4 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Butthurt C devs don't want it replacing their language.

meh, if i die you can check my porn history. You'll just find femboy furry hentai, like everyone else. i'd be more embarrased by the duck duck go searches for when I'm trying to fix something.

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it makes me think, but just not that hard.

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So that settles it. I have to get one now before they enshittify the new models.

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I weep, for my children will know not the joys of Roflcopter

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of all the activities I would never do, this is the activity i would never do the second most. The first being caving.

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tldr: it's a dyson sphere

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What's he gonna do, start a genocide in Spain? Start setting up settlements in Ireland? Get fucked bibi.

die in a hospital? In this economy? No thank you, I'd rather die at home.

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Fun fact, organic just means that it's carbon based, so the water isn't organic, but the plastic cup is.

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My first sacrifice: the billionaire CEO

Personally, i assumed that being on fire was something i would have to go through at least once in my life. But as time goes on, i have not had the need to, even once, stop, drop or roll.

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He wouldn't have made it this far in life

Personally, I prefer names that are forbidden, like Username, Null, Admin, 'SELECT * FROM Users;-- ,, Error, ,

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Imagine being so fed up with living in Florida that the only way you can think to leave is by a giant hamster wheel

Coersion. For example, "if you don't have sex with me right now, we're breaking up/I'm divorcing you/I'm going to ruin your life by doing xyz." And when you say no, she'll threaten to call the cops on you for some made up bullshit, but they'll believe her over you because she's the woman and you're the man.

Also, you don't have to be erect to have someone force you into performing sex acts. She could force you to perform oral on her, she could grope you, she could even penetrate you.

But if this happens to you, fight back.

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so, once again, Trump is talking about putting in place 2A restrictions. I guess he wants to be like Reagan.

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I'm fine with billionaires going to space. I just have a problem with them coming back to Earth.

it would be nice if there was an undertale kind of thing for pokemon, where you could either fight and capture them, like in classic pokemon style, or just not fight them, and somehow convince them to join your party or something. and i guess if there are trainer battles, you just shoot the trainers with a gun and liberate their pokemon from the yoke of their oppressors.

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Well, no. And they shouldn't be. Israel has been targeting civilians, aid workers and UN staff. Fuck Israel.

Some guy did that to me with my old shit box. I now absolutely refuse to sell it.

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Except she was born a woman, raised as a girl and is a woman according to her passport from a country where being trans is illegal. So your argument is moot.

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this made my mouth make a chuckle sound.

wait, what?

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I know I certainly do. But seriously, was the shooter a republican? I've been traveling for the past 48 hours and apparently missed all the fun.

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humanity is a disease, Mr Anderson. And I am the cure.

don't be french aristocracy

Don't forget that global climate change has really kicked into gear the last few years. Just 10 years ago, summer in Arizona was terrible, but you wouldn't get third degree burns from falling on the ground. The polar vortex is getting all screwed up, causing severe cold in winter on one half of the northern hemisphere while the other half experiences very very mild winter weather. global weather phenomena are getting more and more severe, and still the people who actually can effect change on large scale are loathe to do so because it would hurt their bottom line. Hell in a hand basket would be an apt descriptor for where we're going and how we're getting there.

dude, i would wear that and I'm not even little

Smbc did a comic on this!

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never divide by zero. you could get perma banned from your calculator.

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Modern jeeps require regular part swaps every few weeks

so you're saying they're billionaires, but ackshually they're cash poor? They have that much in assets specifically because they can't be taxed on it. they funnel all their income through LLCs and corporations so that they can write off their expenses on their tax returns as corporate expenses.

Tax them on their income, then tax them on their assets. It's not unprecedented, they tax our real properties based on value, why not tax the super rich based on their assets as well?

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Fuuuuuuck off

I'm more and more disgusted every time i read anything about israel. i think they couldn't possibly get any worse, then they get worse.

damn leftists, ruined socialism.

"Let me see your finger." Prick "That'll be 30 dollars."

diminished glutes

i was in taekwondo as a kid. I was really good, imo. I competed at the national level and won several medals. But I still routinely got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by the women/girls I trained with whenever we'd spar.