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Joined 1 years ago

A steamer, Iron and that wrinkle spray stays close. "We", nope.

I had a right leaning family member suggest PragerU content for my kid. I said "the only way this will happen is if Jesus Christ himself comes down from heaven and logs me in". I no longer get suggestions on content, bummer.

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I can believe it. Every commercial break is an ad for sports betting.

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One last middle finger to the country before he rolls out

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I'll never understand how people can be excited for moves like this. Historically this doesn't end well and is bad news.

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In other words "news" outlets are paying him more to be on TV as a mouthpiece. C'mon now buddy, almost everyone knows the hustle now.

Make actual Electric cars, not a 90k electric pickup, or a "Mustang" EV crossover. The truck I get because the F-150 runs auto sales charts but nobody was, is, buying it. A majority of those crowds are not really EV friendly so why they went all in seems silly.

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"Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination"

Will never not be gross to read. I know way too many good people poised by the non stop lies and they'll never be the same after. Yes, I said good people who got caught up during the pandemic and now get news from some dude in his basement. Certain people I can't even have simple conversations with because even the most basic things dip into complete nonsense based on this guy and his circus clowns.

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What snowflakes

"Bianco also challenged the idea of systemic racism or bias in law enforcement"

Yes, because no police department ever has had these kinda problems in the United States.

Piracy creates an endless loop of artists taking advances and eventually losing royalties. That's just what I've seen growing up in the music /film/ TV industry and briefly working in both. Screw labels and Spotify but go support artists and actually buy stuff.

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I'd most certainly get a call from the school.

"It says on this form that you want your child to go by Deez at school, can you explain?

"Yeah Deez nuts, stop wasting time with this nonsense "

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I can't think of a single court case Trump has actually won in court in my life. Even in the USFL case he won , he lost, because the league went under and they won $1. Outside of that it's a lot of just failure and I just don't get what people see I'm this guy.

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"Republicans dickride Trump at his trial"

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I'm glad I was, continue to be and plan on being married to miss this nonsense.

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Awww that's too bad.

As an owner of 2 Vita's that didn't use this feature on PS3, PS4, zero chance I'd buy this to do it on PS5.

I honestly don't think he cares. I think it's more about being on TV, to be on TV more, to then turn the foolishness into paid appearances and hustle a podcast.

I get what you're saying, but anyone still supporting this guy is well beyond just reaching out. Nothing, I really mean nothing, you say will make an impact because of how isolated the source of information they get is. Anyone on the fence has already jumped off.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome dropped just in time for the special moments of holiday conversations. This is that comeback from that uncle in the FJB shirt, hat, shitty bumper sticker, it is coming folks so be ready.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who felt that vibe from it. I could feel the new tech being reviewed hype, but he wasn't totally into it. When he stood on the trunk I could totally see he was giving his all.

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No lie told in this. She is putting in work to hide the fact he probably gave away classified information.

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We would instantly transport back into the 1950's. After "animals" "thugs" gets thrown out his z league faux military supporters would be outraged and a lot of people would get killed.

I put money on Rudy and Jenna to flip first, if they haven't already, on Trump.

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The Lion King crushed my dreams as a child. Game Gear, SNES, didn't matter my little brain was done after the first level.

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Fox News is still dealing with Smartmatic. She's probably exhibit 289 in that lawsuit and the only lucrative thing Fox is giving out is about to be a fat check to Smartmatic.

Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ Hang the DJ, hang the DJ

You have the elitist weekend cyclists on 15-20k bikes and the casual commuter folks all rolled up in one list. Not the same crowd.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it threw me off how short the donation list over $10 is and how many people donate on Patreon (obviously not the only way to donate). Thanks for the donation information!

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I learned a lot about Kangaroos in water today. Seems like this happened because the dog chased the Kangaroo to the point it went in the water to save itself. Kangaroos drown in self defense apparently.

I know a couple people that ride the Trump train pretty hard and 100% yes. It blows my mind that people actually believe this as unbiased news and any conversation leads to just repeating the same thing.

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Did you know Donald Trump pardoned the dude who ran the company of the biggest immigration bust in U.S history (for the time)? I'm mentioning it because if you like overnight delivery, fruit, meat, clean hotel rooms, the list goes on, I have some bad news for you. This eliminates an entire pool of people from another level of exploitation and abuse in the U.S. To put it bluntly , this is a good thing.

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I'm going to start using "they never leave their echo chamber " when people criticize rap music, video games, movies, books, gender, history, teachers, science, medicine, electric vehicles, immigration, grifting, etc.

Hmmm I'm noticing a trend of this constantly being a thing now. It's almost like teachers don't make enough and need to have another....We need to pay teachers more.

Nah, I'm good on that.

No lie told because that is ridiculous

You mean actual community policing?

My point is the people screaming the loudest about illegal immigration directly profit from it and gas people against it. They literally roll in the money and donate it to the same folks on nightly news talking about the border crisis. If there already in the U.S working to generate wealth for other people, like the rest of us, why can't they be made citizens to have the same rights as the rest of us?

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I was going to read all of this until I got to "provide some option to pay more and not have ads" . Zero chance this would ever end in a consumer friendly way after that first payment.

My brain isn't advanced enough to make this make any kinda sense at all.