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So this might be the beginning of a conversation about how initial AI instructions need to start being legally visible right? Like using this as a prime example of how AI can be coerced into certain beliefs without the person prompting it even knowing

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Simplifying the most recent scroll bar feels like a huge step backwards to me. It really is the epitome of modern tech needlessly boiling down to its basic visual aspects to emulate a "clean" environment for the users.

Give me back my scroll bar texture damnit

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It appears that the principal is backpedaling really hard. Even so, the kid still lost out on the scholarship because she missed the deadline to apply through the school.

The mother said in response to the principal's apology,

“It’s too little, too late. I even told him on the phone conversation when he made it to us at noon today asking us to come into the office and he mentioned reinstating the scholarship, I let him know that the scholarship deadline was done, and the damage that he’s done to her is done. I also told him I gave them the opportunity when I came in there at 7 o’ clock the next morning, to try and rectify the situation at that point. Now, with somebody holding his hand forcing him to do something, an apology being enforced it’s too late,” said Rachel Timonet

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Asserting this is obtusely ignoring the context that conservative voters have no qualms about voting for someone grossly immoral.

There aren't conservatives out there saying "Yeah well I was gonna vote for Trump but he supports genociding Palestinians".

The fact that conservatives don't have this problem and everyone else does means that, yes, you are enabling Trump by not voting Biden. The "logic" necessarily does not work the other way around, even if you say it like some sort of clever gotcha with a complex emoji.

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If only they actually would die on that hill. They won't, because they've conditioned their base to support them no matter what. Instead, they'll rot the hill and move on to the next once the one they're on can't be salvaged.

I live in Louisiana. Fenton is what's known here as a speed trap town.

Except for the i-10, every major highway in LA has these. The trick is that the average speed limit on these highways is around 60 or 70, and then it drops to 30 or 40 for a mile stretch where cops are waiting for you just after the sign.

If you missed the sign or haven't slowed down sufficiently by the time you reach it, they pull you over and write you a ticket for ~$600. I got one of these in 2018 for the latter reason.

You can follow the speed limit to the letter and miss one sign on accident. It actually is a trap. As the article says, It's a main source of income for the small towns along the highways of LA. It's corrupt as shit but we allow it so what can you do?

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People on reddit genuinely don't know because the L word gets the ban hammer there

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LEAs have been shown to actively track women who use search engines or messaging services to seek information about abortion services. There's a non-zero chance that women who they suspect, and their friends and family, are tagged in their system when they search the plates of someone passing by.

It's not about lying to cops, particularly if they can already prove you were seeking those services in the first place. At that point they'll arrest you with probable cause.

They already use that kind of system with drug dealers. If they suspect you sell drugs, they will tag your name and plate and find a reason to pull you over if they spot you. Why would they hesitate to track women like that?

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I always assumed it was blood pressure problems. You can't be a republican politician without being outwardly irrationally angry all the time.

When you get paid in 6-7 digits annually, ideas start to form that the peasants aren't paying you enough of their 2 digits.

He's out of touch and thinking about profit, like the blizz ceo pushing games-as-a-service

The other guy linked the answer, but I'm going to explain it anyway:

In the US, companies have the freedom to bribe lobby our congress members by giving them money that's totally unrelated to their vote you guys. The reasoning behind that being ok is that the congress official in question is still technically free to vote however they choose despite the money given to them. The reason lobbying works is the threat that the congress person might not get that money next time if they vote against that company's interests.

Just so you all know, because our congress members make a government salary of about 150k-250k/year, it's surprisingly cheap (from a rich company perspective) to lobby them, with lots of payments being in the low thousands. So for obscenely wealthy companies (like intuit), it's much cheaper to pay just enough guys off to kill a movement than for them to suffer the actual consequences of that movement.

In this case, intuit's entire business model depends on American taxes seeming like this mysterious and unapproachable thing that Americans have to pay a third party for in order to not get thrown in jail by the IRS. And given that intuit (and companies like H&R block) rake in billions each year, it's comparatively pennies to pay off congress officials to keep it that way.

-> 'Merica

Here's the thing: Lots of Republican leaning business owners see it as their right to retaliate against their workers without the gov intervening. So to them, the only thing they see wrong with this is the "child" part, because retaliation against children makes them look bad.

Hence the "they aren't children" rhetoric.

