Reddit is Removing Mods Whose Teams Let Their Subreddits Post NSFW Content to Reddit – 351 points –

Things are moving fast again, so this is going to be another quick and dirty post… Reddit is now removing mod teams without any pretense of speaking for mode...


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Knew this would happen since before day one .. still a shame to see it actually happen though.

"Damn you, human cattle! You get right back in your stanchions and stand there quietly while we milk you for your precious, precious content!"

Naw we jumped ship before it sank, this place will only grow and it's a better direction.
Even if they reversed course I wouldn't go back

Me either. Virtually finished wiping my account, just waiting on a sub to go public before deleting.

When your ship's bow has been driven into an iceberg and water is flowing into the hull, there is no longer an option to reverse course. Ask the orchestra to play you a farewell tune, because they're going down with you.

What if they burned spez at the stake, and user membership was tied to company shares?

Spez is just a scapegoat for corporate suits wanting to profit off every little internet community they can while selling data and allowing shadow entities to manipulate conversations.

That can still happen here but it will be harder. Federation should be the future