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Joined 12 months ago

Websites have grown beyond mere scripting.
Rust is about more than just nicer pointers, it has a very expressive type system that enables correctness rarely seen outside FP.

congrats on making it 2 hours!

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He already published his information and was in the process of repeating it in front of a court.
His death prevented him from giving his information as sworn testimony which a dead man switch could not do.

It gives cops an excuse to arrest (and beat up) trans people on charges of false ID.
Edit: spelling

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At least they can't give you QR menus.

It will hopefully turn into a 100% science based dragon mmo.

The cop should stop the flag burner!

The sausage will end up full of carcinogens.

Conservatives seem to be conflating neo-nazis with conservatives and acting like neo-nazis.

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Helium doesn't freeze because quantum mechanics. gestures furious
That means liquid helium can cool stuff to temperatures where nitrogen would be solid. This is used on the superconducting magnets in MRIs.

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Literally animal farm!

The main difference is that WASM is an agnostic bytecode without a gc while the jvm is opinionated in a java way. It has a gc, focus on dynamic dispatch and it has knowledge of concepts like exceptions, classes and visibility.

All this leaking of abstractions means languages like java and kotlin are well suited, scala has hit problems and c couldn't be compiled to java bytecode.

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[...] would someone like really be dishonest?

Iphone users can never be evil, I have learned that from watching films.

It all comes from OP.

Two dismissals and some reprimands for such an obvious warcrime? Seriously?

Actual assembly in mainstream use:
risc v

mainstream byte code:
.net (I think)

fake assembly people may write:

wat (web assembly text) is actually written is S-expressions, like lisp but without code as data.

Edit: formatting

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2 + 2 == 4 with any reasonable fixed and floating point format. In ieee 754 floats powers of 2 have a fraction of exactly 1.0 and differing exponents.

You can't leave us hanging like this, which rude word did he choose?

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Had to work with a python programer on a small java project (in uni). I passed some (handcrafted) strings in an Optional to be explicit an first thing he does is check whether they are empty (sending on empty strings would not have been problematic). Also he had compilation errors on his branch that lasted over a week. What python does to someone.

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"When the patient woke up, his skeleton is missing, and the Doctor was never heard from again! [laughter] Anyway, that's how I lost my medical license" - Medic from TF2

Even if it made mining more efficient, Bitcoin would just increase difficulty to compensate.
Bitcoin is a system adverse to efficacy.

The demands of space exploration weight reduction, weight reduction, compactness and weight reduction. The demands of disaster relief are probably all terrain mobility, strength and stability. Those attributes are polar opposites.

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The spec is open source, particular implementation are typically under patent/copyright protection.
Not that they can be enforced effectively, unless the chips are exported into the US.

The ability of one script kiddy to mess with people's iPhones.

Saying "Being gay isn't your choice [...]" deviates from the typical phrases and gives it away to early. I would recommend:
"You can't chose to be gay, I do. You're gay now."
Still a great image.

Edit: grammar

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If only there was another way. Like trucks.
But Israel wouldn't want an efficient way to feed Palestinians, it gets in the way of them dieing

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Citizens united and some other cases mean that:

  • Cooperations have first amendment rights
  • Donating money is a form of speech protected by the first amendment
  • therefore bribery is legal as long as it goes through PACs and is not obviously quid pro quo
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Third person or top down shooter but you push around a shopping card with all your weapon and ammunition.

You can only switch weapons at the cart but if it gets hit it explodes.
This creates a balancing act of having it near enough to run back for a different weapon or more ammo but not to near so it doesn't get looted of blown up. You obviously can't take it up ladders or into ventilation shafts, meaning you have to fight your way back to where you left it with limited resources.

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But if you did, DON'T LIE TO the PARAMEDICS!

I don't know if it has been translated but I would recommend "Die Känguru Chroniken".

It's a humourous book about a communist kangaroo moving in with a comedian. Many great jokes have established themselves in left leaning german meme culture as a result.

The book mostly has standalone chapters, but the sequels have more of a narrative throuline.

EVs only eliminate tail pipe pollution, otherwise they are more of the same.
They are multi ton metal boxes rolling on rubber wheels over asphalt roads, often to transport a single person. The create the same amount of traffic and waste the same amount of land on parking. Due to their heavy battery and better acceleration they create more fine particulates of wheel rubber.

EV are a Verkehrsrichtungsänderung, a Verkehrswende consists of trains and public transit.

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Any programmer knows that the smallest value of infinity is 256.

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It's a flair gun, but if you are brave enough it's a very short break action shotgun.

It needs to happen twice. I would help you but I still poses the indestructibility of youth.

::: spoiler spoiler I think the person also needs to be Catholic. :::

Americans will never understand tax brackets.

Aviation, Health, Space and Car industry have only 3 certified languages that they use. Ada, C and C++.

Rust is automotive certified since over half a year.

If you really like apple juice get the homies together, fill up a trailer at an old apple alley or orchard, rent a trailer sized press and everyone goes home with a trunk full if juice.

Tastes better as well.

While the president can't dissolve the court, according to the majority, the president can order them assassinated and be covered by presidential immunity.

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That is the worst geoengeniering idea.

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What does defederation imply? Feeds aren't aggregated, or users are not allowed from the other instance?

Iirc no activity from one instance is available on the other. No posts in their communities, no posts/comments from their users.

Also one other major question. I thought lemmy was its own thing, but I guess it's part of the Fediverse? The Fediverse is just a set of protocols? What is lemmy then?

The fediverse is a group of social media platforms that use the active pub protocol to pass along user interactions between instances (servers run by different people).

Lemmy is the reddit of the fediverse, meaning posts in communities and comment in a trees structure.

Kbin is also the reddit of the fediverse, but with some less features (manly on the moderation side). Because they both use active pub in a reddit style they can easily interoperate.

Mastodon is the twitter of the fediverse meaning their content (mircoblogging) doesn't fit the lemmy format but you will only sometimes see some posts like 'If you can read this I have managed to post from mastodon to lemmy'.