56 Post – 668 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like Minecraft

A big win for the Minecraft community. The wiki experience had gone seriously downhill after Fandom took over.

Defective LEDs with massively reduced service lives made it out of the factory and into streetlights around the world. If you ever see a purple street light, a failing LED module is the cause.

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This is what happens when people download models off the internet that were made for high quality renders or animations and not a VR game ☠

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They can't even manage to beat Steam on their own OS to be fair lol

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Thank you haha I was gonna say there's no way it works like that

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And despite all this, people continue to use it. I don't understand why.

Edit: This actually reminded me that even though I haven't used Twitter since the purchase, I still had an open account. I fixed that now.

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It's a flip of the "would you still love me if I was a worm" quote

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My CPU is bald

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Judging by the number of German posts I see on here as well, it seems Germany is very receptive to the idea of the fediverse.

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This one doesn't look very fun... guess I don't mind not being there for it

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I can already picture Google down-ranking search results for any website that doesn't implement it because obviously "if they aren't using the integrity API we can't guarantee they're safe for our users"

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I mean, if the single player is still good, which 5's was too imo

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Aside from the fact it's a greentext and probably fake, I could understand recognizing a face from a movie or something and still not knowing who they are.

YouTube is shit too, they're just the only game in town


The current record is 2:04

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Don't worry, they still haven't acknowledged it! This is IGN's video!

Need more Bocchiposting

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They will, but only once Threads adds ActivityPub 😑

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Truly one of the products of all time

By extrapolating the data, we should expect Samsung to drop support for RCS and launch a proprietary competing service any day now.

It's not great! 2023 games that I have really enjoyed this past year have been Tears of the Kingdom, Cassette Beasts, and Hi-Fi Rush.

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The Archivist

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The image on the left is called a "normal map". The weird colors are used to tell a game engine how lighting is meant to interact with a flat texture. It can create shadow and highlights on flat surfaces to mimic a 3D look without needing to use a higher detail model.

By combining the cobblestone texture in the caption with the normal map on the left, the game engine can create the realistically lit cobblestone street on the right out of just a flat plane.

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I'll never understand why typical android updates are tied to your carrier and reliant on them for distribution.

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Minor counterpoint - I cannot uninstall the Google app

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Imalent MS03 my beloved ❤

Edit: 13,000 lumens in a pocketable flashlight that's just longer than the width of my palm.

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Somehow this is less funny to me

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The move means existing Steam Client installations on those operating systems will no longer receive updates of any kind, including security updates.

We expect the Steam client and games on these older operating systems to continue running for some time.

The company is encouraging all High Sierra and Mojave users to update "sooner rather than later" and noted that Apple ended security updates and technical support for both operating systems in December 2020 and October 2021, respectively.

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I found myself down a YouTube rabbit hole once of people one-upping each other by making segmented displays with fewer and fewer segments and seeing who could use the least and still have it be decipherable for all numbers

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Is Blind some kind of a discussion board? I'm not familiar with it. Is there a way to know for sure this person works for Twitter?

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Popping in to give an update before calling it a night!

First of all, thank you for all the help! I've been reading through all the comments here and trying a few things out. The first thing I tried was switching the default desktop environment from the default Gnome to KDE. I much prefer KDE to Gnome since I have experience with it on the Steam Deck, so this is the solution that I had the most hope for. Sadly though, things are much worse in KDE. Unlike in Gnome, KDE has the terrible screen tearing that was mentioned in X11, but is still similarly unable to support running the monitors at different refresh rates. Since a lot of the comments here mentioned Wayland though, that was my real end goal in getting KDE installed. Unfortunately, witching over to KDE Wayland, things became significantly more unusable and it was about the same experience I had while trying to install Nobara. Both displays were totally unresponsive for seconds at a time and I was only able to interact with things during brief moments when they would stutter along instead. This was pretty painful to log back out of and was an overall mess like a couple of you had mentioned it might be.

I went back to Gnome after this. Since KDE didn't seem to be they way forward, I figured I might as well try enabling Wayland on Pop_OS's built in solution. Wayland support was hidden by default on NVIDIA as mentioned, but one quick config edit later and the option appeared. Things seem to be going much better now! I'm running Gnome Wayland right now and while things aren't flawless yet they're significantly better than before. Both monitors are working at their full refresh rates now without any screen tearing or flickering. As for gaming, so far I only have Helldivers 2 installed running through Proton, and performance is about 8% worse than in Windows on the same graphics settings while on the ship. I am also getting an odd visual bug where the in-game menu looks like it opens and closes very quickly every once in a while. It's not actually open or intractable though, it's more like the game randomly displays a single frame from when I did have the menu open to change the graphics settings. Tomorrow I'll try enabling Proton experimental and see if that fixes anything, and also try installing some more games.

I'll come back again to give an update on how things are going then! I'm still lacking HDR and there are other bugs that look like they need to be ironed out, but I'm much more optimistic about this than I was before. I think I'll keep dual-booting for now, at least while I'm still trying to get everything working properly, and hopefully that next version of Pop_OS brings HDR support. For now, it's at least nice to know that different monitor refresh rates are working.

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Some people made an account there right in the beginning of the Reddit fiasco before there were any viable alternative instances, like I did. Looking at the age of the account, I'm guessing that's what they did too.

Do you think there are a lot of people on reddit who are still waiting for the 30th to make their lemmy/kbin account? I was assuming that most who were going to come over here from this blowup had moved already.

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Sync was very big on customizability, so it did have the options to make your view incredibly compact as well. By default, it was always set to follow very closely with Google's design language, but you could get something very similar to the density of RIF as well.

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Tectonic stability is actually really important for chip fabrication, and the most stable location in the country happens to be Arizona.

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Marijuana is classified the same as heroin???

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Cosmo the type of fairy to rip those pages out and pretend like they don't exist

Via Goodreads:

Presented in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and three different interlocutors, this classic text is an enquiry into the notion of a perfect community and the ideal individual within it. During the conversation, other questions are raised: what is goodness?; what is reality?; and what is knowledge? The Republic also addresses the purpose of education and the role of both women and men as guardians of the people. With remarkable lucidity and deft use of allegory, Plato arrives at a depiction of a state bound by harmony and ruled by philosopher kings.

I can see the comparison, yeah