save this rule to – 481 points –

I hope he has indexed everything he saved and can search it efficiently

Those things are lost in the great mines of Morediskspaceia

Better hope none of it is encrypted, he's definitely going to forget that password.

It’s the meticulous savers you should worry about. The savers smart enough to automate what they save, and fastidious enough to know every sector of what they’ve saved. Those savers may/may not save the whole galaxy.

Save the cheerleader, save the world.


I save lots of 2000s kid's shows, for when my future kids grow up. No telling when they'll become lost media. I use filebot to automatically rename the files to TVDB standards, and so far I've collected 8tb. Do I have a problem?

Do I have a problem?

As long as you can afford to maintain your repository, no.

People like this are the reason we will have records of this period of history in a thousand years.

is that the guy?

No guy uses his powers for good. This guy is an internet hoarder.

This guy has solved the entire lost media wiki and is keeping it all to himself.

Hold up, does someone know how to save an entire site? I would really like to get the 5e wikidot archived in case Hasbro or whoever wants to shut it down for good.

Probably a browser extension these days. I had one back in the late 90's or early 2000's that would simply download the page you were on, as well as every page, image, audio file, etc. on every recursive link on that page.

This was back when most websites had a table of contents link somewhere, though. There are plenty of sites now that don't link to every page contained on the domain and are only accessible if you manually enter the URL or use dynamically created pages that only exist upon request.

There's software that browses to the homepage of a site and starts traversing it all, saving it all in the process

It won't save everything, but if a script follows every link recursively, most content should be reached that way. That's kind of what Google does but for one site instead of the internet.

If there is a search function try very simple queries.

The alternative of brute forcing links would be unfeasible, even if you are not rate limited by the site, due to the exponential complexity.

If you want to do something please look into api/scraping etikette like exponential back off.

Link? And where can I upload a PDF* of the site to share with you?’s short duration probably won’t cut it…

*Although I’m certain The Saver™️ would only do full webarchive zips, for us casuals, the PDF export shall do (and be easier in day to day use)

The internet is forever, whether it wants to be or not.

It's actually pretty selective. Recently tried reading an old webcomic, lots of dead links and the various web archive pages were very incomplete. I'm sure SOMEONE has it saved somewhere, but it doesn't look like they made it easily available to the general public.

I will die thinking about how I didn't save Globvids Plague Doctors video.