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Rule 1


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Climate awareness and this kind of depression posting are two different things. This post only serves to make people upset, but provides no useful information.

Yeah, shit sucks. Thanks for reminding me I guess.

Some people arguably need to be shocked like this before they become aware in the first place.

I would like to see a situation where that has actually worked. But my earlier point that this post doesn’t add anything to the discussion or lead you to a place where you can learn more or give advice on what you can do makes useless. it just fear mongering and depression baiting.

Bro it's a meme post on a meme page. It ain't that serious.

No it's absolutely that serious, pushing climate despair is the current number one tactic of oil billionaires.

So, meme aside-

I'm an environmental scientist for a state level regulatory agency. The current state of the climate is so much worse than most people are willing to accept, and there's really no undoing it. We're into symptom mitigation strategies at this point. You can call me a paid shill or whatever, if you'd like.

There's a difference between acknowledging the problem and going around telling people that the problem is hopeless and we're all doomed. I certainly didn't find it especially informative.

Then we circle back to "It's just a meme, bro πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰"