Get back to work, free mods! - /r/Music to Reddit – 81 points –

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What a bunch of boners, truly.


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My perspective on this is split. On one hand, "get back to work", when they're not paying anyone for that work, is upsetting. On the other, I'm sure that all the mods know whether or not they want to lead a community on Reddit or not. No one should be allowed to force them to run those communities; but leading troll campaigns isn't going to make anything better. By all means, leave Reddit if that's what you want. Don't pretend to stay just to ruin it for other folks.

Anyone who feels their Reddit experience is being ruined can create new subs to host the content they want to see, and I encourage them to do so. I guarantee it will be an educational experience, especially for anyone who's never been a mod.

Yeah I would suggest they found /r/PicsForScabs /r/GifsForScabs, etc etc etc if any users have a problem with the new direction the communities have voted to go in.

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