
24 Post – 306 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

At this point is there anybody left not upsettero? 😅

Wait, what? Did i miss some scandal or something?


Note of amusement: The GitHub issues tracker for that proposal got swamped with tickets either mocking this crap or denouncing it for what it is, this morning the person who seems to be the head of the project closed all those tickets and published this blog post, in essence saying "Shut up with your ethical considerations, give us a hand in putting up this electric fence around the web". Of course that didn't stop it.

Also somebody pointed out this gem in the proposal, quoted here:

6.2. Privacy considerations


Quick edit: This comment on one of the closed tickets points out the contact information of the Antitrust authorities of both US and EU, i think i'm gonna drop the EU folks a note

Edit: And they disabled commenting on the issues tracker

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  • "Are the employees gonna see a cent of this?"

  • "Fuck, no!"

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This is the year of enshittification, isn't it? Damn every company has pushed the pedal to the metal on it

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Compare and contrast

Quick guide that's been shared around online lately for those unsure what this is:

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Until you're required to use their software for, say, banking or legal procedures. You DO NOT want this to become the status quo

I am worried about the direction of Mozilla, it VERY FUCKING MUCH needs to invest on the browser instead of wasting time on "AI"

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Imagine being this fucking arrogant and blinded by privilege

Years ago i would have agreed with you, but on this era of heavy capitalist surveillance you don't want to give them the chance, they'll get every bit of data they can get about you. That and ads are strong dissemination vectors for malware. If i want to support something i'd rather do it directly, ads have proven to be noxious.

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Just yesterday i was seeing this comment by one of the Calckey maintainers. pasting here for the lazy the relevant bit:

Okay, if your community can’t survive Meta using ActivityPub, then it doesn’t deserve to exist.

I frankly cannot fathom how can somebody be so blind to how odious it is. And yeah, when called up on it he also fell into "But the protocol!" arguments, which seems to be the take people holding the pro-Meta arguments are holding. They just don't realize that this is not a technical problem but a social one, it's not about the marvelous internet machine, but about the people that rely on it. Like Treebeard said, "a mind of metal and wheels".

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Just above you the lemmy.world admin answered, so things are advancing :D

Bought by Automattic? After they non-consensually took all of Tumblr and hosted Wordpress to train AI? And after their big boss revealed his transphobia? I guess i'll skip this one

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Here you go

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The person outright rejects defederation as a solution when it IS the solution, if an instance is in favor of this kind of thing you don't want to federate with them, period.

I also find worrying the amount of calls for a "Fediverse police" in that thread, scanning every image that gets uploaded to your instance with a 3rd party tool is an issue too, on one side you definitely don't want this kinda shit to even touch your servers and on the other you don't want anybody dictating that, say, anti-union or similar memes are marked, denounced and the person who made them marked, targeted and receiving a nice Pinkerton visit.

This is a complicated problem.

Edit: I see somebody suggested checking the observations against the common and well used Mastodon blocklists, to see if the shit is contained on defederated instances, and the author said this was something they wanted to check, so i hope there's a followup

Considering the traditional stories and plot points central to the X-Men comic/series this is kinda ironic

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Interns using chatgpt, we're gonna see such a firehose of shit

More worrying than that, when directly asked about this by the "Mastodon Migration" user, Rochko's answer was not "I did not sign any NDA", no "I have not met with them", no "I have not heard any proposal from FB", no "I haven't signed any documents", and sure as fuck no "I'm not considering selling out and betraying you all", no, he said just "I am not aware of any secret deals with Meta".

That's a textbook application of the Suspiciously Specific Denial trope.

We have to assume he met with them, signed the NDA and is seriously considering whatever they're proposing, and there's rumors that they're gonna pay money to any participant servers, that would make them effectively vassals of Meta.

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Promoting nazism IS inherently putting people in danger, that IS their thing

OK, anyone can create a community on that instance so this is not yet a reflection of their values. HOWEVER, if that instance is still there after a bit it DOES say a lot about that instance and specially about the admins

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Your work is appreciated, but after all this i gotta say that you do take care of yourselves and don't overdo this, I'd hate for you folks to get burned out by running Beehaw

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Excellent! Paging @alyaza@beehaw.org , response from the lemmy.world admin :D

Man, i insist that this shitstorm should have happened a year or two in the future when Lemmy was a bit more developed :P

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Absolutely! And given that they have a gazillion users they can willingly move around they can drown us out in a day if they want

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So, let me see if i understand the argument: Discord, a piece of closed source software which is very popular at the moment because they hit first (user inertia) and haven't yet ramped up the enshittification (but sooner or later will because they already announced the intention to go the IPO route), wins over free software alternatives because of a 100% unofficial bot designed to help with one tiny niche user case most users of the platform haven't even heard about, which is itself free software and therefore could be migrated and/or adapted to other free software?

I'm not sure the argument is very solid

What could remotely go wrong with creating a permanently online countrywide database of biometric data?

I dislike when they say in news clips that Signal represents the “current gold standard” for E2EE chats, it doesn't, Signal is a helluva lot better than the commercial stuff that mines user data but there's stuff like SimpleX Chat that doesn't leak even metadata because it doesn't have it.

Still, this is a good thing, these megacorps have their iron grip on people because they have raised walls around their services making it painful for people to move to a different service, tearing down those walls can only help us all.

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It just invents the answer out of thin air, or worse, it gives you subtle errors you won't notice until you're 20 hours into debugging

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I'd say while it's possible it's unlikely, remember that they're running PC games, all based on X86, the work needed to make Wine/Proton run all of that well on a different CPU set is significant, and would likely break compatibility in unexpected ways, effectively bringing all the recent wins moot and bringing Proton backwards. Definitely something that will likely happen, but more of a long-term goal (unless it's already in progress and with advances, no idea, but we would all have heard of it already if it was a thing)

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GNU Social, it predates the Fediverse itself

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I understand your position and hate that we live in a shitty world where that choice is forced on people, but from what i see it from here, you guys have a choice between choosing the guy who's not good but is at least doing some good, and the active fascist idolizing Hitler, with every neutral vote being effectively helping the fascist.

Not much of a choice, yes, but that's where you are, and any vote not going to the not good guy will help the fascist. So that's your choice, will you choose to fly over the cliff along with everybody else in the rest of the car or help avoiding that?

When you think about it it's so weird that it feels like a novelty when a website works well as a website without needing dedicated software, but that's enshittification for ya, has us so used to that artificial barrier that we accept it as normal when it isn't

We were considering Vault, I guess we'll look into alternatives now, are there any decent Free Software ones in the first place?

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Source: https://xkcd.com/743/

The fact that the alt-text directly mentions Diaspora is more than amusing in this context

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Asked for mine last week and still hasn't arrived, but I've been an active user for 17 years so yeah, might be taking a while to get those tape backups from the basement or something :P

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Pihole explicitly doesn't block Youtube ads as they can't differentiate them from content at that level, it needs to be done at browser/app level