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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit death > installing mint on my second PC > realising I can run most of the games I play and installing mint on my main PC > start learning Rust as a first foray into programming in a long time > realise I want to go back to uni and study info tech to get out of my shitty marketing job > get a shitty second hand laptop off my parents that struggles to run windows and install endeavourOS to try something different.

It really is a slippery slope. When does it end???

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See, you know Reddit is packed with bots when that shitty repost has 6000 upvotes and "does this sub don't have mods" has 129.

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I've got a pretty good mixture of qualifications and am working in a tech adjacent role so I'm not starting from nothing. I have some decent connections and might be able to carve out something at my current org. So it could be worse.

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Man was lying to you. He deserved it.

Can cause hallucinations, paranoia, etc

The operative word is "mandatory". Medical professionals should have a level of discretion available to them, since not all treatments work for all people, even if it wasn't such an ineffective treatment being discussed.

Good bot

Everyone who listens to the same downloaded 50 song playlist everytime they open Spotify premium is paying for you to use the service

But I use it much more similar to you than those people so I am also winning lol.

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Thank you for reminding me to go back through my saved posts

100%. When one of the cons is no meaningful protection against injury, a helmet should be a huge pro. It absolutely saves lives.

I think you might have dyslexia

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You just need to zoom in. To make sure it applies to everything, completely close librecalc, open a new spreadsheet, zoom in using the slider on the bottom right, or ctrl+scroll up, until the cells are a good size for you, then close it and that should set the value as the default for all your sheets :)

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We'll see in a year, lol

Wow private servers aren't uncommon, although I do think they violate the TOS as it stands. I imagine people would continue to use those in the event blizzard shuts the official servers down.

The browser versions aren't too awful, if that's an option.

Completely pointless

Holy moley - OP knows and acknowledges as much in the last sentence. They're doing something for the fun of it. Lighten up.

You could've replied to 100 comments on this thread about piracy but you replied to the one that had nothing to do with it.

That's wholly your prerogative, but I just wanted to chime in and say - I was firmly in this camp too, but I've been restricted to a shitty second PC as I don't have access to my usual rig at the moment. Decided it was the time to give Linux a shot after 4-5 years since last time. Every game I've tried has worked with 0 mucking around, outside of games I'm obtaining through uh, less ethical means, which don't just install straight through Steam.

I know it's only anecdotal and I'm not saying you have to change if you've got no reason to, but gaming isn't really the reason it used to be for not using Linux. Unless you only play competitive shooters with Anti-Cheat that doesn't work on Linux.

Garmin's are excellent. Mine takes a beating.

Hey! Cream cheese on toast is fucking tight. Don't diss it just because one dude is a little cringe

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I think they were making a joke about asking for the names of the communities so that they can go and browse them.

I don't hate my task paralysis because of society. I hate it because it stops me from doing the things I love. It's also the only thing stopping me from taking the steps to be medicated. You might personally dislike the phrasing of "normal", but try to consider how invalidating it can come across to say that I should learn to appreciate this part of myself instead of doing things to change it.

Another commenter in this thread noted that the chamber of commerce is just a right wing lobby group, completely separate to the department of commerce. Not sure if you know that already, but I think it basically aligns to the view of the comment you replied to.

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This isn't "coffee is hot" though. For naive internet users, this is more equivalent to "coffee will give you small pox". You really don't need to defend Google here.

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Equal proportion is not the same as fair. It's a matter of scale. Low, middle, and even upper middle class people will actually feel the impact of, say, a 2% increase in taxes. Someone making more than a million dollars a year will not. It'll be a simple blip on a balance sheet and their quality of life will not be affected in any way.

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I think however you're accessing Lemmy is rendering it wrong. I see the usual function.

The semantics is that downloading is copying something from one computer system to another. Nothing about intent or permanence or whether it's a temp/cache file or not. If you did not download the file, you cannot have seen it.

Whether you meant to do something or not does not change the action. The colloquial use of the word downloading to mean something different from streaming or browsing does not change the fundamental action.

In the case of WhatsApp, which is specifically in question here, it doesn't "cache" images in a temporary folder. It saves the images to your devices media folders in their own library. So even by your definition, they're being downloaded. Now, this is a setting which is on by default so maybe an individual doesn't realise. It doesn't mean they're not downloading the content.

I really thought I was reading an elaborate troll. I expected some hell in a cell, at least.

Isn't the "Netflix original" the extra season they commissioned? I don't doubt the veracity of the claim but Arrested Development probably isn't the best example. I guess you could argue it's a generous use of the word "original" though.

I've seen lots of people recommend PopOS for NVidia users. I personally haven't tried it yet, but could be worth a shot if you get sick of windows again.

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My opinion is it would be better in some ways and worse in others. I think it's worth striving for some Star-Trek-esque version of humanity, where we are well and truly post-scarcity and have outgrown many/most of our more toxic traits as a species, and I think globalisation is the only way to achieve anything close to that.

I also acknowledge that to believe that end result is a certainty rather than a possibility is completely naive. I guess it's a matter of opinion if the risk that we either wipe ourselves out on the way to that goal, or we just literally can't overcome tribalism and greed, is worth chancing it.

Either way we're probably too far gone! I have seen interesting studies here or there though, that indicate the current generation of new parents are far more aware of the dangers of such a technologically enriched lifestyle for children, and that things are turning back in the other direction. So who knows.

Makes you connectable. If you don't forward ports for your torrent client you can only connect to peers who are port forwarding, meaning you will download and upload more slowly in most cases.

I think this was a misunderstanding of a bit of shitty functionality in threads. If you had Instagram and made a linked threads account, you would see follow suggestions for people who hadn't made an account yet. It was basically "if this person makes a threads account I want to be following them". I don't believe it meant those suggested people had a shadow account or anything like that though. Still sketchy and probably drove inorganic growth, but I believe the number of users is counting the number of people opting into opening an account.

It's just naturally going to be incredibly high, because so many people use Instagram and would've been exposed.

You might know this already, but try emailing the primary authors directly and asking for a copy, it's often the easiest way to get them if you haven't got any other way to access.

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"That" and "green flag" in this instance are implicitly referring to the act of having a particular person as a role model, not the role model itself.

English is stupid.

The terminology we might use down under is wanker

My doctor gave me four months to live.

This took me down a rabbit hole, thanks for the link. Time to start saving my dollars. I didn't realise just how much of an upgrade a new GPU would be for me.

If you don't have it already, maybe you should look at a steam deck in the future. I find it to be really good for times in my life when my time to play is limited, and a better source of unwinding than just mindlessly scrolling Lemmy or Instagram when I have a spare 15.

I tried to start playing mc on the deck but I don't really understand how to make changes to the controller setup. I'll have to sit down and read it properly and try again next time I get the urge.

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