
6 Post – 286 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Remember, these businesses only dropped him once it wasn't profitable to keep him around. Has nothing to do with his actual speech.

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Good take on how someone unlikable can still be respectable.

It was honestly really crazy to me when I was excited to see a game on sale, only to remember how I used to pirate everything. Steam has made it legitimately easier to buy games in so many cases.

I sometimes still do pirate games, especially if it's from a publisher I don't respect or the cracked version is known to run better, but I buy almost all of my games now days.

I've actually started setting up a home server for pirated movies and shows and getting rid of the couple streaming services I have.

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I guess this is reddit and you don't know how to read past the headlines?

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Is this what the democrats think is important legislation right now?

You can make a firearm in a shitty garage shop way cheaper than the both monetary investment and time investment that comes with using a 3D printer.

People in fuckinh prisons make improvised firearms

This is a waste of time.

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My internet is run by my coop power company, just a reminder that all the major ISPs took billions and promised fiber and then royalty fucked us, so now my internet is run by a rural power company.

Call your power company and find out if they're installing fiber. Support this move as it weakens Comcast and AT&T's death grip.

Net Neutrality has been taken away before and it can be taken away again. Just get with a coop. I've torrented literal terabytes without even an email telling me not to .

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I like to imagine what I could have done if my father owned an emerald mine and I could have afforded multiple prestigious universities

My Dad cooked meth in the early 2000s and I dropped out of community college at 17 because my Mom had brain cancer.

I always just look at people who don't see the benefits of standing on the shoulders of others as entitled and childish.

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were stopped by police Oct. 17 on the highway, after the officers mistook Brandon for a juvenile with two felony warrants, including one for gun possession, according to Sacramento police.

Holy shit he's FUCKING EIGHT YEARS OLD. Did they just see a black kid and lose their fucking minds

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To me, proof that Elon Musk is a doofus and not as smart as he thinks he is, is that he had this public persona of "real life Iron Man" billionaire playboy thing going, and within just a couple years his public image has become "douche bag with too much money". Obviously that one is way closer to reality, which is exactly my point.

Someone with half a brain would have hired a PR team to keep the original image intact for as long as possible, but he's so egotistical and so prideful and so oblivious he thinks he can let his real self on display and that'll just carry him

I think most people are at a point where they only really want to know what he's up to to make fun of him.

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Steams 2 hour window is not a hard line. I've refunded games after spending hours trouble shooting

The two weeks thing I think is the hard limit, but 2 hours most definitely isn't.

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My dad has been saying for decades how ridiculous it is we have neglected this entire hemisphere, causing damage and then complaining when the countries we've directly impacted have people who want a better life.

Imagine the position we'd be in if we moved all of our low cost manufacturing labor to central and South America instead of China. There's no reason we can't be helping our direct neighbors.

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I love it when I talked shit about this browser and get acused of wearing a tin foil hat.

They said they would do that if Unity didn't roll back their per install fee bullshit, which they did. So this comment makes you look fucking stupid.

This is the free market at work, not black mail like he claims.

So changing the user agent to chrome to fool websites that work shittier on non chromium stuff will ruin this metric?

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"He also shared that just the night before the incident, two people had knocked on their door severally and ran away before he opened the door."

This is what had him terrified

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How many of your devices actually support this?

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Perfect time to use the "states rights" catch to make their heads spin

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The death of Quik Pic was when it was sold

I swapped the Simple after that, so this blows fucking ass.

Who the fuck supports Hamas? It's an actual terrorist organization that's oppressing people in Palestine

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I'm gonna gift that man a really strong magnet

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Unironically the best GOP candidate. I say that with a straight face. I mean that wholeheartedly. That's how fucked the whole batch of them are.

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I'm in your walls, I'm in your balls

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I have uninstalled and refunded games with frustrating tutorials

At this point in life, if a game is too complex for me to understand by simply playing the game organically, I'm going to watch a YouTube video. Reading pop up menus is okay unless they physically lock you out of the game.

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Dude so many of you are just fucking incapable of seeing it as a joke, it's supposed to make you chuckle, not go "well actshually". This isn't a legitimate argument, this isn't something scientific article, just fucking chuckle or don't, ffs

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You're correct, it didn't send any data, it sent data.

MANY devices have hardware that's just outright not supported by windows 11. Even CPUs just a few years old aren't supported. I don't own a single device that supports Windows 11, and my stuff isn't exactly ancient. I imagine poorer countries have resold/used hardware in the majority of cases that aren't new enough for it

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Sponsor block for youtube works great, grease monkey for scripts, too

It's all fun and games until you get raided by some very disappointed DEA agents.

As long as people stay on windows for those reasons, it means it's working. Chicken and egg.

Users who made multiple accounts across multiple instances to deal with constant outages are just not using their alts as much. No need to.

The amount of regular posts has gone up, too, so that means the people who are staying are more consistently interacting

God never loved anyone unconditionally. My favorite Bible quote:

Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. ...whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. — Matthew 25:41–43 (NIV)

He very explicitly hates selfish people. VERY specifically these people, spoken by Jesus, this group of people are damned to hell. Gays, never spoken of by Jesus, btw.

It was a jam game made in 3 weeks to see how the team likes Godot.


Weird how at the beginning of last year I had people call me a cultist for saying Godot would replace Unity in 2-5 years as the defacto indie engine.

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Any text editor, but preferably a simple IDE or something like VS Code that's not really an IDE but more than a text editor

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I very much disagree. Games like Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld absolutely benefit from both being left to your own devices AND having a repository of information to resort to.

Games with a steep learning curve shouldn't necessarily lock you into a tutorial, just give me the option and let me fail a few times until I get the hang of things.

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It should be federal law that any police officer who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun should be fired and never again able to be a cop. That's absolutely horseshit that we TRAIN these people and they can't fucking tell the difference.

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Always thought it was super weird that John McCain was too left for some people

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Not at all, it's just making it so the dog has to shit outside in a particular spot you never have to walk through

As someone form Mississippi, fuck him. There are THOUSANDS of LGBT people in Mississippi, THOUSANDS of non conservatives, THOUSANDS of people from Mississippi that are normal, well adjusted, not shitty people.

We don't claim him

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