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ISO-8601 dictates 2023-12-31.

I must.

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Nothing ever happens rule

I mean, you can be forced to learn about the bible, even its contents, as part of a literature or history class in school.

But I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that probably wasn’t the purpose of what you were put through.

Also to add to what you said, switch away from (Google) Chrome everyone!!

Imagine this message, but on every website, and it literally cannot be prevented, as the browser itself will sooner than later just straight up tell the sites "yo, your content has been modified, maybe block the user from viewing", snitching on you.

Come to think of it now, I wonder if this will affect poorly implemented sites using that feature to accidentally (or intentionally…) disable dark mode/reader extensions.

And then, due to Chrome's market share, if left unchanged, web developers/companies will at some point just not bother anymore. Imagine "this works best in Google Chrome, download now" you see for some web apps today, but even with the most basic text based site that can't prevent you from using your Adblocker in e.g. Firefox or Safari.

Patiently waiting on Asahi Linux to get more and more features done – the stuff they’ve achieved to reverse-engineer so far already is frankly incredible.

The hardware is quite nice, after all…

Yep. One reason might be that FB just took a biiiig blow on their entire business model from the highest court in the EU (which came in front of court after an action by in turn the biggest sub-market (Germany)'s anti-trust watchdog bureau got active against them):

NYT article


Also a source for the actual claim from above:


Edit; also this: https://lemmy.world/post/1732201

I haven’t followed their activities re/ beginning to also use Ryzen chips (or at all, to be honest) recently, but I am very glad they seem to be doing well & able to produce/ship another compelling product!

Their core ideas have sounded compelling to me from the start.

The difference with wireless listening vs. charging is that the former doesn’t need close to 2x the power of the cable-bound method and doesn’t destroy the phone’s battery in the process, unlike the latter

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WebKit browser, on iOS, with (most) Firefox and Chrome extensions possible.

Y’all are welcome :D (also @AllYourSmurf)

I really miss a somewhat niche forum about a video game I’m playing… but I also don’t find the time to put in the effort of re-creating and moderating it myself here again.

this is pretty disgusting even for Facebook

Not really. I mean, what did you expect from a company that's responsible for manipulation of two major, major elections (one in the US and UK each) as well as a genocide in SEA?

And that's just what's known publicly.

Wonder why email as an identifier wasn’t sufficient…

If you have macOS* (Edit: read on, their search engine is cross-platform, my bad duh), they have a browser built on top of the Safari technology (WebKit), but actually even more performant than it, with the extremely, extremely neat feature that they ported most Firefox and Chromium Extension APIs on top of that WebKit tech, meaning you get basically all of the world’s extensions available to you – even Safari ones!

Other than Orion (name of that browser), Kagi is also offering a paid search engine which I have to admit I still haven’t tried out, whoops… I should really get around to doing that, but the thing is, I use duckduckgo, my current primary search engine, only somewhat rarely…

*Supposedly also coming to other platforms sometime in the future. I’m rooting for them!! And planning to buy the Orion+ upgrade, too. They deserve it… I really hope their financing is somewhat stable and secured.

Quantity over quality for them. Very obviously so.

Sure. Banks should be enforcing that instead of special characters. But the vast majority of people would just choose "football" or "password" as their passwords if they weren't required to do something more complex.

Ironically though, something like


as a password would be miles ahead of even the most random character combination possible, but which is only 12-20 characters long.

And as an added bonus, the above example is practically guaranteed to have never been used before, in addition to being correct horse battery staple (that is, tremendously easy to remember).

I hate when a website/app in this day and age imposes an absurdly low upper password character limit like 30. (cough looking at you, PayPal, when I re-set my password a few years ago it was freaking 20, not exaggerating).

Shouldn't password length below like 100 (or realistically, any length until it starts crashing the js behind it?) not matter anyways, since it's all salted, peppered and hashed before further processing anyways?

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Spotify doesn't allow access to the info for free because it makes it too easy to leave. None of the streaming services do. There are services with access to the info used for switching to other services that you can pay for.

Another EU win. I have literally never seen a paid service for that being advertised. All basic data export should be able to be done for free, and in an interchangeable format between the different services too!

Your understanding is incorrect, I think.

Apple specifically chose to leave it (or some part of the chain, I don’t actually know, not an expert lol) open, otherwise, a project like Asahi Linux would not have had a chance from the getgo.

I might try to read up on it when I find the time whether they still have to rely on something signed by Apple before being able to take over in the boot process.

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1in = 2.54cm

^beep ^boop ^I’m ^not ^a ^bot

While I agree in general, and the overall sentiment/direction here to steer towards (morally) is clear… let’s stick to facts only.

you need Apple's blessing to boot anything on a Mac

Bootloader is unlocked and alternative OS exist. Or what else did you mean by that?

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If we wanted short clips, we’d be on TikTok damnit!

Exactly. YouTube doesn’t want to lose out on that revenue/time spent on other platforms…

They will not, at least not in the EU.

Same. Apollo or bust.

