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Joined 1 years ago

While that quote has been attributed to Twain (and several others) over the years, there is nothing to suggest that Twain used this particular phrasing nor was he the originator of it. That credit goes to George H Derby, under the pseudonym John Phoenix, back in 1855.

The trifecta of “kings, editors and people with tapeworm” has been widely attributed to Mark Twain, but like so many witticisms credited to him, there’s no record he ever said it. It’s also unlikely that Henry David Thoreau ever made the remark once ascribed to him: “We is used by royalty, editors, pregnant women and people who eat worms.”

Worms, or more specifically tapeworms, figure prominently in we-­related humor. The earliest known joke to combine parasites and pronouns comes from George Horatio Derby, a humorist from California who assumed the pen name John Phoenix. “I do not think I have a tapeworm,” he wrote in 1855, “therefore I have no claim whatever to call myself ‘we,’ and I shall by no means fall into that editorial absurdity.”

New York Times, Ben Zimmer, 2010-10-01

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I'm thinking you should probably stop speaking on behalf of everyone. I am not American but I do care that millions of Americans are losing their rights. I care that US businesses got over a trillion in PPP loan forgiveness but that the same can't be extended to 40 million individuals and their student loans for education they are almost forced to have if they want a shot at making more than minimum wage and even then, it's not a guarantee.

I'm not a refugee but I care that the Greek government effectively let hundreds die rather than assist them.

I'm not French but I am interested in the riots happening there.

I'm not Russian, Ukrainian, or even European but I want to know what is happening with the occupation of Ukraine, the coup attempt, and what other countries are doing to ensure the Russia doesn't violate NATO and the repercussions if they do.

Why do you believe you get to narrow the scope of what is news on behalf of everyone else?

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My time as a Reddit mod left me with no desire to do it elsewhere and I'd modded other forums prior to Reddit. I stepped down about 5 years ago and while I won't say I'll never do it again, I'm exhausted just recalling my experience and that's enough to put me off.

There are communities I'd love to have and see here on kbin but the mere thought of the time and effort has me taking a hard pass.

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I don't think they're being ridiculous to say that US politics has an impact outside of the US. To quote a former Canadian Prime Minister:

"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."

Are you someone who believes rape is okay because of how a woman is dressed? Because "she was asking for it dressed like that"?

Because that's what you sound like.

Edit: the person I was responding to has edited out the "you wanted this" from their comment which is what I was responding to. They were effectively suggesting that people wanting old Reddit wanted child porn. Fucking disgusting.

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r/pics & r/gifs pulled no punches with that announcement. I'm glad some of the big subs, users and mods alike, are continuing to push back against these changes. I'm fairly certain I'm done with Reddit but I hope things improve for those who do stay.

I'm not sure where it ranked at the time but I remember when one of the subs hit 100k (this was circa 2014) and by the time I left we were close to 500k. When I checked before the blackout they were sitting at 1.9m.

You're absolutely right about an alt not doing much, if you ever had time for that. Modding definitely affected my Reddit experience, even after stepping down, and combined with how it changed over the last several years, my participation went way down, maybe a handful of comments a month at best, and I lurked and upvoted/downvoted for the most part. I'm slowly shaking off those cobwebs in this exciting new space!

I saw kbin recommended by someone on Reddit (my apologies for not being able to give them credit - I didn't clock the username) and out of all the alternatives shared that I checked out, this one just felt right. If that makes sense. Thank you for creating such a wonderful space!

This is, by far, the best article on the subject I've read to date. I really appreciated this paragraph being included:

This tension between these communities and their host have, again, fueled more interest in the Fediverse as a decentralized refuge. A social network built on an open protocol can afford some host-agnosticism, and allow communities to persist even if individual hosts fail or start to abuse their power. Unfortunately, discussions of Reddit-like fediverse services Lemmy and Kbin on Reddit were colored by paranoia after the company banned users and subreddits related to these projects (reportedly due to “spam”). While these accounts and subreddits have been reinstated, the potential for censorship around such projects has made a Reddit exodus feel more urgently necessary, as we saw last fall when Twitter cracked down on discussions of its Fediverse-alternative, Mastodon.