By the way, this part of the bill was explicitly included by a congressman who owns some franchises and says his underage workers "don't even want lunch breaks".

So this is one dude trying to squeeze 20 extra hours of labor from literal children who's dictating this for the entire state.

Here I am, sitting in Louisiana where my newly gerrymandered district (4) simultaneously covers a third of the state, surrounds an entire other district, and cuts a relatively blue city clean in half (Lake charles at the bottom).

All so the state can comply with the court order to add another black district while keeping the republican stranglehold.

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Politics is fundamentally different for conservatives. They have to have someone to hate. It's drilled into them by their media outlets.

The tactic is a form of fear based control that conservative media has been working on since Nixon, and made into effect with the birth of Fox News in 1996.

Seriously. Nixon's think tank conceived the conservative media outlet as a catch-all, exclusive source of news that as a primary function would steer conservatives to not trust other news sources.

They did this because they did not want another Watergate, where conservatives turned against Nixon because of hard evidence laid out by popular unbiased news, which at the time conservatives still were informed by.

The Frankenstein's monster of a party that that tactic has turned conservatives into requires manufactured rage to fuel the fire. If the outrage ever simmers, you begin to see smarter conservatives recognizing what their party has become and it begins to fall apart.

So there's your answer. It's because the hate is necessary to continue the control. If you don't believe me, turn on Fox news. There's always the manufactured rage-of-the-day filling the air time.

Well we know mayor Lewis is a slut

Well yeah. The republicans who do the admirable stuff get ostracized by their colleagues and their base. Look at McCain (what they did to his legacy) or his daughter. Look at Mitt Romney. Old guard actual republicans with a shred of integrity are bullied for not chasing the outrage of the week.

Hell, even house speaker Mike Johnson, by all accounts a deep red Bible thumping Maga republican asshole, is facing resignation calls for just compromising on a bill that might avert a government shutdown. Literally doing his job.

It's not confirmation bias. Republican congressman don't have the room to understand what they're voting on.

Because without the illusion of decorum putting a degree of separation between the common man and the senator, people might start to realize that the ones fucking them over are just as regular as the rest of us and maybe start to think about doing something about it.

I'd get a team of the best lawyers I could find to sit down with the genie and me to hash out a lengthy contract devoiding any intentional curse and put in a hefty monetary incentive for the lawyers to get it right, as well as punishment clauses for breaking it, then wish that the genie had to unwaveringly abide by that contract. That way, if he makes me suffer he has to suffer too or redo my request to my satisfaction.

Then I'd probably write in a steady, better than average and reasonably liveable income without having to work for it for the rest of my natural life.

Pretty sure I saw this concept in an early episode of fairly odd parents.

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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions

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Republicans have shown time and again that they don't care about democracy.

Because they have to. It's decades of conservative media concealing reality finally coming to fruition.

Conservatives genuinely believe democrats are ushering in fascism, because their politicians tell them so constantly. Trump may not be pretty or even coherent, but he offers a perceived anti-establishment position in a country where corruption has clearly (to them) infected every crevice.

They see Trump as their savior. They couldn't be further from the truth. But their media has done untold damage to them and managed to convince them over the span of about 50 years that the US is constantly on the brink of destruction.

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Basically it's the mindset of the Chalmers meme that makes an incel.

Am I doing something that actively repulses women?

No, it's the women who are wrong

As long as you don't subscribe to this line of reasoning, you aren't an incel

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That's the point of what this guy is saying.

But the point of making batteries not easily removable (besides the waterproofing factor) is that when a repair shop charges them $150 to do it, lots of people will justify putting that money towards a new phone instead.

As someone who works on phones as a hobby, I've seen that the percentage of people who will either hire someone to do it or buy a different phone is near 100. It's absolutely an intentional planned obsolescence.

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Does Dr Doom count for this? He believes he's seen humanity perish in every reality except the one where he becomes the absolute ruler.

No you see, that instruction "you are unbiased and impartial" is to relay to the prompter if it ever becomes relevant.

Basically instructing the AI to lie about its biases, not actually instructing it to be unbiased and impartial

Not everyone has the luxury of uprooting their lives when a fascist comes.

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I'd be more inclined to see your point, except that the manager in question said "each job requires 2 weeks notice" like he was indignant that he didn't get something he deserved.

