27 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

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At this point I doubt tankies should be much of a concern. What are they, 1-2% of the potential Dem voter base? I'd sooner worry about the indecisive ones who have seen the performances in the debate.

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Is this how you get boipregnant??

Idk I just thought those goth wristbands look cool

BookWyrm was my first dip into the Fediverse, back when I was looking for an alternative to Goodreads.

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I don't think this is the exact cause for the situation, but having more book related forks would probably just do harm by splitting up the audience. The book reading trackers are absolutely dominated by Goodreads, and any alternative desperately needs as much user concentration as possible.

At this point I'm impressed by how much effort Twitter devs must've have put into making the site shittier and less accessible.

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I do have to admit it's a bit disheartening to post that pic, and then people react to it by looking how to use the objects to 'hack' the nature of reality.

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They don't really believe Russia is socialist to any degree, they just support it because it (supposedly) opposes the western hegemony, USA/NATO, etc.

Basically the same logic as that of pro-Russian right-wingers.

Why of course, I sure can't wait until Israelis genocide Palestinians and finally make the region way more LGBT-friendly, God bless. 🫡

I do have to wonder what do people who claim things like these think of LGBTs who participate in right-wing political parties in the west. Are they bothered by such hypocrisy too?

Huh? He couldn't not travel to Russia, he's a Russian.

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I don't expect them to do literally anything. Wagner is now dispersed across Belarus, Russia and Africa; those in Belarus and Russia don't have their heavy equipment anymore (taken away after the coup). Their leadership is decapitated, the two most important people in the PMC are dead along with several other higher-ups. The coup from 2 months ago wasn't endorsed by the whole PMC, it's been estimated that Prigo had only around 8k people with him - so today you should expect even fewer to rebel.

The "best" they might be able to achieve is some terrorism. But they're not trained for terrorism, so for them it's probably best to keep their heads low.

You can simply block NSFW, you can do it in your settings

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By the time you finished making this snarky meme, you could've set up a program to OCR a book yourself.

She committed war crimes in Bosnia. He committed war crimes on Kosovo. Can I make it any more obvious?

Look at the hands in the upper corners, looks pretty AI-ish.

Downvoting makes comments less visible. So downvoting is the equivalent of taping someone’s mouth shut because you don’t agree with them. Is that really what you are trying to do?

This is ridiculous, especially the comparison with physical violence. Upvoting a comment also makes all the other comments less visible, by promoting the comment you've picked, taking up the place where some other comment could've been. Nobody's mouth is taped shut by either upvoting or downvoting, all the comments are still visible, it's just that their order will be determined by the upvotes and downvotes - and removing the latter from the equation won't negate the "discrimination" (comment sorting) created by the former.

This. In the west among the younger generations, sure, Facebook is outdated/dead. Among other generations, and across much of the world, it is still almost as essential as email.

A criticism also stated that Facebook is practicing digital colonialism because it is not introducing open internet but building a "little web that turns the user into a mostly passive consumer of mostly western corporate content”.

An article by Christopher Mims in Quartz in September 2012 stated that Facebook Zero played a very important role in Facebook's expansion in Africa over the 18 months following the release of Facebook Zero, noting that data charges could be a significant component of mobile usage cost and the waiving of these charges reduced a significant disincentive for people in Africa to use Facebook.

To me as a kid with a rudimentary phone and little pocket money, this was also how I got onto and used to access Facebook.

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Smh the background/flag isn't gold-black stripes 🤦‍♂️

But where is the air vent, the fan, and Saddam?

Let's be honest people's brains absolutely can turn off when they appear on a quiz. It's a weird and stressful situation. Especially if you remember that all of your mistakes will be broadcast to millions of people and commented on and intensely scrutinized.

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Basically yes (though it's probably not a flash game),

ISIS doing sick combos

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“You’re prohibited from reproducing it, making a derivative work of it, distributing it without authorization, or that is to say distributing anything that isn’t the one copy you already lawfully have, and various other things. Making a public display of it, making a public performance of it, which opens up all kinds of fascinating possibilities here.”

Am I crazy or does this mean every single newspaper that has reproduced the photo (i.e. probably the majority of political newspapers in the entire world) should have asked Fulton county Sheriff's Office for permission to do it?

