
31 Post – 448 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

kbin is newer and less polished. But yeah I personally recommend kbin over lemmy for exactly the reasons you posted.

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To all the folks saying that reddit couldn't replace the mods, that it was too big an effort, that they couldn't run a big sub all by themselves, I have only one thing to say to you.

You were right.

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The mod team on r/worldpolitics didn't want to moderate properly and so folks tries to post anime pics and eventually the sub became dedicated to anime.

As part of the joke those folks also made r/anime_titties which ended up becoming the moderated sub to talk about world politics.

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TIHI was a fairly large sub, with almost multimilion level of subscribers. If reddit wanted to increase traffic and get more eyes on ads, they're doing quite a terrible job of it so far.

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Also, specific to the role of Speaker, he’s disqualified due to having been indicted of felonies with a term of more than two years.

Again, not a surprise. Totally awful, outrageous, and immoral.

But sadly, par for the course. The mods should allow a vote to move to the fediverse, and leave the sub permanently private in that case.

Or if reddit won't give them the chance to vote, just do it anyways. Like the admins just do what they want, so turnabout is fair play, amirte?

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About nine months ago - it's from CMX Summit 2022, so either 14 or 15 of September 2022.

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That’s the thing they’re already stopped trying to justify. Why bother with that when you can lock a mod out of their mod account?

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The reddit thing was even described as a "hack" to google search iirc

Talk about out of touch.

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Oops. To clarify, these are anonymous posts on teamblind dot com, not on reddit itself. Then someone on r/ModCoord reposted this there.

"the amount of time people spent on the Reddit website by close to 16% between June 12 and 13" - what does that mean?

In the article, the full sentence is,

That "blackout" movement, which briefly caused Reddit to go down, dropped daily traffic by about 7% and the amount of time people spent on the Reddit website by close to 16% between June 12 and 13, according to the data shared by web traffic analysis firm Similarweb.

So basically the amount of time people spent on reddit dropped 16% between June 12 and June 13.

"Web traffic of the platform also declined to about 52 million" - 52 million ?

Yeah that could be worded better. No units. Resumably it's about the number of visits.

Again, the full sentence is,

Web traffic of the platform also declined to about 52 million on June 13, compared with averaging nearly 56 million in the days prior.

So a 4 million drop in number of visits.

Here’s the formal charging document: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/08/CRIMINAL-INDICTMENT-Trump-Fulton-County-GA.pdf

It spells out the accused violations that are before a court of law to rule on.

Basically the protests are still working. Even the John Oliver ones - reddit has to pay expenses to handle the traffic but are getting fewer revenue in response.

Keep up the good work people!

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Actually I’m skeptical about this. There were some other posts pointing out huge upvotes happening during the blackout, and others noticing a surge of bot followers appearing.

So I’m not sure that I trust those numbers at this point.

The other point is - it’s too soon to tell. But if advertisers and investors start having second thoughts about Reddit then that hurts the IPO.

The key isn’t in how many subs come back or how many folks return. It’s about getting Reddit’s attention by affecting what they care about most so that they have to start listening to their users again.

Too soon to tell, but that just means that at this point in time, it’s not a failure. Have hope!

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Well, consider how some subs have changed to be about John Oliver. Many who stayed are still trying to fight the good fight for us.

But it's up to us to build good communities here, so when reddit inevitably flexes its muscle and starts steamrolling, those mods will have a place to flee to. The best way to help the mods out now is to build a good alternative for them.

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Agreed. That's exactly why I thought having the extra context on the timeline (so folks understood what "recent" was referring to) was good to know.

IIUC Narwhal 1 will be free but will drop its ads in return for being free (so a non-commercial app). Rather than a special deal I figure that this passed under the same rule that other noncommercial apps like RedReader did.

Narwhal 2 will charge a subscription to cover the API fees, including top up fees if you go over some limit, suggesting this is the normal reddit API pricing. I think developers of like Apollo couldn't do this because they had preexisting annual subscriptions. I guess Narwhal didn't have anything like this.

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Totally outrageous. Never in a mlllion years would I have thought this.

