
0 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Why stop at 15? I want 50 more progressive justices

Cuz hes a milquetoast coward. He shoulda packed the court day one.

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Funny thing is i just installed linux on it and was able to get some more life out of it as a monitor on my exercise bike. Microsoft just immediately threw in the towel on it and told me to buy another one 🤣

Aww man you know who i really want to hear from right now is fucking fetterman


Just wait till the ram goes bad (or any part really) and they tell you that $1400 pc is unrepairable because they glued it shut.

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Fuck the surface pro 3, you'll never get another cent from me Microsoft you fucking cunts! ( Except for halo mcc and infinite BUT NO MORE (unless the next halo is actually good but even the ONLY ON SALE))

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Im on year 5 with my cheap ass braun

That sounds eggceptionally stupid, eggregious even.

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Biden said it himself back in the day, its a foothold in the Middle East, "if israel did not exist we would need to create an israel" im paraphrasing but the clip is on YouTube

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As a short man let me tell you how hilarious it is when people bitch about fairness in sports when it comes to transrights. Sports are not fair at all, they are literally a display of ableism. Transwomen deserve a spot on womens teams fullstop its not complicated.

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If you're eating hungry children you're just going to get hungry again in like an hour, you gotta find the well fed ones

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Lets block the vaccine by age group and use poor messaging and then be confused when nobody gets the shot. Also im waiting till mid November so im good for Thanksgiving through new years and i suspect others are as well.

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Please stop I can only get so erect

Im in this picture and I dont like it. Saved for later.

Over the past years I've been reducing my youtube and twitch viewership anyways. Its literally the lowest form of entertainment and its not worth a single moment of ad watching. I'll just do something else. Most youtube content sucks anyways. I don't even remember most of the channels I used to watch.

They're just going to increase their own server costs chasing some tiny fraction of viewers who will do anything to avoid ads. they should be grateful for the adviewers they have.

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Us sanctioning israel: "using satalites we have pinpointed 4 individuals in the west bank region and will enact targeted sanctions to curb behavior, thank you and god bless"

Conservatives are so fucking dumb

Lets be real, the bitch raised the confederate flag in san francisco multiple times, history will not be kind.

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My family left Iran before I was born and I'm grateful they did. What could we have done to change the country from within? Unfortunately nothing.

What a bullshit argument, placing that flag infront of a government building is an endorsement of the views the flag represents. The flag belongs only in a textbook with a large disclaimer explaining that it is a symbol of hate and racism. Do you see germany with swastika flags at their capital? No.

Or they could just not vote at all like most Americans

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Lol they cant. The texas grid is separate because they dont follow federal regulations. They cant just reconnect it without bringing it to code lolololol

Water? Fish shit in it.

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The megagraph is not "difficult" to read per se...

Aluminum has a plastic liner

Look dude it doesn't matter what word you use, there will always be a word or phrase to convey the essence of what the r-word represents. Its all just a treadmil of expressions, you can cancel the r-word and then in 20 years we can have this exact conversation about "stupid" and "dumb".

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Boomers struggle period, its hard being stupid

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Skyrim but i dont have to manage any inventory or use any menu ever including to use potions food and spells and also the cities are huge

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Where are the Palestinians supposed to go?

I would argue words change meaning and if you dont like that word you also shouldn't use "stupid" or "dumb". I've never heard anyone disparage a person with intellectual disabilities using that term so in my mind it just means... How should I phrase this for someone so sensitive... "Very much not smart". Idiot should be fine since it comes from a word meaning "common person". I don't use the word anymore because i don't want to push even sensitive people away, but I do think the whole thing is pretty silly.

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No not "the jews", Israel, don't make this antisemitic. Dont try to turn what he said into racism.

I want to unsubscribe from being able to read

Meh, doesnt bother me, its the iphone users that tend to care

My viewership has changed so much over the years. I used to watch stuff like diyperks, primitive technology, this guy kris harbour who built a house with natural materials. When I was coding lots of edu stuff.

Im sure there is a lot of good shit, but I just have less energy to wade through the crap. And the continued attacks on ad blockers makes me less willing to want to find channels and communities I would probably enjoy.

I actually can't stand gaming content cause its just spoilers and gfuel marketing as far as im concerned

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Just use normal coffee filters, they are better for your health and are cheap af. The paper filters block some carcinogens that the metal ones do not. Your call, cheers

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Fuck you lol

Wont someone think of poor multinational corporation starbucks?

Yea cable sucked way more, atleast we aren't locked into contracts with these services. Subscribe for a month watch the last years entire catalog and unsubscribe, rinse and repeat. You don't need every subscription to be always active.

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