The mods of /r/pics and /r/gifs after polling the subs have switched to images of John Oliver only to Reddit – 78 points –

Announcement on /r/gifs and on /r/pics.

The most Reddit way to protest 🤣


r/pics & r/gifs pulled no punches with that announcement. I'm glad some of the big subs, users and mods alike, are continuing to push back against these changes. I'm fairly certain I'm done with Reddit but I hope things improve for those who do stay.

Hopefully more subs adopt this as well. Dare I hope for .. r/funny ?

lmao this is perfection. made me watch some John Oliver videos

I love this so much.

Wish the show could be back on to here his takes on all of this.

that would be great

surely someone will @ him on twitter (if he's there?)