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Joined 1 years ago

After a quick search, this came up.

+1 for DeArrow, sometimes I reveal the original just to see how atrocious the channel will be with clickbait thumbnails.

tf lol that’s like suggesting eating pizza with just your hand, instead of chopsticks like a proper civilized human

Very much same here.

Being maga drains away all humanity

lmao they don’t know how to use the three seashells

or water

Also known as a bidet, or washlet. It’s the only way to fly.

A very energetic rifle round (where the mass of the rifle helps control the powerful recoil) being fired from a very low mass handgun would feel quite a bit like holding onto an exploding grenade.

Drink more, then wake up with a nasty hangover, and think about how you should’ve hydrated while drinking.

Water is the universal solvent.

Holy shit science vanished a whole dwarf planet that’s insane 😱

It is not!

That’s all I got. Nothing else, that was my power move, and it took all of the fight right out of me. I’m done.

Conservatives are a blight on humanity.

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I’m a motherfuckin user. I log onto this website sometimes. That means I dictate when you shit and for how long. Just be glad your breathing is out of my control. For now.

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The point of UBI is that it has no stipulations. It’s guaranteed no matter what.

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Raccoons need no elaboration. They’re raccoons.

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So he’s in the “fake it till you make it” phase. “If we pretend there’s trillions using our service, surely trillions of real users will eventually come! 👍”

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  • stares at pic of woman for innumerable hours
  • sees vague dick shape
  • sorry, ur gay lol

makes sense to me

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That’s a dope-ass list, shit’s ill af. Just don’t be bitin someone else’s stilo, cuz that shit’s wack, yo. If ya do, just tell ‘em “my bad, b!”, or expect peeps gonna be poppin caps in your ass, ya heard?

Word to ya motha.

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“Like pouring salt in the wound, you left a voicemail for our chief of police directing him to an online post where you gloated about the event. You wasted countless hours when our patrol officers could have responded to emergencies. I traveled 2400 miles to tell you this in person. I told you that you would be held accountable,” Grispino said during the hearing.

Power move

copied ur nft lol

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Freedom is a powerful thing.

“Influencing” should never have been a thing, and as it is, it should have died a grisly death a long time ago. I’m disgusted with them being enriched while trying everything they can to get me to part with my money. I did very well before they were a thing, and I’ll do just as well when they’re gone.

Then the same woman goes on to say,

“She got slaughtered all through primary school,” said Kaelyn, the mother in Melbourne. “Children were telling her, ‘We can’t play with you because my mom said too many perverts follow you on the internet.’”

No, lady don’t just stop it and walk away, that would be absolutely insane.

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Pro gamer move

This is like Apple telling its OS upgrade servers to reject hardware past a certain age, despite there being no issues running the latest version of MacOS on 5-8+ year old gear.

This convinces the average user to toss their gear and needlessly buy new hardware, just so Apple can continue its march to a quintillion dollar valuation.

This is late-stage capitalism at its finest, and the tech-savvy of us need to donate billions into Linux development post fucking haste. Maybe some kind of open hardware scanner can be developed. The corporate greed needs to be killed with prejudice.

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lol if you think I’ve forgotten about the sewage-chugging fest that was the 45th presidency, you’re out of your fucking mind. I’m not thrilled with Biden’s age, but I am dramatically less fucking thrilled with the conservative’s current shitbag choice. Show me a 3rd party with eye-wateringly powerful support from Democrats, and I’ll certainly consider it. But until then, for as long as conservatives are mouth-frothingly determined to usher in fascism unheralded, I won’t be swayed.

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Fuck me, hold tight. There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers? What's to stop it from blowing your bits off every time you sit down?

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What's to stop it from blowing your bollocks off every time you sit down?

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There aren’t enough people dying yet for that to be of any concern to many.

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Repent for what? Allowing conservatives to hold government positions?

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It’s the meticulous savers you should worry about. The savers smart enough to automate what they save, and fastidious enough to know every sector of what they’ve saved. Those savers may/may not save the whole galaxy.

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Yeah. Guilty.

The sun is a deadly laser.

bo fuh deez…

It will… do that…

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It’s really not that hard.

Cat: humans are degenerates.

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freest state in the nation


The irony is indescribable