That's not only not true at all, it's active manipulation on their part in a hail Mary attempt to have their work covered for enough time to look for another employee.

It may be unprofessional to quit without notice, but it's really unprofessional to present the act of quitting as requiring 2 weeks' notice, particularly in a place that might also allow the employer to fire someone for any reason at any time with no notice.

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Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

-Francis Wilhoit

They are exercising the out group to appease their base, nothing more. When they can't target trans people anymore, they will move on to someone else.

I'm from Louisiana. This person is referring to the abysmal voter turnout. They said 20% of the population, not 20% of the voters.

Given that only about 36% of the eligible voting population even turned out to vote, this is accurate.

With that turnout it literally only takes 20% of the population to enable shit like this.

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He's going to try to stiff the court. I'd bet money on it. He's going to hide behind his lawyers and try to claim the law doesn't apply the same way to an ex president. Just to delay long enough for the election.

The real test of our democracy will be whether or not they just arrest him when he tries that.

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I'll never understand why some people look at the fact that steam is popular because of their policies, and can't help but make a comment like this equating that popularity to cock worship.

Like, we get it bro. You're thinking about cocks and you're mad about a half decent game store. What compelled you to combine those thoughts on a public forum?

The weird thing is that this isn't even the first comment I've seen like this. Dudes that are mad about steam want everyone else to know about steam's massive, throbbing cock for some reason. This guy alone has posted 3 of these.

How long until Google starts paying sites to require chrome? The already tried rolling that concept out a few months ago. They only stopped because of the backlash that was publicly associated with it. They already pay major phone manufacturers to have google as their default or only search option.

So who's going to stop them when we start finding that major popular sites suddenly don't work on firefox?

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Our conservatives aren't like conservatives elsewhere in the world. Our liberals are like your conservatives, policy wise.

Our conservatives are brainwashed by four decades of targeted conservative media that's explicitly designed to keep them in an anger loop in order to create a political climate where republicans (who are the actual politicians) don't have to appeal to the conservative base with actual policy.

Republicans, through channels like Fox News and OANN (seriously, go watch some of it and see what we're dealing with here) have demonized everyone to the left of them so hard that entire generations of conservatives genuinely believe that there's a bloody revolution coming.

It would be nice if it were actually bullshit, but these lunatics who make up half of our voting population put a con-man entertainer with zero political experience in the whitehouse for four years and installed conservative justices to our highest court who are systematically dismantling our democracy.

It's very real. It's so real that some of the less insane conservatives are waking up to how dangerous the details of this plan actually are, and that's why Republicans are panicking about this.

This is a symptom of a larger problem, which is that the bar for journalism for conservatives is literally just the big red R next to their names. Anyone who labels themselves republican can suddenly tell no lies and do no harm. That's exactly what right wing media wants, but it has destroyed the very integrity journalism has been built on for 100+ years, and the kicker is that conservatives in this country don't even have a clue about it.

His perspective is like a kid kicking a sandcastle that he gave another kid $10 to buy because he thought it was neat.

What does he care if Twitter doesn't make money? He is personally set for life, and the world would basically have to end for that to change.

Why does someone worth 11 digits of greenback currency have to understand what brand safe content is? He could shoot a man in the middle of the street and toss his equivalent of pennies to the witnesses and never see consequences.

All of this criticism he's seeing on public airwaves, and his reaction, is revealing him for what he actually is: The single most richly spoiled baby in all of human history.

I love how you follow up the "I didn't insult anyone" defense immediately with an insult. Can't help yourself?

Politicians often reflect the wishes of the people who vote them in. I don't think it's a coincidence that "only the threat of hell keeps people from doing bad things" Christians tend to vote republican.

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I really think it deserves its own genre. Games like Cobalt Core, Balatro, Tower Tactics Liberation, Alina of the Arena and Loop Hero are all unique in their own right and differ greatly in gameplay from Slay the Spire and each other but still hold to the deck building rogue-like core.

Slay the spire is the granddaddy of the genre, but isn't the single defining example by far.

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Heads up, this guy is a troll picking fights for no reason. Don't try to engage him, he only replies with deflection and insults. Check out his profile

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Haven't these people read 1984? They don't just kill you. They torture you until you say what they want to hear, and they keep you under close watch until the public forgets where you are. Then they kill you.