3 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Aaron would be so disappointed.

It's because very suddenly, users of RIF and Apollo are going to be locked out of Reddit, and people think they'll migrate here, rather than going to the official Reddit mobile software (as a RedReader user, I've switched over), or going to Facebook/Instagram.

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It's a fundamental question about society: which is more prevalent, fear or laziness? They had no reason to move until their program stopped working. Now, it's not going to work anymore. But I don't believe we'll see a massive adoption wave. People are still confused about the nature of the Fediverse, and they're too scared by their ignorance to get over it and bite the bullet.

Unfortunately, those that do take the plunge will find that most Fediverse client software is in beta, or less than fully functional. Laziness will keep them away. Fear will push them to other monolithic platforms. So my thought is that it's going to drive traffic to Meta's properties for the time being, at least at this time.

I'm sure users will step forward if they care. Otherwise, it's just a campaign optimization at work. Limit the breadth of organic content to deepen the brand-friendly content and push more paid media into the feed.

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You're suggesting that defederates from... itself?

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That's very rude, harmful to users, and will only serve to have the sub taken away from the mods doing that. It's a very bad idea. I do suggest using only the tools provided by the website. But don't use the NSFW tag erroneously, because that will get mod powers taken away.

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Hollow & petty gestures don't help.


No, he would have immediately replaced the mods with internal people and internal bots, and turned off the "private" option. Frankly, I expect he'll do that anyway, or, in 30 days, a whole bunch of them will be going up on RedditRequest - with a new group of powermods.

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Did JoshStrifeHayes do a video on it recently that I missed?

I'm absolutely of the mindset that all non-comment interactions should be totally anonymous. I'm disincentivized to react to content, positively or (especially) negatively, because I expect that the Reddit-style behavior of trawling a user's history if you disagree with them is commonplace. We need full anonymity - not just pseudonymity.

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I wonder if it's not a good thing that you've had to jump from phase 1/2/3 all the way to phase 7 thanks to the Reddit departure. The fact that the site is as strong as it is, and is starting to develop communities, shows that you've done a great job.

Yes, exactly. That - but unironically.

This is absolutely the thing to note about it. No matter how you feel about the situation, your health must come first, then your family's, then that of your friends, and so on. Work outward in concentric circles when you are ready to do so, but always be sure that your health (both mental and physical) is being supported and maintained.

Don't let Reddit or any other company or group drag you down.

They don't even care about logins anymore. They care about advertising impressions, sponsored post engagements, and ad conversions. Marketers on the platform don't care about how many users they have, they care about impressions, clicks, and conversions. That's all it comes down to - are you providing value by trackably converting on an ad, buying Reddit Gold, or subscribing to Premium? If not, why are you being a drain on server resources that could be used to benefit a paying customer?

Disregard the API completely and just scrape the web interface of specific subreddits. It really doesn't matter that things won't update in real time.

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It's not just advertisers. It's also the payment processing companies, the bible-thumping firebrands, etc. Plus, there's laws to consider. If every NSFW pic isn't positively identified as being of a legal adult who is legally competent and legally licensed to share that content, then you have to assume that it's all minors and revenge. If you aren't legally verifying that every possible user or viewer who can see that comment is also a legal adult, you must assume that your content is being displayed to children. When you have those assumptions in mind (which are also the government's assumptions btw), you absolutely can't have that on your server or your user's computers. If there's any hope of this getting to a point of profit without fully deanonymizing every poster and every user, porn is poison.

As a former user of Prodigy, all I ever wanted was for the Sears catalog to be accessible on there, as it was dying. They could have done exactly what Amazon did, but with the brand power of Sears. Home delivery was a solved problem for them - hell, Sears' Home Delivery could literally deliver homes! Look it up, you will find houses still standing that were prefabbed and delivered. Yes, we damn well should have shut up and bought things. I say this having been one of the world champs of the Prodigy Carmen Sandiego - one of the kids they wanted to just shut up. If my family could have bought everything from Sears (& K-Mart) from Prodigy, we would have!

Sell me a thing worth buying and I'll shut up and buy it. Sell me snow in the winter, I'll just shut up and walk away.

As for LJ, yeah, a lot of English speaking people had no idea about it. I saw it when I looked up the company buying LJ. Many of my friends at the time moved to IJ & DJ. I wasn't hurt, I wasn't affected directly, so I stayed until I got bored.

That's how I feel about social media - I'm there till it bores me. Give me something worth buying, I'll shut up and buy it.

There's already porn in the fediverse. I don't see a problem with it existing, but it's always bothered me when porn and social media get mixed. That's not necessarily because of prudishness or shame, but rather the fact that social media often employs dark patterns of addiction, and porn addiction can become very real, very quickly. I think we need to be careful about it, and I think there should be an onus on platforms as well as producers to help protect the vulnerable against addiction and the downward spiral.

I agree with your premise, but not all of the details. I believe that if you don't want to be on Reddit as it is, simply don't be on Reddit. Depart gracefully, don't burn bridges, don't troll or spam. It doesn't help anyone - your mental health included.

In many ways, I do believe that taking the high road is best when there's an issue like this. I don't mind being on Reddit, or kbin, or Lemmy, or Mastodon. The only social I'm never on is Twitter. I don't see a need to be there; so I'm not. For my own part, I didn't mind the 2-day blackout - I mind the spam, the NSFW from unexpected sources, etc. If the answer is that I need to stand up and start taking part in moderating communities to ensure that the content I want to see is what's there, I'll decide then whether I want to do so or not. I'm annoyed by the possibility of the app I prefer (RedReader) standing on shaky ground from now on with an "accessibility" label hung on it. I'm not a fan of ads, at the best of times, I block most advertising domains, and usually turn off ECMAScript on sites (or at least I'm picky about what is allowed to run). I'd prefer to turn it off altogether, but that's not an option at the moment with the way the web is going.

