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Joined 1 years ago

I’m 31, I was most conservative in my teens when I was in a private Christian high school in the south. Then I went to college, worked at a jail, went to law school, and in the process learned about the world and the people in it.

I am still astonished at the people who have done similar things and still don’t have an ounce of compassion for the poor and struggling. Conservative values only make sense when your sense of self only encompasses you, your family, and your religion. Once you realize that you are a part of something bigger, and the gay Hindu man and the black Muslim woman has the same consciousness and feelings as you it’s a lot harder to think of them as enemies or pitiful souls who need to be saved.

When you realize that people are people, and we are all the same, but for our circumstances, then it’s impossible to be conservative.

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I remember going through Roe v. Wade in law school and thinking how shaky the legal foundation was. This is a great case study of why we need to formally adopt laws in congress and not just rely on the whims of the court.

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Fetterman shows his own integrity. The news is trying to impute his integrity to all dems because of the upcoming election cycle.

IMO the best defense is education. Make these people and their bigotry known. I had not heard of them before this post, but now I can be on alert for them, and avoid interacting with them and report them in the future.

I get more of an impression that lemmy is full of far left leaning programmers. I think that is a good subset of people to have on a social media platform. But if we had more subs on other topics it should bring in other types of people.

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Should have been emeralds

I’m really hoping the federated nature will make advertising harder. That’s what really started making Reddit suck.

You have five seconds to comply

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It’s so much faster than a toilet and I don’t have to sit on a public toilet.

Me returning from my mold free copy of a meme to find it moldy.

Boomers should have housing. And we shouldn’t ignore the idiosyncratic attachments that people develop to their homes. Saying “the boomers need to move so I can have a home” is no different than saying “that people group needs to move so my people group has living space.”

We can all have homes. The problem is that the corporations are incentivized to buy residential property and rent it to us. Fuck them.

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It’s only a demon core if it comes from the Los Alamos Laboratory region of New Mexico. Otherwise it’s just sparkling supercritical neutron radiation.

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That’s valve’s philosophy though. It’s the reason we never got a half life 3.

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I have no issue with the Warriors description. His name is literally bad Mario and he is yellow.

The bar I took cost something like $2000 including two months of prep classes on top of law school. Then more money for a hotel stay so I could take a two day test. I would have preferred 4 months apprenticeship paid or no.

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There’s no point in selling out when you make money hand over fist. All going public would do is make him lose total control of his company.

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Why is this a both sides thing? Circumcision is a Jewish rite that became a larger thing because of a couple mentions in the Christian New Testament. It also has some medical application for individuals with certain conditions.

Doing it to all male babies doesn’t make rational sense unless you are a specific type of religious.

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The same is mostly true in the US. The companies use them to scare people into settlements. But it does depend on the state.

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Climate awareness and this kind of depression posting are two different things. This post only serves to make people upset, but provides no useful information.

Yeah, shit sucks. Thanks for reminding me I guess.

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Or a joke rom

I think I would either copy paste some kind of awful scat fanfic erotica or just hold down one letter till I had 30 characters depending on how much effort I wanted to put into it.

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I think people should be allowed to promote products and services, but those promotions should not be given any more weight than any other kind of post. The problem is when advertisers are allowed to buy spots on a site.

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I hope we can find a stable balance so that there will no longer be phases to the internet. I think federation is a move in the right direction for that purpose.

I think this fits the topic of free and open source software. those things are needed to end the cycle of venture capital and advertising destroying what should be public spaces.

Blue door would mean having to relive my childhood years being forced to go to church and Christian school, but without the indoctrination that made it feel like it was a good thing. That would be torture.

Other than games,

Learn how to code. Look up some YouTube tutorials on python or Java to get started then go from there.

Write/ journal. Laptops are great for being in new and different locations that may inspire new thoughts and ideas. Write them down, make them into a book. This works best when you don’t have WiFi imo.

If your hardware supports it learn how to 3d model. Look into blender.

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People like this are the reason we will have records of this period of history in a thousand years.

Oh to be ignorant of the cyber truck. There are so many complaints about this piece of crap daily online. They lock out their owners, have body panels fall off, have very few protections against auto closing doors cutting off fingers, the accelerator pedals can get stuck at full speed while moving, they are uncoated stainless steel which corrodes, and replacement parts are insanely expensive.

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It should be standard practice for Bethesda games to wait for a game of the year edition (or whatever they want to call it) then wait for a steam sale on that.

A commentary text from over a decade ago on one study that shows a slight decrease in STIs or their symptoms is not qualitative proof.

“May be” is the point.

From the Forbes article you cite:


‘It's important to emphasize that these findings are observational, and they provide insights into patterns within our dataset. However, they do not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship,’ lead author Dr. Anees Bahji, at the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medicine, told Forbes.”

Drinking anything other than water, breathing anything other than air, and eating just about anything have been shown in some study somewhere to be harmful in someway.

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Damn, too bad I don’t have a cell phone

Why are the lesbians not having period sex? It helps the cramps.

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Eh, we'll get there. just have to wait for the community to grow and develop all the content again.

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Yeah, it’s not really a traditional FF game, but it’s a good game regardless.

Grandpa Wookiee watching vr porn is something no one should have to witness

I’m more concerned about the effects of recoil.

Imaging stealing a car that is likely to burn itself up.

Originally rednecks were the hillbillies that wore red neckerchiefs at the battle of Blair mountain. They fought against Pinkertons who were hired by the coal mines to break up the rednecks who had taken over the company property.

That may have changed since the blue collar comedy tour, but originally rednecks were the works seizing the means of production.

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Vanguard ideology is the weakest point of Leninism. It always attracts those seeking power. But there’s nothing stopping a leftist group from owning a lemmy instance and banning everyone that disagrees with their flavor of leftism.

I mean the abortion room should probably be a little bigger. Maybe switch it with the estrogen lab.

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