Now happy wefwef.app and Tildes user, though. So not all is bad (=

Link? And where can I upload a PDF* of the site to share with you? tmpfiles.org’s short duration probably won’t cut it…

*Although I’m certain The Saver™️ would only do full webarchive zips, for us casuals, the PDF export shall do (and be easier in day to day use)

Germany, 20s, yes (and up until recently exclusively drove manual transmission cars from like before 2010)

Yes Signal is goog


Yep, that’s a fitting term. You definitely still have to rely on macOS (and keep a copy of it around, e.g. for firmware upgrades, which of course basically only come bundled with macOS versions), but other than that, you can do more or less what you want to – as long as you’re outside of it.

I quite like this idea though if I’m being honest, normie users get all the hardened security from the regular boot chain without experiencing basically any difference/downsides, while hardware enthusiasts and (Linux) tinkerers still have options open (well, options that you can get if you have a new chip on a rarer architecture with previously no third party OS).

That was… a very interesting thought experiment you just sent me on. I’d never considered this, but it immediately sounds plausible upon hearing it. Thanks for mentioning this “off topic” idea :D

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How could you call them Nazi?!?!

They’re only saluting Hitler, the literal figure of the Nazi movement and regime – see, absolutely innocent!

The word Nazi gets used so inflatedly these days. Also, why is everyone calling me Nazi?

Critical thinking has long departed.

Bold of you to assume the types of people actually, seriously in support of Florida GOP can read half a book without falling in a pit of rage and despair

So at least in Europe, where they can unionize and can and do protest for their rights, I don't see them as any worse than many other multinational chains that do the same.

Do you happen to know whether they actually are unionized in EU countries though, or just could? Genuine question, as I couldn’t tell you (as a German citizen)

Aside from that though, even if warehouse and delivery workers’ conditions were absolutely fine, their monopolistic tendencies are still somewhat of an issue. I’ll try not to turn this into a full essay, because this topic can get real philosophical REAL fast (we’re about 3 winded sentences away, I’d guesstimate).

But: AWS aka Amazon’s cloud business prints SO incredibly much money that they can perhaps unfairly undercut a grocery competitor like Kroger’s, Aldi, and whatnot are their names, that they can start to have a really, really good advantage quite quickly (as hinted to by OP’s order above: not plastics, not electronics, not household goods – food). In case any reader isn’t aware, grocery chains’ margins are absurdly, comically low.

The firm policies/microeconomics philosophy comes in here: how much cross-subsidizing should an undertaking actually be allowed to do? In other words, when is a company expanding too much – even though expansion is something that you could argue to be a core, if not the integral part of what defines a business? Europeans will perhaps see this a bit more strictly, whereas Americans might be inclined to answer close to unlimited here, but keep in mind, this can lead to Mega-everything-corp faster than you realize or like.

I didn’t make all of this up on the spot just now, BTW (some first further “readings”). This has been a somewhat well known issue for some years now, and people knew there could be a day coming where we as a (global) society have to ask ourselves: How many areas can a company dominate in before it becomes too dangerous?

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Amazon may be monopolistic, but I have access to more products through from different brand names than I do through the rest of the local multinational chains.

That’s the core issue, I think.

Amazon might be the first major case of monopolistic tendencies where the firm’s behavior hasn’t been obviously disadvantageous (or obvious it will be in the not so distant future) to the consumers from the getgo. So you’d effectively be regulating and banning towards a worse consumer experience, as of now…

I mean, if we're being pedantic, there's a reasonable technical limit once the password reaches multiple MBs of data.

But yes, there's no good reason for the actual limits we're seeing out in the wild.

Yes @evatronic, this is of course what I meant with “except if the js starts crashing maybe”. I’m aware that hashes end up with the same length, no worries 😄

Weren’t they literally sued and almost broken up for doing something like this by antitrust prosecutors like 25 years ago?

Even worse, my default browser was changed to Bing after an update.

Is this not literally quite almost what their first big antitrust case was all about (shipping their OS together with Internet Explorer, back then) that almost got them broken up by the state?

Hey, maybe instead you can have some 3 meter tall “solid state” wind turbines?

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I have Orion (macOS only for the time being) and it’s sooo good.

The amazing part is that it even works as a daily driver if you’re a not-so-techie person/normal user… but then on top there are all these little extra features and optimizations that make it like Safari if Safari was actually good.

I would at this point a) not be able to go back to either Safari or Firefox (edit: nor Ungoogled Chromium) as well as b) immediately trust an Orion user on most of what they have to say about a “tech” related opinion :D

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My mother’s maiden name is pagbdjsGajwHGaj8283Hwnwmfueuhs, why?

Btw, this is unironically how you should treat security-related “questions”. It’s just another password to break. And you wouldn’t use these things as a regular password.

Maybe something like MyMother’sMaidenName?RandomNumber172839it’sNoneOfYourBusiness. Maybe.

Exactly. Also, one might prefer 75, 80% of Chrome’s speed, but also 75% of the battery usage and maybe only 90% for RAM.

I for one would definitely not be against less battery usage on laptop/mobile

I’ve tried using wireless charging in a friend’s car on my iPhone SE a few weeks back.

Result: notification that charging had (!) to be stopped at around 50% due to overheating and was poised to continue once the iPhone had cooled down sufficiently. It never continued as that was all I needed to know about the current state of wireless charging with light usage on the side.

Good point on the wireless listening and ear pieces needing a battery as well, though. I guess with those it comes down to convenience for most buyers.