Probably the wrong meme format to Programmer – 109 points –

Let's reinvent java bytecode but... different


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The main difference is that WASM is an agnostic bytecode without a gc while the jvm is opinionated in a java way. It has a gc, focus on dynamic dispatch and it has knowledge of concepts like exceptions, classes and visibility.

All this leaking of abstractions means languages like java and kotlin are well suited, scala has hit problems and c couldn't be compiled to java bytecode.

C can be compiled to java bytecode though...

::: spoiler Anti Commercial AI thingy CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 :::

Of course, technically you can compile anything to almost anything. But I don’t think linking to a project that’s unmaintained for 15 years really helps your argument.

What is my argument exactly?

::: spoiler Anti Commercial AI thingy CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 :::

Good question! 😂 maybe I’m overthinking it, but you seem to be making the point that it’s silly for people to like WASM based on the argument the JVM already exists and people are not fond of it/Java. If that’s not the point, why did you make the meme at all?