SR-71 Blackbiruled to – 195 points –

Anyone got the copypasta? I forgot mine at Reddit

SR-71 speed check

One time we were going fast

a small plane got on the radio and said "how fast am i going"

the tower said "you are going fast"

and then a bigger plane got on the radio and said "haha i think i am going faster how fast am i going"

and the tower said "you are going a little faster"

and then a jet fighter was going really fast and talked like a really cool guy and said "hey there, I sound like a cool guy, tell me how fast I'm going"

and the tower said "you are going very fast" but he sounded totally normal

And then I wanted to say something but that was against the rules, and then the other guy in my plane said "hey tower, are we going fast"

and the tower said "yes you are going like a million fast" and then the guy in my plane said "I think it's a million and one fast" and then the tower said "lol yeah ur plane is good"

and then I said "did we just become best friends"

and the other guy said "yes"