Why are you posting about the Titan sub in a thread about a Reddit community of transcribers that will be closing?

Way to edit out the "you wanted this" you had written and is mainly what I was responding to.

For what it's worth, I'm only using kbin on mobile and a lack of app hasn't been an issue for me. I say this having come from Reddit using Relay for a good 8+ years.

I didn't know either of those fun facts! Thanks so much for sharing them!

I think we're actually buying coffee and donuts for Ernest.

Again, why do you believe you get to narrow the scope of what news is to everyone else? You are welcome to create your own magazines that talk about exactly what you want and block the ones that aren't what you want to engage with.

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I mean, those IASIP responses are pretty on brand but thanks for letting me know the community exists!

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We had an incredible ravine that got destroyed for a highway that I've driven many times as an adult. It's a rare trip that I don't think back to the beautiful place where I spent countless hours of summer breaks being wild and free.

Between my teens and early 20s, I worked there 3 times. I left on good terms to focus on other areas of life and they were always happy to have me back. I still love McDonalds as a treat! My go-to's are cheeseburgers or Big Mac's.

I was expecting a "shut up, bird" or two in the Reddit comments but baby dick is a classic. Thanks for linking it!

I've been pleased with The Verge's ongoing coverage of this and really respect them calling out this poor behaviour.

Mr. Huffman is stretching in a variety of directions here. Reddit is not a feudal government, or a city in any sense; neither is it ultimately “democratic,” as he frequently suggests. It’s an advertising and subscription-supported web service that also depends on free content and unpaid labor from its users. It is, substantially, in the same business as Meta, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok — giving people something to use mostly for free in exchange for their monetizable time and attention.

I really appreciated this callout in the article.

If anyone is going to do this, it needs to be done in stages so it can't be easily reverted back like we're seeing with the one-shot comment delete scripts. Slowly dismantle the sidebar information and links, fuck up the automod and other bot settings. Tweak the CSS and flairs. If you're going to go nuclear, make sure they can't easily get it back.

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That's a great alternative to the scripts for your own content! Thanks for the suggestion!

You should receive a notification and find it in your messages. At least that's been my experience when leaving comments.

Edit: Notifications, not messages

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Thanks for sharing that!

Yoga with slow, gentle poses may help you wind down in the evening if that's not something you've considered.

I've got my settings to not include federated sites* and my first page or two of 'all' is fairly current with most things being 12 hours old or less. I also checked out new a few times yesterday and it took 4 or 5 pages to hit one hour-old posts.

*I'm kbin-only because of all the porn on other instances that doesn't seem to tag itself NSFW (looking at you, lemmynsfw) and therefore isn't hidden/removed by my settings here. I know there is a solution being planned to address this in a future update. I'm aware there are ways to address this if I were using a desktop browser but I'm not and don't plan to.

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I can't believe I forgot I had done that. My apologies for being misleading!

I've been remote since 2016. It was unofficial until 2019 when they closed a number of offices globally, including my home office, and moved those they were keeping to official remote designation. They've not asked those remote workers back but anyone that was in-office prior to COVID-19 does have to go in at least 3 days a week.

My husband and I love Sonic when we go to the US. We will drive a reasonable distance out of our way to get it and we never regret it.

And I just saw the closest is just under 7 hours from us and 30 minutes from a family friend. We may or may not be half-jokingly planning a road trip for Sonic after 5.5 years since our last taste. Please accept all the credit!

I'm on mobile so not sure if it's the same for desktop...

At the bottom of this thread just below the comment box are two icons. The one on the left is where the federation on/off setting is and the one on the right (gear) has the display settings.

I removed it on Sunday and replaced it with another app that's absolutely silly for me to open once, let alone multiple times, without receiving a notification for it and quickly shamed myself out of mindlessly clicking that spot.

I think I downloaded Relay in 2014 or 2015 when I was needing good mobile mod tools and it was the winner for me. Love that app!

My husband and I had a similar idea but for ourselves and friends versus your purpose-built need. With a billion dollars we can do both and then some so I'll build my commune and pay for yours to exist in multiple areas globally.