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That's fucking hilarious, if true.

anti-capitalism gets classified as a mental sickness

It doesn't. People are making shit up. From Wikipedia:

The fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR) (now replaced by DSM-5) states that a person must exhibit four out of the eight signs and symptoms to meet the diagnostic threshold for ODD. These symptoms include:

  • Often loses temper
  • Is often touchy or easily annoyed
  • Is often angry and resentful
  • Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with adults
  • Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules
  • Often deliberately annoys others
  • Often blames others for their mistakes or misbehavior
  • Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past six months

These behaviors are mostly directed towards an authority figure such as a teacher or a parent. Although these behaviors can be typical among siblings, they must be observed with individuals other than siblings for an ODD diagnosis. Children with ODD can be verbally aggressive. However, they do not display physical aggressiveness, a behavior observed in conduct disorder. Furthermore, they must be perpetuated for longer than six months and must be considered beyond a normal child's age, gender and culture to fit the diagnosis. For children under five years of age, they must occur on most days over a period of six months. For children over five years of age, they must occur at least once a week for at least six months. If symptoms are confined to only one setting, most commonly home, it is considered mild in severity. If it is observed in two settings, it is characterized as moderate, and if the symptoms are observed in three or more settings, it is considered severe.

Is this how you express your anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian stances?

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As a EU citizen - no thanks, unless you get like ten seats in the EU parliament at most.

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Even the most fascist redfash still would have killed the nazis.

They'd kill who they define as nazis. I find that tankies' (especially Hexbear) definition of nazism doesn't entirely correspond to mine or that of most other people. So this is not something to be super optimistic about.

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What's your point here? Is googling supposed to be a lottery of good and shit results?


Indeed. He's the director of a Russian foundation, teaches at a Russian university, and is being legally bullied by Russia, as you can see from my three-sentence summary. I'm pretty sure you can't do all that from Portugal or something.

I think he very much should have thought of himself as one. His mistake.

He should've thought of himself as not currently able to travel to Russia?

Ok, lol.

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Probably would've gotten the same result even if you asked the absent users. Lemmy 196 is nice and lively as far as Lemmy goes, but it's no match to reddit's userbase, and that one has clearly gotten tired of the protest after a while.

How can a website be trendy if nobody could use it until now?

Why’s it at +157/-3 after 3hr:

Because doesn't count the downvotes. The -3 downvotes that you see are only those that are counted by the instance you're viewing from (given out by the users of that instance only). Right now, on it has 28 downvotes, on dbzer0 it has 2.

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To dissect the proverbial frog for non-Russian speakers: Dmitry Utkin's last name resembles the Russian word for a duck ('utka').

For an example of our limitations as humans, there’s only 50ish unique plot lines in the English language.

How would the unique plotlines be determined by the language they're told in? Why would the amount of plotlines be based on human cognitive capabilities? None of this makes sense.

Either way, "unique plotline" doesn't mean anything, from the perspective of literary or narrative studies. There's no universal, objective way to dissect narratives, and they cannot be boiled down to a distinct number of basic models. There have been attempts to get to the most fundamental narrative model (Greimas, Campbell), but they're far from widely accepted.

People who are just flat against any and all AI or LLMs are behind the curve.

Art is, by itself, not something that has "the curve". If you're doing something with very practical goals and need hyperproduction, sure, but art is not necessarily made or consumed with such a logic.

Did Marx and Lenin never write about "hobbies"?

That's the weird part. Apparently it's existed long before the API shutdown, and they only started advertising it a little bit when they killed off reddit awards, as some sort of alternative.

Not that it would've succeeded either way, but it seems like they didn't even try?

The taxi driver knows where he is at all times. He knows this because he knows where he isn't.

served the public good

Yeah, nah. For a start, if one website could be singled out for bringing Trump into power, it wasn't any of those icky extremist places such as 4chan, 8chan, r/trump - it was Twitter where he posted his garbage for literal years with no interruption and thus gained a massive following. The site practically lived off his controversial diarrhea.

Kind of, lol. But you can see the difference in the type of hacking. The objects are only meant to hack your own, private reality. That's what the picture is meant to address, that aspect of our lives that can't be translated into external and/or mechanical utility.

Besides, the issue of energy scarcity that the replies are working off could be fixed or at least minimised through realistic technological and political/economic solutions, with no need for magical objects that defy the laws of physics. But no law or real invention can be guaranteed e.g. to give you good dreams.

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