1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well sort of the point of 196 is that you can post almost anything, the only rule is that you have to post each time before leaving. This rule isn't enforced for obvious reasons, unlike the ban against tankies.

My biggest issue with Epic is them very clearly doing the classic tactic of selling goods at unsustainably low prices in order to drive out competition before jacking them back up again. Their whole free game shtick can't possibly last forever and they know it.

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ITT: a bunch of lying ideologues that deny basic historical realities like the deliberate engineering of the holodomor or the brutal repression of dissent in soviet states

Happy to be of service. Hopefully once we've posted enough of these tankies will stop going into the comments to spread genocide denial and authoritarian apologia.

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Tankies on their way to explain why teaming up with the Nazis to conquer Poland is actually based and totally in line with Marxist philosophy.

I really hate how ya'll deliberately conflate tankies and all socialism/communism, and then conflate anyone being opposed to those concepts as inherently being a fascist.

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Oh god almighty I knew Spez was bad but this is beyond the fucking pale.

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Concrete views like the idea that the government being able to jail dissenters at will is bad? That unlimited state power inevitably leads to authoritarianism? That labeling yourself socialist doesn't necessarily mean you're actually a socialist state?

That's not what he said and you know it, shut up.

You should hear what they have to say about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Apparently failing to stop the nazis is worse than actively assisting them in conquering and oppressing Poland.

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Oh so 'line go up' is suddenly a valid way of determining a country's quality of life now? Guess America must be a paradise then.

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The fundamental problem of tankies is that they forget the whole point of socialism is making people's lives better, not getting revenge on the hated capitalists. If you create an oppressive hellscape in the process of destroying capitalism then you've failed.

To tankies fascist means opposing whatever flavor of authoritarian "communism" they prefer regardless of the reasons or context. This conveniently allows any number of pogroms, mass slaughters or engineered famines to be reframed as anti-fascist action, rather than a brutal expression of state power at the expense of the working class.

Long overdue but still an important step forward.

There are an infinite variety of flavors of socialism, at some point you gotta learn to find folks you don't disagree with on anything too important. In my experience anarchists are generally chill.

I'll put my name forward as a potential mod but whoever you pick, just please for the love of god make sure they aren't a tankie. You can usually sus them out by asking about the holodomor or the molotov-ribbentrop pact.

No? What the fuck? That's not how morality works. Nothing about the Soviet Union's values or how they made decisions changed, as evidenced by them continuing to engage in oppression and imperialist aggression right up until basically the day they collapsed.

Literally doing the "so much for the tolerant left" shtick.

No one is suggesting that the states the authoritarian communists replaced were good or functional, just that they failed to actually uplift and make people's lives better. There's nothing to admire about one oppressive state being replaced by another.

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You realize that corporations are smoothly pivoting from promoting climate denial to promoting climate despair, right? They want you to think that it's hopeless and that there's no point in trying, but we actually still have a chance to prevent the worst climate change outcomes. Please stop spreading this shit.

If you're in a position where you can freely oppress the capitalist class then you've already supplanted them and become the capitalist class.

Funnily enough they also endorsed Trump before the 2020 election.

Superman's primary villain is literally a white collar criminal that uses the system in order to stymie efforts to hold him accountable. A lot of superhero media could stand to be more critical of the police and prison system but it's a little more complicated to dismantle capitalism than it is to foil violent crime and respond to accidents and disasters.

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I think this is a little too subtle to piss tankies off, you need to explicitly call them out on their favorite losers. The "The material conditions forcing Stalin to execute gay people" meme is a personal favorite of mine.

So called "anarchists" when you touch their pro-state.

What the fuck does that question have to do with anything? The US could have a personal hatred for every individual Uyghur Muslim in the world and China would still be in the midst of trying to genocide them.

This take is absolutely deranged and exactly the sort of thing I like to see here.

I truly can't get enough seinfeldposting.

No it's absolutely that serious, pushing climate despair is the current number one tactic of oil billionaires.

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I believe that's referred to as a "thumb". They're actually quite common.

Not that responding to fascism with incredible violence isn't based, but stuff like love and hope and other lame sentiments like that are actually necessary to defeating it. People fall to fascism when they lose hope for a better future.

Human life has value, even when they're people you don't like.

Diverging points of view? Like what, that Ukraine should just surrender and let itself be conquered?

I didn't know left wing extremists were so cute.

Upvoted because I like owls.

What are your opinions on the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?

Sometimes you got the hunger, you got that rumbly in your tumbly. And you eat a whole lot of lasagna.

James Cameron actually has a lot of experience in submarine exploration, if any celebrity should be weighing in on this it's him.

Aw the angle is so cute with their blush.

It looks like a chocolate bar.