were especially at risk due to that.

USA, 33, daily drive a stick.

Bought my first car with my own money in 2013, a 2014 WRX, it only came in manual. I've been driving it since.

How can it not matter? You have a sport built around the idea of fair competition to a genetic physical weakness, and you think we should just throw that all away? I'm not sure why you are bringing race and nationality into this discussion, that's never been a race based disadvantage that we decided we needed to design sports around.

Our a priori assumption must be trans people should be included everywhere as much as possible,

I agree, but I think sports falls under "not possible" because they don't meet the requirements for the women's league. I have no problem with a trans league, or they are more than welcome to compete in the best of the best league. I don't think they should be competing in women's sports, it's unfair to all biological women athletes who compete against other biological women athletes.

And if you want to compare it to race, where the idea of a race segregated sport would be super controversial, let's just get rid of women's sports all together. Women are equal to men, right? They can do anything a man can do, right? What are we pretending women aren't equal by putting them in their own sports leagues? Let's just get rid of all women's sports, let them compete directly with the men, and may the best win.

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Yes really, I'm part of that pro gun community, I own some myself. In the US, we have certain rights that are in our constitution, like the right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, a trial by jury, and along with all those is the right to bear arms. It was so important to early America it's the second amendment, right behind free speech.

Just having a gun, or any item that is also a weapon really, doesn't oppose the right to live. Both exist, it's illegal to kill someone with your fists, a knife, a bat, or a gun, it doesn't matter what tool is used.

Most mass shooters fit the definition of "law abiding gun owner" right up to the minute they start firing into crowds.

So they aren't law abiding? Glad we can agree on that. Yes it's legal to carry a gun around as long as you don't go shooting random people with it, what's the point? I carry a pocket knife everywhere I go, that's also legal also as long as I don't go stabbing people.

Who blocks expanded checks and red flag laws that would have prevented mass shooters from buying semi-automatic weapons on a whim

So about red flag laws. Should red flags prevent the ability to practice a right? I'm not mentioning any specific right because constitutionally they all have the same protections. If it's illegal to use two flags to prevent free speech, it's illegal to use it for any other right, that's how rights work.

The people wanting to single out one right are destroying the integrity of the most important document in US history. There are correct ways to do it, but they aren't being done, instead they are trying to do things unconstitutionally. Removing a right is hard, and requires agreement, and there isn't enough support to do it so the left resorts to unconstitutional methods and the right fights to stop it.

And surprise surprise, it's the same groups that routinely strips other people of their rights without a glimmer of guilt or self awareness.

I'm also against the recent movements to remove stuff like the right to abortion, but I was honestly shocked to see how weak the argument that made abortion a "right" was. Did you know how the original Roe V Wade decision was made?

It starts with the 14th amendment, known as the amendment that gave citizenship to anyone born in the USA, and providing them equal protection under the law. There is one line in the 14th amendment that reads "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law". The supreme court decided that one little phrase gives us the implied right of privacy. From that right to privacy, they determined that means we also have the right to abortion, but only some abortion, no late term abortion.

So not surprising it was a very controversial decision that many saw as the right result in the wrong way. I'm honestly surprised it lasted 50 years.

There are lots of people who just want to hear that they are right, that others agree with them. They would rather hang out in an echo chamber where it's constantly reinforced that their opinions are right rather than hear people who disagree with them.

Personally I value hearing and understanding why others have different opinions than I do.

I know he initially promised to pick a woman, but I'm pretty sure he changed that to black women, saying he has like 4 to choose from. Either way it's bad taste to make such an important decision openly based on race and gender.

So we agree that nobody wants Harris as president? And that voting for Biden is how we might just end up with her as president?

At least among most Atheists it's defined as lack of belief. It's also arguably the most correct definition based on the parts of the word itself.

Theist is usually defined as "with belief", so it makes sense that A-theist means without belief. Adding that A to another word usually means without, like asymptomatic (without symptoms) or amoral (without morals).

The same thing can be said with Agnostic, Gnostic is with knowledge, A-gnostic is without knowledge.

Agnostic/Gnostic answers the question of "do you have knowledge that a God exists". Atheist/Theist answers the question of "do you have belief that a God exists".

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I know you are intentionally exaggerating a bit, but they do make pretty small portable chargers. I have an Anker PowerCore 5000, it has 1-2 full charges depending on your phone, and easily fits in a pocket

Speed, quality, safety, and seed status are the main benefits IMO. The downsides are you have to keep a good ratio or at least not hit and run.

Back when I used public sites I remember most torrents being slow, in private sites many people use a seed box so even if there are only a couple seeds it's usually still blazing fast. Since uploaders in private sites have some reputation to upkeep, their releases will usually be quality. I also feel completely safe downloading something with only a couple seeds on private sites, but on public sites I worry if I'm downloading a virus if there are no comments and very few seeds.

The private sites are also usually not big enough for anyone to care about, so the chances of them being taken down or targeted are minimal.

I have also not gotten one ISP warning since moving over to private sites years ago, and that's even with not using a VPN

Do you really think they would stop paying creators before stopping people from bypassing the way both them and creators make money? It doesn't take a business major to see that running a free service without ads is only going to cost them money.

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Here is the thing when it comes to sports, there are usually two main divisions in most sports, the best of the best league, and the women league. In most sports there is technically no rule against women playing in the best of the best leagues, but they are just at so much of a disadvantage it is almost unheard of for them to be able to compete at that level. The only reason that women only sports exist is to allow people with that biological disadvantage to compete professionally against others with the same disadvantage. It's a league that's sole purpose is to allow women to be competitive against other women because the men are just so much better.

It might sound like I'm bashing women's sports, but I'm not. I'm glad women have an avenue to compete at pro levels, because without women only sports they would not.

I have no problem with anybody trying to compete in the best of the best league, men, women, trans, black, white, etc. But when it comes to leagues specifically limited to give those in the league a fair competition, we shouldn't be opening that up to those who don't have the disadvantage that defines the league. This applies to women leagues, the special Olympics, and other limited leagues.

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In the US, the service provider can control if that feature is available. If you try to enable it it will ping the service provider to see if you paid for that ability. This is done because the data usage goes way up when you start using hotspot.

I hate to say this, but Facebook Messenger is one of the most fully featured messaging apps. It has its own internal messaging standard that offers iMessage like features between Facebook users, and it also is one of the better SMS apps out there.

I can see why they make it its own app, it's supposed to replace other messaging apps.

Pretty sure the hard shutdown still works without any code though

I'm using sync revanced for Reddit, the problem is it's only a matter of time before the API changes and the app stops working. Until then though I'll use both sync for reddit and sync for lemmy side by side

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But gender is not a useful way to do that and hasn’t been for years.

So you are for getting rid of women's sports, special Olympics, and everything in that realm and just letting everyone compete as people of the human race?

But ultimately I just don’t think sports matters more than peoples’ rights.

What rights? There is no right to compete in stuff you are not eligible for.

So if we have to abolish gendered sports, especially below the ultra-professional level, I’m fine with that.

So you are fine with women essentially never being competitive in sports? Personally I think it's great they have their own league, because otherwise there wouldn't really be women in sports.

And yes, people did indeed claim certain races had advantages in sports and pointed to science about muscle density to support their theories. They would consider themselves well-justified by Black people dominating certain sports. It is the same with trans athletes.

Except that they are competing in the open to everyone category, even if some races had an advantage, that's legal in an open to everyone category. Women's sports are not open to everyone, only to biological females who don't take performance enhancing substances. Again, if you want to essentially remove women from sports by pretending biological males and females are the same, that's your grave to dig.

Race isn't the same as gender, I'm hoping you realize that. In today's world, gender is more a state of mind than anything else, race is not. I can choose to become the opposite gender, I can't choose to be black as a white person.

If trans athletes want to compete in sports, compete in the open to everyone league, don't try to compete in leagues you don't qualify for. Women's sports, if they are to still exist, are for biological and non testosterone taking females only.

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I think a lot of the left agree with you, and obviously the right hates her, probably more than Biden. I also feel like the far left has grown a lot lately, the fact that Bernie even won some states in primaries just shows how big the far left has become.

Well one big difference is that PPP loans were a one time thing, they are gone now and not coming back for a very long time.

If you paid off all student loans today, there would be more tomorrow, and every day after that. If we do it once, we basically have to keep doing it until school is completely paid for and student loans are no longer a thing.

Forgiving student loans just has a much bigger and longer lasting financial obligation than one time PPP loans.

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If I remember correctly, rear heated seats were only extra (and pre-installed just needing a software update to enable) once. There was a time when the cheapest model 3 was slightly too expensive for some rebates, so they sold a software locked version that was just barely was under the limit for the rebate. To reduce the initial price they software locked the rear heated seats, along with some battery capacity, and maybe one or two other things, all of which you could pay to unlock afterwards.

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Voting isn't actually a constitutional right like owning firearms is. There are protections about equality when it comes to voting, but not much about voting itself. States are generally given the right to decide who can vote and how they vote.

I mean that's one thing to have access as part of an investigation, but to have remote access to it 24/7 seems excessive.

Based on their rules, they might ban content of that nature being talked about in their own communities. However they have a high bar for defederating from other instances. Even if piracy talk isn't allowed on communities, they won't defederate from communities that do allow it. This means you can still see it when browsing, but it's hosted somewhere else.

What has done is make it so you can't see anything from those piracy instances when browsing from will allow you to see almost anything besides truly disturbing and illegal stuff like porn of the underage variety.

Yeah, if the sub was fairly small on Reddit it's basically non existent here. I'm using both Lemmy and Reddit for now, hoping lemmy gets some good traction.

He may not die, but I think it's reasonable to think he will be deemed unfit to serve, or even step down voluntarily.

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I don't know much about Russian prisons, but I might take my chances on the battlefield and try escaping.

That is, unless you have family, in which case I wouldn't put it past them to force compliance by threatening your family. I would probably serve "loyally" if not doing so meant my family would be thrown in torture prison for life or killed.

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