As I've said before, I do not believe there's a single active mod of a large community who doesn't know whether or not they want to lead a community on Reddit right now. If they want to lead a community, but not on Reddit, there's the various fediverse options, JCInk, Freeforums, NeoCities, or whatever - those people could even file an RFD and have it put up on Usenet. If they want to lead a community on Reddit, that means abiding by the rules, policies, and behaviors which have been set down. I have no problem with, say, r/piracy moving to their own Lemmy, and I'm honestly in favor of the wide adoption of alternate social media (though I worry what onerous monetization will be forced upon us when the costs get too high and each server can only afford customers, not paying users - we know ads won't work, because of so many of us using adblockers).

If you want to be part of a community specifically on Reddit now, then be a part of that community on Reddit. If you want to be part of a community, but you're ambivalent about Reddit, rejoin or rebuild it elsewhere. Don't make things worse for the people who make a different decision. That just makes them become reactionary and defensive, and likely they'll end up opposing you, and whatever it is you stand for (which in this cause could actively hurt fediverse participation).

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Depends on the community. Many of the subreddits I've been in are going strong - or have gotten better since the blackout.

Honestly, the reason I want to is because I want to develop a community here on kbin; rather than trying to develop worldwide immediately.

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Okay. Time to start using Matrix and IRC then.

That's trolling, led by the mods. I gleefully await the ban wave.

It's just proof that people want a monolithic platform for community. They're just upset when reality crashes in about that.

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My perspective on this is split. On one hand, "get back to work", when they're not paying anyone for that work, is upsetting. On the other, I'm sure that all the mods know whether or not they want to lead a community on Reddit or not. No one should be allowed to force them to run those communities; but leading troll campaigns isn't going to make anything better. By all means, leave Reddit if that's what you want. Don't pretend to stay just to ruin it for other folks.

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If you can prove that the data you're asking to have deleted is or contains PII, I'm sure they'll comply to the letter of the law. Outside of that, all content submitted to Reddit belongs to Reddit, Conde Nast, Advance Media, and all subsidiaries.

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Why are you insulting a sweet little aye-aye by comparing it to Spez?

I don't think you're correct in your theory. I fully expect the Fediverse as a whole, with the exception of a few very tiny instances that won't have public signups, will deal with the problems that other social media have in the same way - ads, sponsored posts, monetization of user data, etc.. in the way the Internet accelerates, I expect it to happen within two years.

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I was on Torn City since before it was Torn - [150464]. I remember playing craps for a while and running a chainsaw in gang wars.

Okay, I'm fine with borrowing a term from post-cyberpunk transhuman works - infogee. We're leaving one place and seeking something still. Rather than physical refuge, we seek information. We could also be called commugees, as many of us seek community. If you wish to retain refugee to mean "a person seeking physical refuge", I understand it; but understand that the connotation will still be understood, and we all understand that our hardships are not theirs.

Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Spiderman is Tatsuya Yamashiro.

Ventrue Bros. sounds like an awesome Vampire chronicle.

As long as it doesn't descend into extreme far left buffoonery, I think I'm happy. Then again, I've come to realize that regardless of personal political beliefs, it's the buffoonery that's the big issue. People who can do nothing to make real change take things entirely too far in arguments with others who are similarly powerless. The problem is that we've been so manipulated and driven so far apart that what seems like common sense and basic human decency to one side of the aisle is radical buffoonery to the other. I don't see a fast solution to that. Rebuilding connection across the country will take elections that everyone trusts, electing officials who work towards bipartisan solutions and the service of the public good rather than an agenda. Too bad I don't see the major parties being interested in that.

Then again, I'm of the opinion that we should go back to at least one element of our original system - the president shouldn't have a slate in place for election, so that whoever takes #2 in the popular vote becomes VP.

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Can I see it?

Actually, wait. I was on Usenet, and IRC, and Jabber...

I guess Green Day's song becomes ever more poignant on the Internet - Wake me up when September ends (hint: it does not end, it is eternal).

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So it thinks Reddit is a nuke. Fun.

Honestly, what I think of them is that I'm ticked off at the mods who are doing this, and the users who are shitposting and pretending that shitposting spam is a valid protest. I'm here, I'm also there, and I'm in other places as well. Reddit's choices as a company don't thrill me, but I understand them. I also understand that since I'm a user and not a customer, my choice is to either accept Reddit as it is when I log in or to leave. If they continue to make it more onerous, more invasive, and actually try to evade adblock, then I will choose to leave.

It honestly doesn't help to tear things down for the users who do want to use Reddit. The people making things worse are only making enemies. They're not actually making an effective protest, rather, they're only causing anger from everyone. And it may seem funny in the short term, but long-term, as someone who's in both places, I've realized that it's healthier to help build 2+ communities than to tear one down.

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It's that one clause that's the whole hangup right now.

as long as they're not doing anything that gets Reddit in trouble

Reading between the lines of everything Spez said, there's one abundantly clear fact - Reddit is not profitable - and that's a big problem, one the board and everyone is pushing to see fixed at all costs. Investors and ownership expect ROI, customers expect ROAS. They're not getting it, and they're getting to the end of the rope. I believe we're coming to a real existential issue for Reddit now - either they get profitable and drag the company over the line to the IPO (so that all the investors can cash out), or there's no more Reddit. Either you work with the company to bring profits, or you're a cost needing to be cut.

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Okay. So defed from them and stick to Local as default.

Okay, so what? If they actually wanted to take a stand, they could just stop running AP programs and tests in Florida schools. If they're not, they're just saber-rattling and seeing if DeSantis will pull the trigger and kick them out.