Also, totally on par for the course for the current ceo.

Is the entire mod team still with you? Or did a mod (or several) bow to Reddit?

Any hope of getting a post or message on the sub now to inform subscribers to also check out the new fediverse home?

Any plans to try and move archival content from the sub to the new home?

Outrageous!!! That's a joke.

That said I do wonder if it's a reddit intern who just hit the wrong button. Like, any reason they give will be a BS reason, but they could have given you a nondescript "violation of content policy". why deliberately pick such an untrue and inflamatory reason?

Their only saving grace is that they didn't make this message public. If the reasons for the bans were announced publicly, you might have a case for libel here!

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There are some high quality forms out there. G really needs to hook into these forums and the fediverse if they need to replace the reddit content.

So the reason r/bind has already jumped to an alternative is because they are affected the most and the hardest.

The other kind of communities today that you mentioned are less impacted, so they can continue .. for now.

I do hope though that the right groups of people are looking into creating the better alternatives right now. The day may come when reddit decides these subs are too much of a liability - or even just not enough of a money maker - and yanks them. And there's no reason to believe that reddit would give them even as much warning as r/blind had.

Emphasizing not a suggestion to move right away, but make sure these places can start establishing backups so they don't exist solely at the whim of reddit.

What the.... ?!!!!!

Is spez offering rewards to reddit employees for the most subs they undark now or something????

Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here!

Also, eff spez!

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I've been thinking about setting up a single-user instance of kbin for myself. Maybe this is the kick in the pants I need to finally get around to it.

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Remember though that in this process, you are helping reddit make money. Folks using google to find those answers on reddit will view it on reddit and feed their ads traffic.

If you can accept that, then i'm cool with it too. After all, it is your content.

But a lot of us, we still want to have this archive up. Just not on reddit itself. Some folks archive the reddit posts on the internet archive or ghost archive. So google searches will still find the answer, but will direct folks to some other side and reddit won't get the views.

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By that counter more subs chose to stay dark than go public again.

I've built scrapping bots like this before. Would definitely be an interesting project.

So the lore goes. I never interacted with this - or any power mod on reddit - so I can't speak from personal experience.

The point I'm getting at though - reddit wants cooperative mods who would have gone along with the new rules.

This powermod was likely one of those folks, who didn't support the protests or blackouts, and seems to have just got taken out in the crossfire.

Furthermore it's revealed that this powermod claims to have had a connection to reddit admins.

So basically if this person's connections couldn't save their account, especially this kind of mod that reddit would likely have wanted to keep, it shows how powerless even reddit admins are over corporate. (A lot of us here might have already known this, but even so.)

reddit is really shooting themselves in the foot here, blindly kicking out not only protesters but folks who might have gone on to be great loyalists.

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Knew this would happen since before day one .. still a shame to see it actually happen though.

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Good on that mod for standing up to reddit! An inspiration to us all.

That said, I really like this insightful take:


TL;DR - the protests worked, also expect to see a different headline once we reach June 30.

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How are they not in violation of Section 230 at this point? They are clearly moderating for a specific political point of view...

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Outrageous! We should invite the mod team here

Actually, this video is about the other video. So the 3rd point - restoring comments after getting the legal request to delete, may not be totally accurate. https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/101759/Reddit-violates-CCPA#entry-comment-413421

But the main gist - that reddit is violating CCPA - is still correct.

It was well known and understood that Reddit would do this, going as far as to replace entire mod teams, even before the blackout started. The hope was that investors would put pressure on Reddit to agree to mods and 3rd party devs requests. But not enough support materialized, and that left the mods between a rock and a hard place.

I don't fault the mods for making the decisions they did. If the sub is going to reopen anyways and the mod can do nothing about it, better to at least have a mod stay on who cared enough to try to do the right thing once upon a time.

At this point I'd say the onus is now on us, the regular users. Let us move our content away from Reddit - without that, with the content on a replacement - Reddit will have a much harder time recovering.

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Turnabout is fair play, after all.

We knew that this was a possibility since day one. The mods took a stand anyways, risking it all for the community. Still a shame to see it happen.

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